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 Transmissions Officielles de MARS

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Aria from Mars
miss Hyde
Clo' & Cie
the kill
83 participants
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Queen of the PQ du Puy du Ouf

Féminin Messages : 5587
Date d'inscription : 27/05/2010
Age : 45
Localisation : wild wild west
Humeur : Make it happen!

Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 14 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Transmissions Officielles de MARS   Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 14 EmptyVen 23 Sep 2011 - 16:31

Virginie a écrit:
ils sont à court de taouages moches? Réflechi Rire2

Caché ! pardon.

Rire2 Rire2
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Modo Reine Du Tuto flapy, boss des liens & du GPS Phoenixien mais Boulet de la corbeille

Féminin Messages : 9687
Date d'inscription : 23/05/2010
Age : 36
Localisation : BZH
Humeur : Je suis un ... cocktaiiiiil !

Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 14 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Transmissions Officielles de MARS   Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 14 EmptyMar 27 Sep 2011 - 7:33

Transmission: The Official Thirty Seconds to Mars Newsletter

BRF Conference

This Week - 09/26/2011

MARS Nominated For EMAs

Mars Nominated For EMAS

Thirty Seconds To Mars is nominated for three awards in this year’s MTV European Music Awards for ‘Best Alternative’, ‘Biggest Fans’, and ‘Best World Stage’. Cast your vote HERE.

Help Push Mars For EMA Votes


Help push voting for Thirty Seconds to Mars for MTV’s Europe Music Awards for Best Alternative, Best World Stage, and Biggest Fans!

Copy the codes below to post these banners in your site, blog, social networks, etc. Get them HERE.

76.1 Japan Radio Interview With MARS

Listen in as the Band talks with 76.1 Japan about musical inspirations, traveling, touring, and more.

'Alibi' in Movie Trailer

"Alibi" is featured on the trailer for the film 'The Vision of Paolo Soleri'. A cinematic piece about the revered architect Paolo Soleri. Check it out HERE.

Tumblr Pages


On Tumblr? Follow these Official MARS accounts:

The Hive - For the latest on missions, contests, and more

Bartholomew Cubbins - For a glimpse into the disturbed mind of Bartholomew Cubbins

ABLorg - For eco-news and tips from

Mars Tattoos

Mars Tattoos Feature

Can you guess what MARS lyrics chiccaechelon1982 has tattooed?


Do YOU have a Mars-themed Tattoo? Submit your photo, name, and location to Thirty Seconds To Mars Tattoo Archive for a chance to be featured in the next installment of Transmission!


Vote for MARS

ALL: VOTE MARS FOR 'Best Alternative', 'Biggest Fans', and 'Best World Stage' for the MTV EMAs

US: Suggest categories applicable to MARS for the O Music Awards

Serbia: 'Night of the Hunter' on MTV Serbia Rock Chart

Austria: 'This is War' on GOTV

Brazil: 'This is War' on Multishow

Asia: 'This Is War' on MTV Chart Attack

Greece: vote 'This Is War' for MTV Hit List Hellas

Italy: Vote 'Hurricane' on MTV Fanclub Charts



September 29, 2011 – Honolulu, Hawaii

Waterfront at Aloha Tower (General Tickets) (Golden Tickets)


October 23, 2011 – Leon, Mexico

Poliforum Leon, EXA FM Radio Event

(Official Site)

November 7, 2011 – Lodz, Poland

Lodz Atlas Arena (General Tickets) (Golden Tickets)

Be sure to visit the Official Tour Page for all available ticket information regarding current and recently rescheduled dates, and printable promotional flyers.

Use Twitter? Be sure to keep updated with the latest ticket releases and relating announcements by following @30SECONDSTOMARS, and @golden_tix for overseas and U.S. VIP Ticket Packages.

Use Facebook? Remember to "like" the official Thirty Seconds To Mars Facebook Page by clicking here.


Triad Global Assault

Portuguese Echelon Triad in one of the busiest streets of Lisbon, Rua Augusta in front of Terreiro do Paço:

Human Triad

Compose the Human Triad image with friends and fellow Echelon in high-traffic or populated areas. Stand, sit, or build a pyramid in a Triad formation. Get creative and submit your photos to the Triad Global Assault Page.


Avatar Art of the Week

Each week we'll showcase some of the best MARS-themed avatars on twitter, facebook, and other social networks.

@closer2alibi uses her avatar to promote voting for MARS for the EMAs:


Design your own avatars to promote voting, upcoming shows, or anything MARS related. You can also use or edit the avatars designed by @thisisthehive.


12 Steps to Mars

Help us spread the word about Thirty Seconds To Mars and the new album, This Is War. Below are the 12 Steps to Mars which you can use on a daily basis to help. Click Here to Read NOW!

Here are some tools you can print out on your own!

Flyers •  Mars StencilFull Size PosterQR Code

Live in or near a MARS tour stop? Promo on the weeks before the show date in that area! If you have pictures or video from your own street team missions, please send links to

MARS on Twitter

'Like' Thirty Seconds To Mars on Facebook

Weekly Picks From the Band

Read of the Week

Hiroshima- John Hersey

Hiroshima is the title of a magazine article written by Pulitzer winner John Hersey that appeared in The New Yorker's issue for August 31, 1946, one year after the United States dropped an atomic bomb on the city of Hiroshima, Japan, at 8:15 a.m., August 6, 1945. The article was soon made into a book. The article and book describe the events after the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in detail, focusing on the accounts of six individuals.

