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 Transmissions Officielles de MARS

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Aria from Mars
miss Hyde
Clo' & Cie
the kill
83 participants
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Messages : 3543
Date d'inscription : 24/05/2010
Age : 34
Localisation : Hobbitbourg avec la fellowship of the Rhum

Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Transmissions Officielles de MARS   Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 4 EmptyMer 29 Sep 2010 - 23:05

Bon la transmission a fait bugger mon ordi donc je vous laisse la remettre car elle n'apparait pas bien
Revenir en haut Aller en bas
Modo Reine Du Tuto flapy, boss des liens & du GPS Phoenixien mais Boulet de la corbeille

Féminin Messages : 9687
Date d'inscription : 23/05/2010
Age : 36
Localisation : BZH
Humeur : Je suis un ... cocktaiiiiil !

Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Transmissions Officielles de MARS   Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 4 EmptyMer 29 Sep 2010 - 23:13

On va y arriver Rire2

Transmission: The Official Thirty Seconds to Mars Newsletter

MTV talks to MARS about HURRICANEMTV Hurricane

MARS reveals deeper and darker details about the concept of the upcoming "Hurricane" video and what fans can expect from this project. Read all about it on MTV.

Casting Call for "Hurricane" Music VideoHurricane Casting Call

Want to be in a music video for Thirty Seconds to Mars?! Here's your chance! MARS is holding an open casting call for non-paid extras for the "Hurricane" music video.

Must be over 18 years of age, in the New York City area, and available to work night hours on a weekday. Send a photo, full name, and contact info to

MTV's Epicenter Concert Review


MTV recaps the Epicenter Twenty-Ten Festival this past weekend. Read what they had to say about MARS' performance HERE.

KROQ Epicenter Twenty-Ten: Thirty Seconds To Mars

KROQ Epicenter

KROQ highlights all the moments of MARS' performance at the radio station's Epicenter Twenty-Ten Festival in Fontana, including live photos. Check out what you missed at KROQ.

Vote MARS for the EMAs


Continue voting MARS for the European Music Awards—BEST ROCK & BEST VIDEO for “Kings and Queens”, as well as BEST WORLD STAGE PERFORMANCE. You can now vote thru November 4, up to 100 times a day. Remember: YOU determine the winners! VOTE NOW.

Spread word of the nominations with VOTE MARS FOR EMAs avatars HERE.



Sept. 29, 2010 – Kingsville, TX

Texas A&M (Kingsville Campus)

(Buy Tickets) (VIP Ticket Packages)

Sept. 30, 2010 – Oklahoma City, OK

Diamond Ballroom

(Buy Tickets) (VIP Ticket Packages) [Flyers PDF]

Be sure to visit the Official Tour Page for all currently available ticket information regarding recently announced dates, printable promotional flyers, and don't forget to check out I Love All Access for information on any available packages.

Use Twitter? Be sure to keep updated with the latest ticket releases and relating announcements by following @30SECONDSTOMARS, @iloveallaccess for VIP Ticket Packages and @MarsGoldenTix for overseas VIP Ticket Packages.

Use Facebook? Remember to "RSVP" for each event you plan on attending on the official Thirty Seconds To Mars Facebook Events Page by clicking here.


Triad Global Assault

Inspired by many of your Triad Global Assault submissions, the CANDLELIGHT TRIAD MISSION has ignited! Ukrainian Echelon created this beautifully illuminated triad:

candlelight - Ukraine

Create the Triad symbol using candlelight or any form of light in high-profile locations in your area! The bigger, the better. Get creative!

Submit your candlelight triad photos to the Triad Global Assault page, tagging photos as ‘candlelight’.

Remember: ALWAYS abide by local laws and Candles Safety Rules.

Avatar Art of the Week

Each week we'll showcase some of the best MARS-themed avatars on twitter, facebook, and other social networks. Check out this twitter avatar from @Echelon_SA that cleverly promotes the upcoming MARS show in their country of South Africa.


Design your own avatars to promote voting, upcoming shows, or anything MARS related. You can also use or edit the avatars designed by @thisisthehive.


12 Steps to Mars

Help us spread the word about Thirty Seconds To Mars and the new album, This Is War. Below are the 12 Steps to Mars which you can use on a daily basis to help. Click Here to Read NOW!

Here are some tools you can print out on your own!

Flyers •  Mars StencilFull Size Poster

Live in or near a MARS tour stop? Promo weeks before the show date in that area! If you have pictures or video from your own street team missions, please send links to

MARS on Facebook

Thirty Seconds To Mars on Facebook

Jared LetoShannon LetoTomo Milicevic

Weekly Picks From the Band

Book of the Week

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas: A Savage Journey to the Heart of the American Dream is a novel by Hunter S. Thompson, illustrated by Ralph Steadman. The book is a roman à clef, rooted in autobiographical incidents. The story follows its protagonist, Raoul Duke, and his attorney, Dr. Gonzo, as they descend on Las Vegas to chase the American Dream through a drug-induced haze. The novel first appeared as a two-part series in Rolling Stone magazine in 1971, was printed as a book in 1972, and was later adapted into a film of the same name in 1998 starring Johnny Depp and Benicio del Toro.

Movie of the Week

The Graduate

The Graduate is a 1967 American comedy-drama film directed by Mike Nichols. It is based on the 1963 novel The Graduate by Charles Webb, who wrote it shortly after graduating from Williams College. The film tells the story of Benjamin Braddock (played by Dustin Hoffman), a recent university graduate with no well-defined aim in life, who is seduced by an older woman, Mrs. Robinson (Anne Bancroft), and then proceeds to fall in love with her daughter Elaine (Katharine Ross).

Album of the Week

Arcade Fire- The Suburbs

The Suburbs is the third studio album by Canadian indie rock band Arcade Fire. It was released on August 2, 2010 in the United Kingdom and August 3, 2010 in North America. The album's lyrical content is inspired by band members Win and William Butler's upbringing in the suburbs of Houston. According to Win Butler, the album "is neither a love letter to, nor an indictment of, the suburbs - it's a letter from the suburbs."