Movie of the Week

Dancer in the Dark

Dancer in the Dark (original Danish title: Også i mørke) is a 2000 Danish musical drama film directed by Lars von Trier and starring Icelandic singer Björk, Catherine Deneuve, David Morse, Cara Seymour, and Peter Stormare. The soundtrack for the film, released as the album Selmasongs, was written mainly by Björk, but a number of songs featured contributions from Mark Bell and the lyrics were by von Trier and Sjón. Three songs from Rodgers and Hammerstein's The Sound of Music were also used in the film.

Album of the Week

Strange Mercy - St. Vincent

Strange Mercy is the third studio album by musician St. Vincent, released by 4AD on September 12, 2011, in the United Kingdom and a day later in the United States. The album's cover art was designed by St. Vincent, and was photographed by Tina Tyrell. Strange Mercy has received critical acclaim. On the review aggregate site Metacritic, the album has a score of 86 out of 100, indicating "Universal Acclaim."

Website of the Week

Stand Up To Cancer

Stand Up To Cancer (SU2C) is a charitable program of the Entertainment Industry Foundation (EIF) established by media, entertainment and philanthropic leaders who have been affected by cancer. SU2C aims to raise significant funds for translational cancer research through online and televised efforts.


Purchase This Is War

Want to see past Transmissions? A list of all previous Transmissions can be found in the Transmission Archive!


Join us online!

Twitter - @30SecondstoMars





A Beautiful Lie

30 Seconds to Mars




Honolulu, Hawaii

Aloha Tower


Mexico City, Mexico

Palacio de los Deportes


Leon, Mexico

Poliforum Leon


Riga, Latvia

Riga Arena


Vilnius, Lithuania

Siemens Arena


Minsk, Belarus

Minsk Sports Palace


Paris, France



Nantes, France



Bordeaux, France

La Medoquine


Toulouse, France

Le Phare


Lille, France



Amneville, France

Le Galaxie


Lyon, France



Montpellier, France



Marseille, France

Le Dome


Hohenmes, Austria

Event Centre


Vienna, Austria



Antwerp, Belgium

Lotto Arena

Revenir en haut Aller en bas


Féminin Messages : 13510
Date d'inscription : 22/05/2010
Age : 45
Localisation : Dans une piscine et aussi un sac de couchage..

Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 14 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Transmissions Officielles de MARS   Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 14 EmptyMar 27 Sep 2011 - 7:43

c'était peut être le temps que Jared termine son bouquin :Réflechi !
sinon rien de bien palpitant mais on l'attend toujours cette fichue transmission! Rire2
Revenir en haut Aller en bas
Modo Reine Du Tuto flapy, boss des liens & du GPS Phoenixien mais Boulet de la corbeille

Féminin Messages : 9687
Date d'inscription : 23/05/2010
Age : 36
Localisation : BZH
Humeur : Je suis un ... cocktaiiiiil !

Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 14 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Transmissions Officielles de MARS   Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 14 EmptyLun 3 Oct 2011 - 22:18

Transmission: The Official Thirty Seconds to Mars Newsletter


This Week - 10/03/2011

Star 101.9 Radio Interview with Jared

Star 1019 Radio Interview

Jared stopped by the Star 101.9 Studios in Hawaii to talk to DJ Maleko about their show. Check out the full interview HERE.

Shannon's Interview

Shannon Kaleo Interview

Shannon talked with Kaleo at the University of Hawaii all about Hawaii, tour, and how MARS evolves in sound. Read the interview HERE.

Subscribe to MARS on Facebook

Subscrib to Mars on Facebook

Make sure to 'subscribe' (not 'friend request') on each of the MARS pages on Facebook! When signed on, visit the pages and hit the 'subscribe' button on the top right-hand corner:

Jared's Facebook Page

Shannon's Facebook Page

Tomo's Facebook Page

Help Push Mars For EMA Votes


Help push voting for Thirty Seconds to Mars for MTV’s Europe Music Awards for Best Alternative, Best World Stage, and Biggest Fans!

Copy the codes below to post these banners in your site, blog, social networks, etc. Get them HERE.

Vote MARS for EMAs through your Blackberry or iPhone/iPad app (non-US only).

Mars Tattoos

Mars Tattoos Feature

Ladyloechelon has a Triad and an Echelon tattoo!


Do YOU have a Mars-themed Tattoo? Submit your photo, name, and location to Thirty Seconds To Mars Tattoo Archive for a chance to be featured in the next installment of Transmission!


Vote for MARS

ALL: VOTE MARS FOR 'Best Alternative', 'Biggest Fans', and 'Best World Stage' for the MTV EMAs

US: Suggest categories applicable to MARS for the O Music Awards

Serbia: 'Night of the Hunter' on MTV Serbia Rock Chart and Top 20

Austria: 'This is War' on GOTV

Brazil: 'This is War' on Multishow

Asia: 'This Is War' on MTV Chart Attack

Greece: vote 'This Is War' for MTV Hit List Hellas

Italy: Vote 'Hurricane' on MTV Fanclub Charts



October 22, 2011 – Mexico City, Mexico

Palacio de los Deportes, EXA FM Radio Event

October 23, 2011 – Leon, Mexico

Poliforum Leon, EXA FM Radio Event (Official Site)

Be sure to visit the Official Tour Page for all available ticket information regarding current and recently rescheduled dates, and printable promotional flyers.

Use Twitter? Be sure to keep updated with the latest ticket releases and relating announcements by following @30SECONDSTOMARS, and @golden_tix for overseas and U.S. VIP Ticket Packages.

Use Facebook? Remember to "like" the official Thirty Seconds To Mars Facebook Page by clicking here.


Triad Global Assault

Lisbon Echelon got together at their city's zoo to form this Triad:

Human Triad

Compose the Human Triad image with friends and fellow Echelon in high-traffic or populated areas. Stand, sit, or build a pyramid in a Triad formation. Get creative and submit your photos to the Triad Global Assault Page.


Avatar Art of the Week

Each week we'll showcase some of the best MARS-themed avatars on twitter, facebook, and other social networks.

@manu_b72 made this avatar to promote voting MARS for the MTV EMAs:


Last week's twitter was created by @30STMVOTE. Design your own avatars to promote voting, upcoming shows, or anything MARS related. You can also use or edit the avatars designed by @thisisthehive.


12 Steps to Mars

Help us spread the word about Thirty Seconds To Mars and the new album, This Is War. Below are the 12 Steps to Mars which you can use on a daily basis to help. Click Here to Read NOW!

Here are some tools you can print out on your own!

Flyers •  Mars StencilFull Size PosterQR Code

Live in or near a MARS tour stop? Promo on the weeks before the show date in that area! If you have pictures or video from your own street team missions, please send links to

MARS on Twitter

'Like' Thirty Seconds To Mars on Facebook

Weekly Picks From the Band

Read of the Week

The Unbearable Lightness of Being - Milan Kundera

The Unbearable Lightness of Being (1984), written by Milan Kundera, is a philosophical novel about two men, two women, a dog and their lives in the Prague Spring of the Czechoslovak Communist period in 1968. Although written in 1982, the novel was not published until two years later, in France.

Movie of the Week


Drive is a 2011 American action-drama heist film directed by Nicolas Winding Refn, and starring Ryan Gosling as the principal character, with Carey Mulligan, Ron Perlman, Bryan Cranston, Christina Hendricks, and Albert Brooks. Prior to its September 2011 release, it had been shown at a number of film festivals. At the 2011 Cannes Film Festival, Drive was praised and even received a standing ovation.

Album of the Week

Nightcall EP - Kavinsky

"Nightcall" is a song by French electro house artist Kavinsky released in 2010. It was produced by Daft Punk's Guy-Manuel De Homem-Christo and mixed by electronic artist SebastiAn. It features Brazilian lead singer of CSS, Lovefoxxx, on vocals and includes remixes by Dustin N'Guyen, Jackson and his Computer Band and Breakbot.

Website of the Week

Plan India

Plan India empowers children to improve their lives, their communities and their world forever. Plan helps children access to their right to protection, basic education, proper healthcare, a healthy environment, livelihood opportunities and participation in decisions which affect their lives.


Purchase This Is War

Want to see past Transmissions? A list of all previous Transmissions can be found in the Transmission Archive!


Join us online!

Twitter - @30SecondstoMars





A Beautiful Lie

30 Seconds to Mars




Honolulu, Hawaii

Aloha Tower


Mexico City, Mexico

Palacio de los Deportes


Leon, Mexico

Poliforum Leon


Riga, Latvia

Riga Arena


Vilnius, Lithuania

Siemens Arena


Minsk, Belarus

Minsk Sports Palace


Paris, France



Nantes, France



Bordeaux, France

La Medoquine


Toulouse, France

Le Phare


Lille, France



Amneville, France

Le Galaxie


Lyon, France



Montpellier, France



Marseille, France

Le Dome


Hohenmes, Austria

Event Centre


Vienna, Austria



Antwerp, Belgium

Lotto Arena

Revenir en haut Aller en bas


Féminin Messages : 1275
Date d'inscription : 24/08/2011
Age : 38
Localisation : Limoges

Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 14 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Transmissions Officielles de MARS   Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 14 EmptyLun 3 Oct 2011 - 22:32

Bah le tatouage qu'ils ont mis il est pas mal cette fois! Le Echelon est écrit finement et pas trop gros, et la triade est quand même caché la plupart du temps, par contre ca doit etre bizarre quand elle se met en maillot de bain!!

Et par contre je trouve que la triad humaine c'est pas trop ca!
Revenir en haut Aller en bas
Impératrice Vintage Megalow Ech'

Féminin Messages : 20409
Date d'inscription : 21/05/2010
Age : 50
Localisation : TARDIS / CARDIFF

Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 14 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Transmissions Officielles de MARS   Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 14 EmptyLun 3 Oct 2011 - 23:45

skorpio08 a écrit:

Et par contre je trouve que la triad humaine c'est pas trop ca!

c'est carrément ridicule oui...

Comme à chaque fois ça s’essouffle ce genre de choses et ça ne ressemble plus à rien Gne2
Revenir en haut Aller en bas


Féminin Messages : 13510
Date d'inscription : 22/05/2010
Age : 45
Localisation : Dans une piscine et aussi un sac de couchage..

Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 14 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Transmissions Officielles de MARS   Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 14 EmptyLun 10 Oct 2011 - 13:34

M.A.J en 1ere page des archives!
nous allons avoir cette semaine la 100eme!!! HUHU
Revenir en haut Aller en bas
Impératrice Vintage Megalow Ech'

Féminin Messages : 20409
Date d'inscription : 21/05/2010
Age : 50
Localisation : TARDIS / CARDIFF

Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 14 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Transmissions Officielles de MARS   Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 14 EmptyLun 10 Oct 2011 - 13:42

Virginie a écrit:
M.A.J en 1ere page des archives!
nous allons avoir cette semaine la 100eme!!! HUHU

oui enfin selon eux... car il leur en manque 4 kememe dans leurs archives Rire2

Non j'ai pas repris tous mes mails depuis le début en cours d'année pour vérifier l'exactitude de mes dires, et non je n'ai pas un calendrier précis avec toutes les transmissions... Caché !