Website of the Week

Starlight Foundation

The Starlight Children's Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to improving the quality of life for children with chronic and life-threatening medical conditions. The foundation's "high-tech" and "high-touch" programs are designed to distract children from their pain, help them better understand and manage their illnesses, and connect families with others facing similar challenges to create a community so that no one feels alone. The foundation does this by providing education, entertainment, and family events that help sick children cope with the pain, fear and isolation of prolonged illness.


Purchase This Is War

Want to see past Transmissions? A list of all previous Transmissions can be found in the Transmission Archive!


Join us online!

Twitter - @30SecondstoMars





A Beautiful Lie

30 Seconds to Mars



Weds 09/29/2010

Kingsville, TX

Texas A&M (Kingsville Campus)

Thurs 09/30/2010

Oklahoma City, OK

Diamond Ballroom

Sat 10/02/2010

Clive, IA

7 Flags Event Center

Sun 10/03/2010

Indianapolis, IN


Mon 10/04/2010

Murray, IN

Murray State University

Wed 10/06/2010

Cleveland, OH

House of Blues

Thurs 10/07/2010

Columbus, OH

LC Pavillion

Fri 10/08/2010

Kent, OH

Kent State

Sat 10/09/2010

Cincinnati, OH


Sat 10/11/2010

Louisville, KY

Expo Five

Sun 10/12/2010

Nashville, TN


Mon 10/13/2010

Charlotte, NC


Wed 10/15/2010

Tampa, FL

University of Florida

Free show

Thurs 10/16/2010

Pensacola, FL

Deluna Festival

Mon 10/19/2010

Lincoln Engine Shed, UK

BBC Radio 1's Student Tour

Fri 11/19/2010

Johannesburg, South Africa

Coca-Cola Dome

Sun 11/21/2010

Cape Town, South Africa

Grand West Casino

Thurs 11/25/2010

Brighton, UK

Brighton Centre

Fri 11/26/2010

Cardiff, UK

Cardiff International Arena

Sat 11/27/2010

Newcastle, UK

Newcastle Metro Radio Arena

Sun 11/28/2010

Brighton, UK

Brighton Centre

Tues 11/30/2010

London, UK



Ils recrutent pour Hurricane Caché !
Revenir en haut Aller en bas


Féminin Messages : 1065
Date d'inscription : 23/05/2010
Age : 38
Localisation : chez michey
Humeur : hmmm...

Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Transmissions Officielles de MARS   Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 4 EmptyMer 29 Sep 2010 - 23:18

c'est un clip sexuel, boudin s'abstenir ça passe mal sur MTV So I run
Revenir en haut Aller en bas


Féminin Messages : 1027
Date d'inscription : 23/05/2010
Age : 34
Localisation : Viva Haute Savoiiiie !
Humeur : Chiante !

Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Transmissions Officielles de MARS   Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 4 EmptyMer 29 Sep 2010 - 23:49

Elle est jolie la triad en bougies des Ukrainiens ... Ca me met la pression pour Lyon tout ca !
Revenir en haut Aller en bas


Féminin Messages : 1519
Date d'inscription : 23/05/2010
Age : 34

Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Transmissions Officielles de MARS   Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 4 EmptyJeu 30 Sep 2010 - 11:57

Ophelie_ a écrit:
Elle est jolie la triad en bougies des Ukrainiens ... Ca me met la pression pour Lyon tout ca !
on va avoir du boulot ma petite Rire1
Revenir en haut Aller en bas


Féminin Messages : 1308
Date d'inscription : 27/05/2010
Age : 34

Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Transmissions Officielles de MARS   Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 4 EmptyJeu 30 Sep 2010 - 14:14

fannyschneider a écrit:
c'est un clip sexuel, boudin s'abstenir ça passe mal sur MTV So I run

+ 1 Rire1

En tout cas moi aussi je les trouve de plus en plus "vides" ces transmissions ... Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 4 431457
Revenir en haut Aller en bas

Féminin Messages : 13136
Date d'inscription : 22/05/2010
Age : 34
Localisation : Allemagne

Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Transmissions Officielles de MARS   Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 4 EmptyMer 6 Oct 2010 - 19:45

Citation :
Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 4 Bannerfinal1

Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 4 Terry.1
Click here for more pictures of Jared by Terry Richardson

This Week - 10/06/2010
Follow Thirty Seconds To Mars
All Month Long With VH1’s Posted
Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 4 Vid.2

VH1 is taking a closer look into the world of MARS, with exclusive videos and content for the entire month of October. Check it out on Oklahoma Daily: Q&A with Shannon Leto [center] Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 4 Ou

Oklahoma Daily chats with Shannon about the album, touring, and what it meant for the band to win an MTV Video Music Award. Read Shannon's answers HERE.
[center] Vote MARS for the EMAs
Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 4 Ema

Less than 30 DAYS LEFT to continue voting MARS for the European Music Awards—BEST ROCK & BEST VIDEO for “Kings and Queens”, as well as BEST WORLD STAGE PERFORMANCE. Polls close on November 4, but you can vote up to 100 times a day. Remember: YOU determine the winners! VOTE NOW.

Spread word of the nominations with VOTE MARS FOR EMAs avatars HERE. Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 4 Mic
RESCHEDULED SHOWS Oct. 22, 2010 – Cleveland, OH -House of Blues (Buy Tickets) Oct. 23, 2010 – Cincinnati, OH - Bogart’s (Buy Tickets) Oct. 24, 2010 – Pittsburgh, PA - Club Zoo (Buy Tickets) Oct. 26, 2010 – Minneapolis, MN - First Avenue (Buy Tickets) Oct. 27, 2010 – Indianapolis, IN -Egyptian (Buy Tickets) Oct. 28, 2010 – Louisville, KY - Expo Five (Buy Tickets) Oct. 29, 2010 – Champaign, IL - University of Illinois Oct 31, 2010 -Nashville, TN - Rocketown (Buy Tickets) Nov. 1, 2010 – Charlotte, NC - Fillmore (Buy Tickets) Nov. 2, 2010 – Columbus, OH - LC Pavillion (Buy Tickets) Nov. 3, 2010 – Niagara Falls, NY - Rapids Theater (Buy Tickets) Nov. 5, 2010 – Clifton Park, NY- Northern Lights (Buy Tickets)
Be sure to visit the Official Tour Page for all currently available ticket information regarding recently announced dates, printable promotional flyers, and don't forget to check out I Love All Access for information on any available packages.

Use Twitter? Be sure to keep updated with the latest ticket releases and relating announcements by following @30SECONDSTOMARS, @iloveallaccess for VIP Ticket Packages and @MarsGoldenTix for overseas VIP Ticket Packages.

Use Facebook? Remember to "RSVP" for each event you plan on attending on the official Thirty Seconds To Mars Facebook Events Page by clicking here.
Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 4 Triadglobalassault
Inspired by many of your Triad Global Assault submissions, the CANDLELIGHT TRIAD MISSION has ignited! Appropriate for the start of October, these echelon carved the triad on pumpkins:
Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 4 Pumpkins
Create the Triad symbol using candlelight or any form of light in high-profile locations in your area! The bigger, the better. Get creative!
Submit your candlelight triad photos to the Triad Global Assault page, tagging photos as ‘candlelight’. Remember: ALWAYS abide by local laws and Candles Safety Rules.
Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 4 Aotw
Each week we'll showcase some of the best MARS-themed avatars on twitter, facebook, and other social networks. Check out this beautiful twitter avatar from @hxcfairy promoting MTV EMA votes, using video images from "Kings and Queens."
Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 4 Avat.1
Design your own avatars to promote voting, upcoming shows, or anything MARS related. You can also use or edit the avatars designed by @thisisthehive.

Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 4 12steps
Help us spread the word about Thirty Seconds To Mars and the new album, This Is War. Below are the 12 Steps to Mars which you can use on a daily basis to help. Click Here to Read NOW!

Here are some tools you can print out on your own!
Flyers • Mars Stencil • Full Size Poster

Live in or near a MARS tour stop? Promo weeks before the show date in that area! If you have pictures or video from your own street team missions, please send links to
[center] [center] [center] [center] [center] [center] [center] [center] [center] [center] [center] [center] [center] [center] [center] [center] [center] [center] [center] Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 4 Twitter
Follow @30SECONDSTOMARS on Twitter
@jaredleto • @ShannonLeto • @tomofromearth
Weekly Picks From the Band

Book of the Week
Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 4 Kite The Kite Runner is a novel by Khaled Hosseini. Published in 2003 by Riverhead Books, it is Hosseini's first novel, and was adapted into a film of the same name in 2007. The Kite Runner tells the story of Amir, a young boy from the Wazir Akbar Khan district of Kabul, who befriends Hassan, the son of his father's Hazara servant. The story is set against a backdrop of tumultuous events, from the fall of Afghanistan's monarchy through the Soviet invasion, the mass exodus of refugees to Pakistan and the United States, and the rise of the Taliban regime.
Movie of the Week
Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 4 Cinema Nuovo Cinema Paradiso (translates as New Paradise Cinema) is a 1988 Italian film written and directed by Giuseppe Tornatore. Seen as an example of "nostalgic postmodernism" the film intertwines sentimentality with comedy, and nostalgia with pragmaticism. It explores issues of youth, coming of age, and reflections (in adulthood) about the past. Cinema Paradiso is also a celebration of films; as a projectionist, young Salvatore (a.k.a Totò) develops the passion for films that shapes his life path in adulthood.
Album of the Week
Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 4 Socialn
The Social Network is a dark ambient soundtrack by Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross for David Fincher's film of the same name. It was released on September 28, 2010. On September 17, a five-track sampler was also made available for free. The soundtrack bears a similar sound to the previous Reznor/Ross collaboration, Ghosts I-IV, and even features two reworked tracks from Ghosts.
Website of the Week
Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 4 Picture_6.1 All About Bread is a sandwich shop on Melrose Ave. in Los Angeles. From the baking of the bread to the specially trained artista sandwich chefs, the production of the sandwich encompasses the fine positioning of all the ingredients that All about the bread has to offer.

ZOMG, ils ont recommandé la BO de The social network by Treeeeeeeeent ! Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 4 34139

(il me faut pas grand chose, je sais !)
Revenir en haut Aller en bas
Dame du Lac et accessoirement Uppity Modo

Féminin Messages : 11153
Date d'inscription : 21/05/2010
Age : 37
Localisation : A la frontière entre la Tomoslavie, Gublerland, Asgard et Pandora, à bord d'une Impala, tractant Slice of Life, en route vers Hogwarts où le Tardis m'attend pour m'amener à Mystic Falls.

Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Transmissions Officielles de MARS   Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 4 EmptyMer 6 Oct 2010 - 20:09

C'est marrant, moi c'était plus : Cinema Paradiso !!!! Court

Comme quoi.. Rire2
Revenir en haut Aller en bas


Messages : 3543
Date d'inscription : 24/05/2010
Age : 34
Localisation : Hobbitbourg avec la fellowship of the Rhum

Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Transmissions Officielles de MARS   Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 4 EmptyJeu 14 Oct 2010 - 7:18

Transmission: The Official Thirty Seconds to Mars Newsletter

Hurricane shoot

This Week - 10/13/2010

MTV: Thirty Seconds To Mars Get Shirtless

On The Set Of 'Hurricane'

MTV Hurricane Terry

MTV updates what they've seen on the set of "Hurricane" through the exclusive black and white photos from set, taken by famed photographer Terry Richardson. Get a glimpse of the photos HERE.

VH1: Posted - Shannon Leto

On The Set of 'Hurricane' Video
VH1 Posted Shannon

VH1 Posted has exclusive content from Thirty Seconds To Mars all month long. Click the video image above to hear Shannon detail the latest on all things MARS, or head to

 VH1 Posted: Thirty Seconds To Mars Guitarist

Is In An Empire State Of Mind

NYC Tomo

In-between shoots for the "Hurricane" music video, Tomo shared what he loves most about being on the New York streets. Read his thoughts HERE.