MONICA sort de mon corps Chouine Chouine
Revenir en haut Aller en bas


Féminin Messages : 4304
Date d'inscription : 24/05/2010
Age : 31
Localisation : Bercy
Humeur : \o/

Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 14 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Transmissions Officielles de MARS   Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 14 EmptyLun 10 Oct 2011 - 14:51

Maryarmy a écrit:

Non j'ai pas repris tous mes mails depuis le début en cours d'année pour vérifier l'exactitude de mes dires, et non je n'ai pas un calendrier précis avec toutes les transmissions... Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 14 564833

MONICA sort de mon corps Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 14 872409 Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 14 872409

Ne me donne pas des idées comme ca Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 14 872409
Revenir en haut Aller en bas
Impératrice Vintage Megalow Ech'

Féminin Messages : 20409
Date d'inscription : 21/05/2010
Age : 50
Localisation : TARDIS / CARDIFF

Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 14 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Transmissions Officielles de MARS   Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 14 EmptyLun 10 Oct 2011 - 14:54

Ma Bou toi seule me comprend Hug Hug Caché !
Revenir en haut Aller en bas
Modo Reine Du Tuto flapy, boss des liens & du GPS Phoenixien mais Boulet de la corbeille

Féminin Messages : 9687
Date d'inscription : 23/05/2010
Age : 36
Localisation : BZH
Humeur : Je suis un ... cocktaiiiiil !

Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 14 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Transmissions Officielles de MARS   Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 14 EmptyJeu 13 Oct 2011 - 12:33

Transmission: The Official Thirty Seconds to Mars Newsletter

MARS in Honolulu

This Week - 10/12/2011

Shannon Answers Your Eco-Questions

Shannon Ablorg

Shannon answers your eco-based questions on ABLorg. Check out his answers HERE

Kings and Queens: The Ride Anniversary

To celebrate The Ride, we encourage ECHELON everywhere to gather together for your own KINGS AND QUEENS ride in your city or town, between October 10-12th. Dress as characters from The Film, attach MARS flags on bikes, sing the song as you ride! Ride through locations similar to the video—overpasses, by piers, and through streets. Film it, take photos, and show us by sending an email or Tweet!

Watch “Kings And Queens - The Ride” on MARS’ Official YouTube channel by clicking here.

White Lies To Open MARS For France

Thirty Seconds To Mars have invited White Lies to join them as special guests on their forthcoming Tour de France.

Catch the band at the following shows this November.

12th Nov – France, Paris, Zenith

13th Nov – France, Nantes, Zenith

15th Nov – France, Bordeaux, La Medoquine

16th Nov – France, Toulouse, Le Phare

18th Nov – France, Lille, Zenith

19th Nov – France, Amneville, Le Galaxie

20th Nov – France, Lyon, Transbordeur

22nd Nov – France, Montpellier, Zenith

23rd Nov – France, Marseille, Le Dome

Tickets and info on the TOUR PAGE.

MARS EMA Avatar Contest


We’ve seen your work with MARS avatars in the past and are greatly impressed! Now, we’d like you to bring your best and design a unique, fresh design for the Official “Vote Mars for EMA 2011” Avatar Contest! 

Rules: All designs submitted for the contest MUST BE YOUR CREATION. No using other’s templates, designs, etc. We want what YOU have designed, 100%. Anyone from any country may enter, any age. Feel free to use a recent photo of the Band and/or any text you wish.

Deadline: October 31, 2011 at 11:59 PM PST. We will pick a winner and announce on November 1, 2011.

Specs: Make any size graphic to be used on social media outlets such as Twitter and Facebook. Try to keep the ratio to a basic square, but feel free to create as you see fit.

Prize: The contest winner will be followed by @30SECONDSTOMARS on Twitter for 1 week, and the Band will use your avatar!

To enter, use the hashtag #MARSema on Twitter when @ replying to the Band. Good luck!

Mars Tattoos

Mars Tattoos Feature

Cestlapatry has an L490 tattoo!


Do YOU have a Mars-themed Tattoo? Submit your photo, name, and location to Thirty Seconds To Mars Tattoo Archive for a chance to be featured in the next installment of Transmission!


Vote for MARS

ALL: VOTE MARS FOR 'Best Alternative', 'Biggest Fans', and 'Best World Stage' for the MTV EMAs

US: Suggest categories applicable to MARS for the O Music Awards

Serbia: 'Night of the Hunter' on MTV Serbia Rock Chart and Top 20

Austria: 'This is War' on GOTV

Brazil: 'This is War' on Multishow

Asia: 'This Is War' on MTV Chart Attack

Greece: vote 'This Is War' for MTV Hit List Hellas

Italy: Vote 'Hurricane' on MTV Fanclub Charts



October 22, 2011 – Mexico City, Mexico

Palacio de los Deportes, EXA FM Radio Event

October 23, 2011 – Leon, Mexico

Poliforum Leon, EXA FM Radio Event (Official Site)

Be sure to visit the Official Tour Page for all available ticket information regarding current and recently rescheduled dates, and printable promotional flyers.

Use Twitter? Be sure to keep updated with the latest ticket releases and relating announcements by following @30SECONDSTOMARS, and @golden_tix for overseas and U.S. VIP Ticket Packages.

Use Facebook? Remember to "like" the official Thirty Seconds To Mars Facebook Page by clicking here.


Triad Global Assault

Belarus Echelon composed this triad in Minsk:

Triad Global Assault

Compose the Human Triad image with friends and fellow Echelon in high-traffic or populated areas. Stand, sit, or build a pyramid in a Triad formation. Get creative and submit your photos to the Triad Global Assault Page.


Avatar Art of the Week

Each week we'll showcase some of the best MARS-themed avatars on twitter, facebook, and other social networks.

@sonjalovesmars has this avatar to remind everyone to vote MARS for EMAs


Last week's twitter was created by @30STMVOTE. Design your own avatars to promote voting, upcoming shows, or anything MARS related. You can also use or edit the avatars designed by @thisisthehive.


12 Steps to Mars

Help us spread the word about Thirty Seconds To Mars and the new album, This Is War. Below are the 12 Steps to Mars which you can use on a daily basis to help. Click Here to Read NOW!

Here are some tools you can print out on your own!

Flyers •  Mars StencilFull Size PosterQR Code

Live in or near a MARS tour stop? Promo on the weeks before the show date in that area! If you have pictures or video from your own street team missions, please send links to

MARS on Twitter

'Like' Thirty Seconds To Mars on Facebook

Subscribe to Jared, Shannon, and Tomo

Weekly Picks From the Band

Read of the Week

Field Notes From A Catastrophe - Elizabeth Kolbert

Field Notes from a Catastrophe: Man, Nature, and Climate Change is a 2006 non-fiction book by Elizabeth Kolbert. The book attempts to bring attention to the causes and effects of global climate change. Kolbert travels around the world where climate change is affecting the environment in significant ways. These locations include Alaska, Greenland, the Netherlands, and Iceland. The environmental effects that are apparent consist of rising sea levels, thawing permafrost, diminishing ice shelves, changes in migratory patterns, and increasingly devastating forest fires due to loss of precipitation. She also speaks with many leading scientists about their individual research and findings.

Movie of the Week

Blade Runner

Blade Runner is a 1982 American science fiction film directed by Ridley Scott and starring Harrison Ford, Rutger Hauer, and Sean Young. The screenplay, written by Hampton Fancher and David Peoples, is loosely based on the novel Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? by Philip K. Dick. The film depicts a dystopian Los Angeles in November 2019 in which genetically engineered organic robots called replicants—visually indistinguishable from adult humans—are manufactured by the powerful Tyrell Corporation as well as by other "mega–manufacturers" around the world.

Album of the Week


Feist- Metals

Metals is the fourth studio album by Feist, released on September 30, 2011 in Ireland, Austria, Switzerland, Germany, Sweden and Belgium; October 3, 2011 in the United Kingdom; and October 4, 2011 in the United States and Canada. The album is supported by a European and North American tour which kicks off in Amsterdam, Netherlands on October 15 and finishes December 6 in Quebec City, Quebec. Spin gave "Metals" a score of 7/10, writing "Taken individually, each song is as sturdy as oak -- the guitars have a magnesium shimmer, and every instrument seems bathed in its own spotlight, especially Feist's vocals, which feel like they're being whispered directly into your ear."


Website of the Week

Reading Is Fundemental

Reading Is Fundamental, Inc. is the oldest and largest children's and family nonprofit literacy organization in the United States. All RIF programs combine three essential elements to foster children's literacy: reading motivation, family and community involvement, and the excitement of choosing free books to keep. RIF's accomplishments are due in part to the generous financial assistance by the U.S. Department of Education, corporations, foundations, community organizations, and thousands of individuals.


Purchase This Is War

Want to see past Transmissions? A list of all previous Transmissions can be found in the Transmission Archive!


Join us online!

Twitter - @30SecondstoMars





A Beautiful Lie

30 Seconds to Mars




Mexico City, Mexico

Palacio de los Deportes


Leon, Mexico

Poliforum Leon


Riga, Latvia

Riga Arena


Vilnius, Lithuania

Siemens Arena


Minsk, Belarus

Minsk Sports Palace


Paris, France



Nantes, France



Bordeaux, France

La Medoquine


Toulouse, France

Le Phare


Lille, France



Amneville, France

Le Galaxie


Lyon, France



Montpellier, France



Marseille, France

Le Dome


Hohenmes, Austria

Event Centre


Vienna, Austria



Antwerp, Belgium

Lotto Arena

Revenir en haut Aller en bas
Impératrice Vintage Megalow Ech'

Féminin Messages : 20409
Date d'inscription : 21/05/2010
Age : 50
Localisation : TARDIS / CARDIFF

Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 14 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Transmissions Officielles de MARS   Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 14 EmptyJeu 13 Oct 2011 - 12:49

Citation :
Thirty Seconds To Mars have invited White Lies to join them as special guests on their forthcoming Tour de France.

ça va on vous gène pas trop... Rire2

j'en connais qui ont regardé les liens des vidéos de Mike Lala Lala
Revenir en haut Aller en bas
Impératrice Vintage Megalow Ech'

Féminin Messages : 20409
Date d'inscription : 21/05/2010
Age : 50
Localisation : TARDIS / CARDIFF

Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 14 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Transmissions Officielles de MARS   Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 14 EmptyJeu 13 Oct 2011 - 15:34

Même moi je m'étais trompée, on est à la 107° Transmission ^^
Revenir en haut Aller en bas

Féminin Messages : 13136
Date d'inscription : 22/05/2010
Age : 34
Localisation : Allemagne

Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 14 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Transmissions Officielles de MARS   Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 14 EmptyJeu 13 Oct 2011 - 15:48

Maryarmy a écrit:
Citation :
Thirty Seconds To Mars have invited White Lies to join them as special guests on their forthcoming Tour de France.