30 Seconds with Thirty Seconds to Mars Promo 5

30 seconds 5

Spend 30 seconds with Thirty Seconds to Mars with their latest video promo for the Into The Wild Tour. This video appropriately showcases the band in New York City. Click the still above to view the video, or watch it on YouTube.

Vote MARS for the EMAs


Only 26 VOTING DAYS LEFT for the European Music Awards— Vote MARS for BEST ROCK & BEST VIDEO for “Kings and Queens”, as well as BEST WORLD STAGE PERFORMANCE. Polls close on November 4, but you can vote up to 100 times a day. Remember: YOU determine the winners! VOTE NOW.

Spread word of the nominations with VOTE MARS FOR EMAs avatars HERE.



Oct. 15, 2010 – Tampa, FL

University of South Florida – FREE SHOW

Oct. 16, 2010 – Pensacola, FL

Deluna Festival - (Buy Tickets)

Be sure to visit the Official Tour Page for all currently available ticket information regarding recently announced dates, printable promotional flyers, and don't forget to check out I Love All Access for information on any available packages.

Use Twitter? Be sure to keep updated with the latest ticket releases and relating announcements by following @30SECONDSTOMARS, @iloveallaccess for VIP Ticket Packages and @MarsGoldenTix for overseas VIP Ticket Packages.

Use Facebook? Remember to "RSVP" for each event you plan on attending on the official Thirty Seconds To Mars Facebook Events Page by clicking here.


Triad Global Assault

Inspired by many of your Triad Global Assault submissions, the CANDLELIGHT TRIAD MISSION has ignited! The Echelon of Lithuania illuminated their Triad wth tiny candles:

candlelight - Lithuania

Create the Triad symbol using candlelight or any form of light in high-profile locations in your area! The bigger, the better. Get creative!

Submit your candlelight triad photos to the Triad Global Assault page, tagging photos as ‘candlelight’.

Remember: ALWAYS abide by local laws and Candles Safety Rules.

Avatar Art of the Week

Each week we'll showcase some of the best MARS-themed avatars on twitter, facebook, and other social networks. This avatar from @fr4inteso promotes MARS for the EMAs and also pushes the Triad image as well!


Design your own avatars to promote voting, upcoming shows, or anything MARS related. You can also use or edit the avatars designed by @thisisthehive.


12 Steps to Mars

Help us spread the word about Thirty Seconds To Mars and the new album, This Is War. Below are the 12 Steps to Mars which you can use on a daily basis to help. Click Here to Read NOW!

Here are some tools you can print out on your own!

Flyers •  Mars StencilFull Size Poster

Live in or near a MARS tour stop? Promo weeks before the show date in that area! If you have pictures or video from your own street team missions, please send links to

Weekly Picks From the Band

Book of the Week

The Book Thief

The Book Thief is a novel by Australian author Markus Zusak. Set in Nazi Germany, it describes a young girl's relationship with her foster parents, the other residents of their neighborhood, and a Jewish fist-fighter who hides in her home during the escalation of World War II. Published in 2005, it has won numerous awards and has been listed on the New York Times Children's Bestseller List for over one hundred weeks.

Movie of the Week

Grizzly Man

Grizzly Man is a 2005 American documentary film by German director Werner Herzog. It chronicles the life and death of bear enthusiast Timothy Treadwell. The film consists of Treadwell's own footage of his interactions with grizzly bears before he and his girlfriend were killed and eaten by a bear in 2003, and of interviews with people who knew or were involved with Treadwell.

Album of the Week

Kanye West- Runaway

"Runaway" is the second single from American rapper Kanye West off of his fifth studio album My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy. The song features rapper Pusha T. West debuted the song at the 2010 MTV Video Music Awards on September 12, 2010 during a live performance.

Website of the Week


While respecting permanent and temporary housing for the homeless in group settings which use buildings to provide shelter, EDAR addresses the unrepresented hundreds of thousands of homeless people amongst us for whom no beds are available or who are unable or unwilling to participate in those solutions.


Purchase This Is War

Want to see past Transmissions? A list of all previous Transmissions can be found in the Transmission Archive!


Join us online!

Twitter - @30SecondstoMars





A Beautiful Lie

30 Seconds to Mars



Wed 10/15/2010

Tampa, FL

University of Florida

Free show

Thurs 10/16/2010

Pensacola, FL

Deluna Festival

Mon 10/19/2010

Lincoln Engine Shed, UK

BBC Radio 1's Student Tour

Fri 10/22/2010

Cleveland, OH

House of Blues

Sat 10/23/2010

Cincinnati, OH


 Sun 10/24/2010

Pittsburg, PA

Club Zoo

Tues 10/26/2010

Minneapolis, MN

First Avenue

Wed 10/27/2010

Indianapolis, IN


 Thurs 10/28/2010

Louisville, KY

Expo FIve

Fri 10/29/2010

Champaign, IL

Sun 10/31/2010

Nashville, TN


Mon 11/1/2010

Charlotte, NC


Tues 11/2/2010

Columbus, OH

LC Pavillion

Wed 11/3/2010

Niagra Falls, NY

Rapids Theater

Fri 11/5/2010

Clifton Falls, NY

Northern Lights

Fri 11/19/2010

Johannesburg, South Africa

Coca-Cola Dome

Sun 11/21/2010

Cape Town, South Africa

Grand West Casino

Thurs 11/25/2010

Brighton, UK

Brighton Centre

Fri 11/26/2010

Cardiff, UK

Cardiff International Arena

Sat 11/27/2010

Newcastle, UK

Newcastle Metro Radio Arena

Sun 11/28/2010

Brighton, UK

Brighton Centre

Tues 11/30/2010

London, UK



*Edit du Staff : mise en page *
Revenir en haut Aller en bas

Féminin Messages : 13136
Date d'inscription : 22/05/2010
Age : 34
Localisation : Allemagne

Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Transmissions Officielles de MARS   Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 4 EmptyJeu 14 Oct 2010 - 8:18

C'est trop mignon, ils conseillent K. West Rire1
Revenir en haut Aller en bas


Féminin Messages : 495
Date d'inscription : 13/06/2010
Age : 45
Localisation : Lille

Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Transmissions Officielles de MARS   Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 4 EmptyJeu 14 Oct 2010 - 8:53

Pitchouill a écrit:
C'est trop mignon, ils conseillent K. West Rire1

Pareil, en voyant ça je me suis dit "ah ben ouais forcément" Rire2
Revenir en haut Aller en bas


Féminin Messages : 1065
Date d'inscription : 23/05/2010
Age : 38
Localisation : chez michey
Humeur : hmmm...

Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Transmissions Officielles de MARS   Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 4 EmptyJeu 14 Oct 2010 - 10:22

bon ben je persiste et je signe, les transmissions sont devenus chiante, en tout cas pour quelqu'un qui avait deja vu tout ce dont ils parlent, leurs petits mots me manquent Déçu

là c'est vraiment que pour les gens qui suivent qu'à moitié, donc c'est pas une critique mais un petit plus serait sympas Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 4 584367
Revenir en haut Aller en bas
Impératrice Vintage Megalow Ech'

Féminin Messages : 20409
Date d'inscription : 21/05/2010
Age : 50
Localisation : TARDIS / CARDIFF

Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Transmissions Officielles de MARS   Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 4 EmptyJeu 14 Oct 2010 - 10:26

fannyschneider a écrit:
bon ben je persiste et je signe, les transmissions sont devenus chiante, en tout cas pour quelqu'un qui avait deja vu tout ce dont ils parlent, leurs petits mots me manquent Déçu

là c'est vraiment que pour les gens qui suivent qu'à moitié, donc c'est pas une critique mais un petit plus serait sympas Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 4 584367

je suis d'accord avec que les petits mots perso manquent Chouine Chouine
Revenir en haut Aller en bas
Stereotype du tourbus

Féminin Messages : 5997
Date d'inscription : 23/05/2010
Age : 39
Localisation : Au delà du mur avec moue boudeuse...
Humeur : Winter is coming !

Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Transmissions Officielles de MARS   Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 4 EmptyJeu 14 Oct 2010 - 10:27

Pitchouill a écrit:
C'est trop mignon, ils conseillent K. West Rire1

Tout pareil jaja il fait de la lèche Rire2
Revenir en haut Aller en bas


Messages : 3543
Date d'inscription : 24/05/2010
Age : 34
Localisation : Hobbitbourg avec la fellowship of the Rhum

Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Transmissions Officielles de MARS   Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 4 EmptyJeu 14 Oct 2010 - 19:48

fannyschneider a écrit:
bon ben je persiste et je signe, les transmissions sont devenus chiante, en tout cas pour quelqu'un qui avait deja vu tout ce dont ils parlent, leurs petits mots me manquent Déçu

là c'est vraiment que pour les gens qui suivent qu'à moitié, donc c'est pas une critique mais un petit plus serait sympas Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 4 584367

Tu fais comme moi, tu les poste mais tu les lis plus Caché !
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Modo Reine Du Tuto flapy, boss des liens & du GPS Phoenixien mais Boulet de la corbeille

Féminin Messages : 9687
Date d'inscription : 23/05/2010
Age : 36
Localisation : BZH
Humeur : Je suis un ... cocktaiiiiil !

Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Transmissions Officielles de MARS   Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 4 EmptyJeu 21 Oct 2010 - 2:07

Transmission: The Official Thirty Seconds to Mars Newsletter

Backstage in Tampa

This Week - 10/21/2010

VH1 Posted: Behind Into The Wild Tour (Part 1)

VH1 Posted- Behind Into The Wild Tour

MARS takes a moment to reminisce about the "mind-blowing" first leg of the European Into The Wild Tour. Recount the moments with the band by clicking the video still above or HERE.

VH1: Posted - Jared Leto

Gives A Tour of 'Hurricane' Set
VH1 Posted Jared

Jared spills 'Hurricane' storyline secrets in the latest video from VH1 Posted. Find out what's revealed about the shoot at


Into The Wild

Thanks to you, Cape Town, Cardiff, Newcastle, Brighton, Manchester, Oberhausen, and Warsaw are SOLD OUT! Golden Ticket Packages are still available for Cape Town, Cardiff, and Warsaw. Don't miss out on the show, grab your tickets now!

Vote Thirty Seconds To Mars

  For People's Choice Award Nomination

People's Choice

Thirty Seconds To Mars is listed among the potential nominees in the Favorite Rock Band category for the People's Choice Awards 2011! Choose MARS as an official nominee HERE.

Vote MARS for the EMAs


LESS THAN 20 VOTING DAYS LEFT for the European Music Awards— Vote MARS for BEST ROCK & BEST VIDEO for “Kings and Queens”, as well as BEST WORLD STAGE PERFORMANCE. Polls close on November 4, but you can vote up to 100 times a day. Remember: YOU determine the winners! VOTE NOW.

Spread word of the nominations with VOTE MARS FOR EMAs avatars HERE.



Oct. 22, 2010 – Cleveland, OH

House of Blues (Buy Tickets)

Oct. 23, 2010 – Cincinnati, OH

Bogart’s (Buy Tickets)

Oct. 24, 2010 – Pittsburgh, PA

Club Zoo (Buy Tickets)

Oct. 26, 2010 – Minneapolis, MN

First Avenue (Buy Tickets)

Be sure to visit the Official Tour Page for all available ticket information regarding current and recently rescheduled dates, and printable promotional flyers.

Use Twitter? Be sure to keep updated with the latest ticket releases and relating announcements by following @30SECONDSTOMARS, and @MarsGoldenTix for overseas VIP Ticket Packages.

Use Facebook? Remember to "RSVP" for each event you plan on attending on the official Thirty Seconds To Mars Facebook Events Page by clicking here.


Triad Global Assault

Inspired by many of your Triad Global Assault submissions, the CANDLELIGHT TRIAD MISSION has ignited! Netherlands Echelon in Tilburg created this amazing and massive glowing Triad:

candlelight - Tilburg

Create the Triad symbol using candlelight or any form of light in high-profile locations in your area! The bigger, the better. Get creative!