ça va on vous gène pas trop... Rire2

j'en connais qui ont regardé les liens des vidéos de Mike Lala Lala

C'est aussi l'un des évènements sportifs les plus connus du monde alors les vidéos... Rire1 *pessimiste bonjour*

Et ils ont conseillé Feist... j'aime Oops
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Féminin Messages : 13510
Date d'inscription : 22/05/2010
Age : 45
Localisation : Dans une piscine et aussi un sac de couchage..

Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 14 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Transmissions Officielles de MARS   Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 14 EmptyJeu 13 Oct 2011 - 17:36

Cheuqué Subsisto Procul Nusquam je pense que le mec de chez EMI qui a du le virer vient de se tirer une balle! Rire2 Caché ! !
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Impératrice Vintage Megalow Ech'

Féminin Messages : 20409
Date d'inscription : 21/05/2010
Age : 50
Localisation : TARDIS / CARDIFF

Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 14 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Transmissions Officielles de MARS   Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 14 EmptyJeu 13 Oct 2011 - 17:43

Virginie a écrit:
Cheuqué Subsisto Procul Nusquam je pense que le mec de chez EMI qui a du le virer vient de se tirer une balle! Rire2 Caché ! !

Marcoooo ???

Marco ??

Marcoooooooooo ???

Rire2 Caché !
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Stereotype du tourbus

Féminin Messages : 5997
Date d'inscription : 23/05/2010
Age : 39
Localisation : Au delà du mur avec moue boudeuse...
Humeur : Winter is coming !

Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 14 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Transmissions Officielles de MARS   Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 14 EmptyJeu 13 Oct 2011 - 17:45

Maryarmy a écrit:
Virginie a écrit:
Cheuqué Subsisto Procul Nusquam je pense que le mec de chez EMI qui a du le virer vient de se tirer une balle! Rire2 Caché ! !

Marcoooo ???

Marco ??

Marcoooooooooo ???

Rire2 Caché !

c'est vraiment moche de faire ça Rire2 Rire2
Revenir en haut Aller en bas
Impératrice Vintage Megalow Ech'

Féminin Messages : 20409
Date d'inscription : 21/05/2010
Age : 50
Localisation : TARDIS / CARDIFF

Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 14 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Transmissions Officielles de MARS   Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 14 EmptyJeu 13 Oct 2011 - 17:57

y'en a pas beaucoup qui peuvent comprendre... Mais la vache ça fait du bien Rire2 Rire2
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Modo Reine Du Tuto flapy, boss des liens & du GPS Phoenixien mais Boulet de la corbeille

Féminin Messages : 9687
Date d'inscription : 23/05/2010
Age : 36
Localisation : BZH
Humeur : Je suis un ... cocktaiiiiil !

Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 14 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Transmissions Officielles de MARS   Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 14 EmptyJeu 20 Oct 2011 - 13:19

Transmission: The Official Thirty Seconds to Mars Newsletter

MARS 300

This Week - 10/19/2011

MARS Celebrates 300th Show In Support of 'This Is War'

Breaks Guinness Record Title

Thirty Seconds To Mars will celebrate their 300th and final show in support of their critically acclaimed third studio album This Is War with a special Tribus Centum Numerarae concert at New York City’s Hammerstein Ballroom on Dec. 7th, 2011. They will also set a new Guinness World Record for the most shows played during a single album cycle.

Nominate MARS for People's Choice

Nominations are now being accepted for the PCA 2012 Awards! Be sure to nominate MARS in the Music Categories as much as you can by clicking here.

Rolling Stone Mexico Live Chat w/ MARS

Tomorrow, Thursday October 20, MARS will be connecting with Rolling Stone Mexico for a live chat with you, the Echelon!

The chat begins at 18:15 HERE. Or you can see the direct transmission HERE.

Rolling Stone Middle East: Life On Mars

Rolling Stone Middle East caught up with MARS earlier this year in Abu Dhabi. The full feature is now available online, detailing the band's battle with critics, the record label, to where they are now. Read the interview HERE.

MARS Digital Gift For EMA Votes Giveaway       

We’ve seen how hard many of you are working to get your maximum daily votes in for MARS in all three of their nominated categories for the 2011 MTV Europe Music Awards. As thanks, we’d like to offer you a reward and simple token of our gratitude.

Send a screen shot of your online voting efforts (specifically, your Mega Fan Profile showing your points), and we’ll send you a secret code to unlock a special digital gift. All screen shots should be sent to and will be accepted now thru November 5, 2011.

Log in or join the MARS Fan Team by clicking here and scrolling down.

Continue to Vote MARS online, by Blackberry mobile, or Apple product App. SPREAD THE WORD!


Mars Tattoos

Mars Tattoos Feature

Autumn Nichole has the MARS glyphics along her side.


Do YOU have a Mars-themed Tattoo? Submit your photo, name, and location to Thirty Seconds To Mars Tattoo Archive for a chance to be featured in the next installment of Transmission!


Vote for MARS

ALL: Nominate MARS in the Music Categories for the People's Choice Awards

ALL: VOTE MARS FOR 'Best Alternative', 'Biggest Fans', and 'Best World Stage' for the MTV EMAs

US: Suggest categories applicable to MARS for the O Music Awards

Serbia: 'Night of the Hunter' on MTV Serbia Rock Chart and Top 20

Austria: 'This is War' on GOTV

Brazil: 'This is War' on Multishow

Asia: 'This Is War' on MTV Chart Attack

Greece: vote 'This Is War' for MTV Hit List Hellas

Italy: Vote 'Hurricane' on MTV Fanclub Charts



October 22, 2011 – Mexico City, Mexico

Palacio de los Deportes, EXA FM Radio Event

October 23, 2011 – Leon, Mexico

Poliforum Leon, EXA FM Radio Event (Official Site)


December 7, 2011 – New York City, New York

Hammerstein Ballroom

  (Golden Tickets)

(General Tickets) on sale Oct. 22 at 10am

Be sure to visit the Official Tour Page for all available ticket information regarding current and recently rescheduled dates, and printable promotional flyers.