Submit your candlelight triad photos to the Triad Global Assault page, tagging photos as ‘candlelight’.

Remember: ALWAYS abide by local laws and Candles Safety Rules.

Avatar Art of the Week

Each week we'll showcase some of the best MARS-themed avatars on twitter, facebook, and other social networks. @Poeticjewelz's avatar gives all the details about voting MARS for the EMAs:


Design your own avatars to promote voting, upcoming shows, or anything MARS related. You can also use or edit the avatars designed by @thisisthehive.


12 Steps to Mars

Help us spread the word about Thirty Seconds To Mars and the new album, This Is War. Below are the 12 Steps to Mars which you can use on a daily basis to help. Click Here to Read NOW!

Here are some tools you can print out on your own!

Flyers •  Mars StencilFull Size Poster

Live in or near a MARS tour stop? Promo weeks before the show date in that area! If you have pictures or video from your own street team missions, please send links to

MARS on Twitter

Follow @30SECONDSTOMARS on Twitter



Weekly Picks From the Band

Book of the Week


Nineteen Eighty-Four is a 1949 dystopian novel by George Orwell about an oligarchical, collectivist society. Life in the Oceanian province of Airstrip One is a world of perpetual war, pervasive government surveillance, and incessant public mind control. The individual is always subordinated to the state, and it is in part this philosophy which allows the Party to manipulate and control humanity.

Movie of the Week

A Clockwork Orange

 A Clockwork Orange is a 1971 British darkly satirical science fiction film adaptation of Anthony Burgess's 1962 novel of the same name. The film concerns Alex (Malcolm McDowell), a charismatic delinquent whose pleasures are classical music (especially Beethoven), rape, and so-called 'ultra-violence'. This cinematic adaptation was produced, directed, and written by Stanley Kubrick. It features disturbing, violent images, to facilitate social commentary about psychiatry, youth gangs, and other contemporary social, political, and economic subjects in a dystopian, future Britain.

Album of the Week

Dead Weather - Sea of Cowards

Sea of Cowards is the second studio album by the American alternative rock band The Dead Weather. It was first released on May 7 in Ireland, then on May 11, 2010, in the U.S. and May 10 in the United Kingdom. The album was streamed on the band's website, via continuous vinyl playback, for a period of 24 hours from April 30 to May 1. It was subsequently available for streaming on various media streaming websites such as National Public Radio and KCRW.

Restaurant of the Week

Blue Ribbon

Blue Ribbon Sushi is a restaurant in Manhattan known for its fresh delicacies. The Zagat says "This "serene" SoHo-Park Slope Japanese twosome from the versatile Bromberg siblings owes its stellar reputation to its "exquisite", "like-it-was-caught-that-morning" fresh fish and appealingly "no-fuss" service."


Purchase This Is War

Want to see past Transmissions? A list of all previous Transmissions can be found in the Transmission Archive!


Join us online!

Twitter - @30SecondstoMars





A Beautiful Lie

30 Seconds to Mars




Cleveland, OH

House of Blues


Cincinnati, OH



Pittsburg, PA

Club Zoo


Minneapolis, MN

First Avenue


Indianapolis, IN



Louisville, KY

Expo FIve


Champaign, IL


Nashville, TN



Charlotte, NC



Columbus, OH

LC Pavillion


Niagra Falls, NY

Rapids Theater


Clifton Falls, NY

Northern Lights


Johannesburg, South Africa

Coca-Cola Dome


Cape Town, South Africa

Grand West Casino


Brighton, UK

Brighton Centre


Cardiff, UK

Cardiff International Arena


Newcastle, UK

Newcastle Metro Radio Arena


Brighton, UK

Brighton Centre


London, UK



Birmingham, UK

National Indoor Arena


Aberdeen, Scotland

Aberdeen Exhibition Centre


Manchester, UK

Manchester Central


Oberhausen, Germany

König-Pilsener Arena


Basel, Switzerland

St Jakobshalle


Bologna, Italy

Futurshow Station 


Moscow, Russia



Kiev, Ukraine

IEC (International Exhibition Center)


Warsaw, Poland

  (Torwar Hall)

Dec. 16, 2010

Lisbon, Portugal

Atlantico Pavillion


Madrid, Spain

Palacio Vistalegre


Barcelona, Spain

St Jordi Club


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Féminin Messages : 13136
Date d'inscription : 22/05/2010
Age : 34
Localisation : Allemagne

Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Transmissions Officielles de MARS   Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 4 EmptyJeu 21 Oct 2010 - 8:36

Ils avaient pas déjà conseillé orange mécanique ? Réflechi ^^

Bon sinon la candelight mission devient un peu risible avec le temps (oui moi aussi je peux faire des triads dans mon jardin si je le veux...), et les artworks doivent devenir rares pour qu'ils en soit à sélectionner ça...
[/langue de P**E]
Revenir en haut Aller en bas


Féminin Messages : 1065
Date d'inscription : 23/05/2010
Age : 38
Localisation : chez michey
Humeur : hmmm...

Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Transmissions Officielles de MARS   Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 4 EmptyJeu 21 Oct 2010 - 10:14

Pitchouill a écrit:
Ils avaient pas déjà conseillé orange mécanique ? Réflechi ^^

Bon sinon la candelight mission devient un peu risible avec le temps (oui moi aussi je peux faire des triads dans mon jardin si je le veux...), et les artworks doivent devenir rares pour qu'ils en soit à sélectionner ça...
[/langue de P**E]

+1 même si je trouve leur triad jolie mais bon comme d'hab la transmission Beuhh
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Impératrice Vintage Megalow Ech'

Féminin Messages : 20409
Date d'inscription : 21/05/2010
Age : 50
Localisation : TARDIS / CARDIFF

Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Transmissions Officielles de MARS   Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 4 EmptyJeu 21 Oct 2010 - 10:20

Pitchouill a écrit:
Ils avaient pas déjà conseillé orange mécanique ? Réflechi ^^

Bon sinon la candelight mission devient un peu risible avec le temps (oui moi aussi je peux faire des triads dans mon jardin si je le veux...), et les artworks doivent devenir rares pour qu'ils en soit à sélectionner ça...
[/langue de P**E]
orange mécanique a déjà été conseillé et ce n'est pas 1984 mais 1983 ^^ (kasdedi à loreen...oui en on a parlé lundi Caché !)

Pour la candlelight je suis d'accord cela devient de nouveau du n'importe quoi... cela devient : je fais la plus belle triade lumineuse et je la prends en photo... ou on se prend en photo avec... le but était de faire cela dans des endroits touristiques afin de pouvoir faire parler du groupe...sinon il n'y a aucun intérêt ! enfin je trouve...
(moi si ça continue je vais en faire une dans ma baignoire tiens, ça n'a jamais été fait Rire1 )

et les transmissions me soule... c'est trop impersonnel désormais et cela ne veut plus trop rien dire...
Anorexique de la bouffe c'est amplement suffisant, ils vont pas devenir anorexique de mots Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 4 312119
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Féminin Messages : 1618
Date d'inscription : 17/06/2010
Age : 40
Localisation : Belgique

Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Transmissions Officielles de MARS   Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 4 EmptyJeu 21 Oct 2010 - 10:23

Moi je les lis même plus, je regarde les photos ( et encore ça casse une patte à un canard) et basta!
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Féminin Messages : 13510
Date d'inscription : 22/05/2010
Age : 45
Localisation : Dans une piscine et aussi un sac de couchage..

Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Transmissions Officielles de MARS   Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 4 EmptyJeu 21 Oct 2010 - 10:27

pffff ils sont où les messages perso?!

m'en vais leur twitter ma façon de penser moua!

ils ont demandé si on voulait qu'ils continuent les transmissions nous avons dit oui, mais pas pour une m***e pareille !une récap de tout ce qu'on sait déjà j'vois pas l'intérêt ?! Réflechi !

Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 4 312119 !
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Féminin Messages : 1065
Date d'inscription : 23/05/2010
Age : 38
Localisation : chez michey
Humeur : hmmm...

Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Transmissions Officielles de MARS   Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 4 EmptyJeu 21 Oct 2010 - 11:10

par rapport aux triads lumineuses c'set bien de le faire pour intéresser les gens donc dans des lieux publics, mais c'est bien aussi de voir comment les gens font marcher leur créativité aussi. La a mon avis ils n'avaient pas le choix ils devaient le brancher leur truc donc obligé de le faire près de chez eux (enfin j'imagine). Y a plus qu'à espérer que leurs voisins l'ont vu au moins.

Mais je preferre ça à toutes les photos copie conforme ou presque de ce qu'on a fait a paris, c'set plus du réchauffé là, c'est carrément carbonisé Caché ! après c'est sur que ça intéresse plus de monde de faire ça sur la place publique mais bon, la créativité chez les échelons c'est pas folichon (enfin je dis ça je dis rien)
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Modo Reine Du Tuto flapy, boss des liens & du GPS Phoenixien mais Boulet de la corbeille

Féminin Messages : 9687
Date d'inscription : 23/05/2010
Age : 36
Localisation : BZH
Humeur : Je suis un ... cocktaiiiiil !

Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Transmissions Officielles de MARS   Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 4 EmptyJeu 28 Oct 2010 - 2:01

Transmission: The Official Thirty Seconds to Mars Newsletter


This Week - 10/27/2010

VH1 Posted: Shannon Checks In

On Day 2 Of Video Shoot

VH1 Posted- Shannon coffee

Shannon takes a quick coffee break on set of "Hurricane." What is Shannon filming next? Find out HERE or on the video still above.

VH1 Posted: Shannon Discusses

Hurricane Fight Scene
VH1 Posted Shannon Fight Scene

Shannon makes love and war on set of the new video. Here all the exclusive details on VH1 Posted.

Thirty Seconds To Mars

Tour T-Shirt Design Contest
Mars Shirt Design Contest

YOUR design could be printed and included on the next leg of the INTO THE WILD Tour, worn by fellow Echelon all over the world. Enter by November 1st for your chance to design a Thirty Seconds To Mars Tour Tee!

Chosen winner will be rewarded with a Golden Ticket Package to the show of their choice! For more information and to participate, click HERE.

Vote Thirty Seconds To Mars

  For Kerrang! Readers Poll 2010

Kerrang Readers Poll

It's time for the end of the year polls in Kerrang! Magazine and they're asking YOU who rocked your 2010. Nominate MARS on any categories you see fit! Vote HERE.

Vote Thirty Seconds To Mars

  For People's Choice Award Nomination

People's Choice

Thirty Seconds To Mars is listed among the potential nominees in the Favorite Rock Band category for the People's Choice Awards 2011! Choose MARS as an official nominee HERE.

Vote MARS for the EMAs


Exactly 1 WEEK LEFT to cast in those votes — MARS for BEST ROCK & BEST VIDEO for “Kings and Queens”, as well as BEST WORLD STAGE PERFORMANCE. Polls close on November 4, vote up to 100 times a day! Remember: YOU determine the winners! VOTE NOW.

Spread word of the nominations with VOTE MARS FOR EMAs avatars HERE.



Oct. 27, 2010 – Indianapolis, IN

Egyptian (Buy Tickets)

Oct 31, 2010 -Nashville, TN

Rocketown (Buy Tickets)

Nov. 1, 2010 – Charlotte, NC

Fillmore (Buy Tickets)

Nov. 2, 2010 – Columbus, OH

LC Pavillion (Buy Tickets)


Due to scheduling conflicts, Thirty Seconds To Mars have postponed the following show dates. Tickets purchased for previous show dates will be honored at newly rescheduled dates in 2011 announced shortly. We are very sorry for the inconvenience and we promise to make it up to everyone.

Oct. 28, 2010 – Louisville, KY

Expo Five 

Oct. 29, 2010 – Champaign, IL

University of Illinois

Nov. 3, 2010 – Niagara Falls, NY

Rapids Theater

Nov. 5, 2010 – Clifton Park, NY

Northern Lights

Be sure to visit the Official Tour Page for all available ticket information regarding current and recently rescheduled dates, and printable promotional flyers.

Use Twitter? Be sure to keep updated with the latest ticket releases and relating announcements by following @30SECONDSTOMARS, and @MarsGoldenTix for overseas VIP Ticket Packages.

Use Facebook? Remember to "RSVP" for each event you plan on attending on the official Thirty Seconds To Mars Facebook Events Page by clicking here.


Triad Global Assault

Inspired by many of your Triad Global Assault submissions, the CANDLELIGHT TRIAD MISSION has ignited! Echelon Sara Pawloski carved a triad onto a pumpkin. Festive and promotional!:

candlelight - Sarapawloski

Create the Triad symbol using candlelight or any form of light in high-profile locations in your area! The bigger, the better. Get creative!

Submit your candlelight triad photos to the Triad Global Assault page, tagging photos as ‘candlelight’.

Remember: ALWAYS abide by local laws and Candles Safety Rules.

Avatar Art of the Week

Each week we'll showcase some of the best MARS-themed avatars on twitter, facebook, and other social networks. @SOURvsSWEET's avatar is a classicaly simple but eye-catching avatar, that includes the link to the vote as well!


Design your own avatars to promote voting, upcoming shows, or anything MARS related. You can also use or edit the avatars designed by @thisisthehive.


12 Steps to Mars

Help us spread the word about Thirty Seconds To Mars and the new album, This Is War. Below are the 12 Steps to Mars which you can use on a daily basis to help. Click Here to Read NOW!

Here are some tools you can print out on your own!

Flyers •  Mars StencilFull Size Poster

Live in or near a MARS tour stop? Promo weeks before the show date in that area! If you have pictures or video from your own street team missions, please send links to

MARS on Facebook

Thirty Seconds To Mars on Facebook

Jared LetoShannon LetoTomo Milicevic


Weekly Picks From the Band

Book of the Week

Misery - Stephen King

Misery is a psychological horror novel by Stephen King. The novel was nominated for the World Fantasy Award for Best Novel in 1988, and was later made into a Hollywood film and an Off-Broadway play. Novelist Paul Sheldon has plans to make the difficult transition from writing historical romances featuring heroine Misery Chastain to publishing literary fiction. Annie Wilkes, Sheldon's number one fan, rescues the author from the scene of a car accident. The former nurse takes care of him in her remote house, but becomes irate when she discovers that the author has killed Misery off in his latest book.

Movie of the Week

Rocky Horror Picture Show

The Rocky Horror Picture Show is the 1975 film adaptation of the British musical stageplay, The Rocky Horror Show. The film is a parody of science fiction and B-movie horror films. Director Jim Sharman collaborated on the screenplay with Richard O'Brien, who wrote both the book and lyrics for the stage. The film introduces Tim Curry and features Susan Sarandon and Barry Bostwick along with cast members from the original Kings Road production presented at the Royal Court Theatre in 1973.

Album of the Week

Halloween soundtrack

The main theme of Halloween has become one of the most defining tunes of the holiday. Director John Carpenter decided to compose the music himself for the horror classic to save a few bucks. Throughout the album you can hear some of the staccato rhythmic devices from 'The Exorcist' score 'Tubular Bells,' overlapped with synth chords as well as Carpenter's inspiration from the '70s Italian progressive rock band, Goblin.

Website of the Week

Love Is Louder

Love is Louder was started by actress Brittany Snow, The Jed Foundation and MTV to build on the outpouring of support online after the lives of multiple teenagers were lost to suicide in September 2010. This movement strives to amplify the momentum of other inspiring online campaigns and invite anyone who has felt mistreated, misunderstood or isolated into the conversation. We are here to raise the volume around a critical message -- that love and support is more powerful than the external and internal voices that bring us down, cause us pain and make us feel hopeless.


Purchase This Is War

Want to see past Transmissions? A list of all previous Transmissions can be found in the Transmission Archive!


Join us online!

Twitter - @30SecondstoMars





A Beautiful Lie

30 Seconds to Mars




Indianapolis, IN



Nashville, TN



Charlotte, NC



Columbus, OH

LC Pavillion


Johannesburg, South Africa

Coca-Cola Dome


Cape Town, South Africa

Grand West Casino


Brighton, UK

Brighton Centre


Cardiff, UK

Cardiff International Arena


Newcastle, UK

Newcastle Metro Radio Arena


Brighton, UK

Brighton Centre


London, UK



Birmingham, UK

National Indoor Arena


Aberdeen, Scotland

Aberdeen Exhibition Centre


Manchester, UK

Manchester Central


Oberhausen, Germany

König-Pilsener Arena


Basel, Switzerland

St Jakobshalle


Bologna, Italy

Futurshow Station 


Moscow, Russia



Kiev, Ukraine

IEC (International Exhibition Center)


Warsaw, Poland

  (Torwar Hall)

Dec. 16, 2010

Lisbon, Portugal

Atlantico Pavillion


Madrid, Spain

Palacio Vistalegre


Barcelona, Spain

St Jordi Club


Revenir en haut Aller en bas

Féminin Messages : 13136
Date d'inscription : 22/05/2010
Age : 34
Localisation : Allemagne

Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Transmissions Officielles de MARS   Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 4 EmptyJeu 28 Oct 2010 - 9:43

Transmission spéciale Halloween Rire1
Y a vraiment qu'aux states où y a des ventes de citrouilles comme ça...^^

J'aime la citrouille creusée en forme de triade par contre !! Clapclap
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Féminin Messages : 13510
Date d'inscription : 22/05/2010
Age : 45
Localisation : Dans une piscine et aussi un sac de couchage..

Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Transmissions Officielles de MARS   Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 4 EmptyJeu 28 Oct 2010 - 10:36

han le rocky horror picture show!!! Clapclap bien ouais!!bien!

c'est clair que vive les States pour Halloween!!!

bon par contre votez votez votez......Rolleyes !
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Contenu sponsorisé

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Transmissions Officielles de MARS
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