Use Twitter? Be sure to keep updated with the latest ticket releases and relating announcements by following @30SECONDSTOMARS, and @golden_tix for overseas and U.S. VIP Ticket Packages.

Use Facebook? Remember to "like" the official Thirty Seconds To Mars Facebook Page by clicking here.


Triad Global Assault

Check out this massive triad near Padrao dos Descobrimentos in Lisbon:

Triad Global Assault

Compose the Human Triad image with friends and fellow Echelon in high-traffic or populated areas. Stand, sit, or build a pyramid in a Triad formation. Get creative and submit your photos to the Triad Global Assault Page.


Avatar Art of the Week

Each week we'll showcase some of the best MARS-themed avatars on twitter, facebook, and other social networks.

@nochka1717 uses this avatar to spread word about MARS' EMA nominations and encourages voting:


Design your own avatars to promote voting, upcoming shows, or anything MARS related. You can also use or edit the avatars designed by @thisisthehive.


12 Steps to Mars

Help us spread the word about Thirty Seconds To Mars and the new album, This Is War. Below are the 12 Steps to Mars which you can use on a daily basis to help. Click Here to Read NOW!

Here are some tools you can print out on your own!

Flyers •  Mars StencilFull Size PosterQR Code

Live in or near a MARS tour stop? Promo on the weeks before the show date in that area! If you have pictures or video from your own street team missions, please send links to

MARS on Twitter

'Like' Thirty Seconds To Mars on Facebook

Subscribe to Jared, Shannon, and Tomo

Weekly Picks From the Band

Read of the Week

Confidence Men- Ron Suskind

Confidence Men: Wall Street, Washington and the Education of a President is a book by Ron Suskind, published by HarperCollins on September 20, 2011. On September 15th, 2011, news of the book began to leak to the press with the New York Times, having obtained an advanced copy, writing that "The book offers a portrait of a White House operating under intense pressure as it dealt with a cascade of crises, from insolvent banks to collapsing carmakers. And it details the rivalries among figures around the president, including Mr. Summers; Mr. Geithner; the former chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel; and the budget director, Peter R. Orszag.

Movie of the Week

Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead

Overweight Australian filmmaker Joe Cross attempts to wrestle back control of his failing health during a cross-country trek in which he engages everyday Americans in discussions about food and obesity in this lighthearted documentary addressing a deadly serious subject. Clocking in at 310 pounds and pumped full of steroids to battle a debilitating autoimmune disorder, Cross realized that he would soon be dead if he didn't make some major lifestyle changes. But pharmaceuticals were only treating his symptoms, and no doctor seemed capable of providing the long-term care and support it would take to turn his life around. Desperate, Cross loads up his car with a juicer and a generator, and pledges to survive on nothing but fresh fruit and vegetable juice for 60 days.

Album of the Week

Hurry Up, We're Dreaming - M83

Hurry Up, We're Dreaming is the 6th studio album by M83. The double album was released on October 18, 2011 on Mute. Prior to recording Hurry Up, We're Dreaming, Anthony Gonzalez had moved from his native France to Los Angeles. Gonzalez cited road trips to Joshua Tree National Park as a big influence on the album. Gonzalez cited the ambitiousness of albums such as Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness as the reason he made Hurry Up, We're Dreaming a double album. In addition, Gonzalez described the two discs as brother and sister, with each track having a sibling on the other disc.

Website of the Week


Soles4Souls collects new shoes to give relief to the victims of abject suffering and collects used shoes to support micro-business efforts to eradicate poverty.  Soles4Souls’ other two divisions, Clothes4Souls and Hope4Souls, provide the same relief and support through clothing and other necessities.


Purchase This Is War

Want to see past Transmissions? A list of all previous Transmissions can be found in the Transmission Archive!


Join us online!

Twitter - @30SecondstoMars





A Beautiful Lie

30 Seconds to Mars




Mexico City, Mexico

Palacio de los Deportes


Leon, Mexico

Poliforum Leon


Riga, Latvia

Riga Arena


Vilnius, Lithuania

Siemens Arena


Minsk, Belarus

Minsk Sports Palace


Paris, France



Nantes, France



Bordeaux, France

La Medoquine


Toulouse, France

Le Phare


Lille, France



Amneville, France

Le Galaxie


Lyon, France



Montpellier, France



Marseille, France

Le Dome


Hohenmes, Austria

Event Centre


Vienna, Austria



Antwerp, Belgium

Lotto Arena

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Impératrice Vintage Megalow Ech'

Féminin Messages : 20409
Date d'inscription : 21/05/2010
Age : 50
Localisation : TARDIS / CARDIFF

Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 14 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Transmissions Officielles de MARS   Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 14 EmptyJeu 20 Oct 2011 - 13:23

perso j'aime beaucoup l'avatar... 30SECONDS TO JARED LETO Rolleyes Rolleyes
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Modo Reine Du Tuto flapy, boss des liens & du GPS Phoenixien mais Boulet de la corbeille

Féminin Messages : 9687
Date d'inscription : 23/05/2010
Age : 36
Localisation : BZH
Humeur : Je suis un ... cocktaiiiiil !

Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 14 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Transmissions Officielles de MARS   Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 14 EmptyMer 26 Oct 2011 - 23:41

Transmission: The Official Thirty Seconds to Mars Newsletter

MARS 300

This Week - 10/26/2011

Thirty Seconds To Mars Add Second NY Show

To Celebrate MARS 300

Thirty Seconds To Mars have announced a second show to their Mars 300 celebration in NYC at Hammerstein Ballroom on Dec. 6th.

Earlier this month the band announced that they would celebrate their 300th and final show in support of their critically acclaimed third studio album This Is War with a special Tribus Centum Numerarae concert at the Hammerstein Ballroom on Dec. 7th.  That show sold out in minutes last week and due to popular demand the second show has been added.

Tickets for the Dec. 6th show will go on sale to the public this Friday, Oct. 28th at 10am EST. Golden Tickets on sale now.

Rolling Stone Mexico Live Chat w/ MARS

MARS sat down with Rolling Stone Mexico for a live video chat with you, the Echelon!! In case you missed it, you can catch the chat in full HERE.

MARS Mexico Press Conference

Mars Mexico Press

On their recent trip to Mexico, MARS met with Mexican press to discuss the latest with the band- from touring to what's next. Watch the conference HERE.

Nominate MARS for People's Choice

Nominations are now being accepted for the PCA 2012 Awards! Be sure to nominate MARS in the Music Categories as much as you can by clicking here.

MARS Digital Gift For EMA Votes Giveaway       

We’ve seen how hard many of you are working to get your maximum daily votes in for MARS in all three of their nominated categories for the 2011 MTV Europe Music Awards. As thanks, we’d like to offer you a reward and simple token of our gratitude.

Send a screen shot of your online voting efforts (specifically, your Mega Fan Profile showing your points), and we’ll send you a secret code to unlock a special digital gift. All screen shots should be sent to and will be accepted now thru November 5, 2011. Only 10 days left to get your votes in!!

Log in or join the MARS Fan Team by clicking here and scrolling down.

Continue to Vote MARS online, by Blackberry mobile, or Apple product App. SPREAD THE WORD!

Mars Tattoos

Mars Tattoos Feature

Loreto proudly shows us three MARS tattoos.


Do YOU have a Mars-themed Tattoo? Submit your photo, name, and location to Thirty Seconds To Mars Tattoo Archive for a chance to be featured in the next installment of Transmission!


Vote for MARS

ALL: Nominate MARS in the Music Categories for the People's Choice Awards

ALL: VOTE MARS FOR 'Best Alternative', 'Biggest Fans', and 'Best World Stage' for the MTV EMAs

US: Suggest categories applicable to MARS for the O Music Awards

Serbia: 'Night of the Hunter' on MTV Serbia Rock Chart and Top 20

Austria: 'This is War' on GOTV

Brazil: 'This is War' on Multishow

Asia: 'This Is War' on MTV Chart Attack

Greece: vote 'This Is War' for MTV Hit List Hellas

Italy: Vote 'Hurricane' on MTV Fanclub Charts



November 2, 2011 – Riga, Latvia

Riga Arena (General Tickets) (Golden Tickets)

November 3, 2011 – Vilnius, Lithuania

Siemens Arena (General Tickets) (Golden Tickets)

November 4, 2011 – Minsk, Belarus

Minsk Sports Palace – (General Tickets) (Golden Tickets)


December 6, 2011 – New York, New York

Hammerstein Ballroom

(Golden Tickets) (General Tickets)

General Tickets on sale Friday, Oct 28 at 10am EST

December 7, 2011 – New York City, New York

Hammerstein Ballroom

  (Golden Tickets) (General Tickets)

Be sure to visit the Official Tour Page for all available ticket information regarding current and recently rescheduled dates, and printable promotional flyers.

Use Twitter? Be sure to keep updated with the latest ticket releases and relating announcements by following @30SECONDSTOMARS, and @golden_tix for overseas and U.S. VIP Ticket Packages.

Use Facebook? Remember to "like" the official Thirty Seconds To Mars Facebook Page by clicking here.


Triad Global Assault

The Echelon-Khabarovsk in Russia cleverly used steps to create this Human Triad:

Triad Global Assault

Compose the Human Triad image with friends and fellow Echelon in high-traffic or populated areas. Stand, sit, or build a pyramid in a Triad formation. Get creative and submit your photos to the Triad Global Assault Page.


Avatar Art of the Week

Each week we'll showcase some of the best MARS-themed avatars on twitter, facebook, and other social networks.

@PulangMansanas designed this avatar for MARS to encourage votes:


Design your own avatars to promote voting, upcoming shows, or anything MARS related. You can also use or edit the avatars designed by @thisisthehive.


12 Steps to Mars

Help us spread the word about Thirty Seconds To Mars and the new album, This Is War. Below are the 12 Steps to Mars which you can use on a daily basis to help. Click Here to Read NOW!

Here are some tools you can print out on your own!

Flyers •  Mars StencilFull Size PosterQR Code

Live in or near a MARS tour stop? Promo on the weeks before the show date in that area! If you have pictures or video from your own street team missions, please send links to

MARS on Twitter

'Like' Thirty Seconds To Mars on Facebook

Subscribe to Jared, Shannon, and Tomo

Weekly Picks From the Band

Read of the Week

The War of the Worlds - HG Wells

The War of the Worlds (1898) is a science fiction novel by H. G. Wells. It describes the experiences of an unnamed narrator who travels through the suburbs of London as England is invaded by Martians. It is one of the earliest stories that details a conflict between mankind and an alien race. The War of the Worlds is split into two parts, Book one: The Coming of the Martians, and Book two: The Earth under the Martians. The novel is narrated by a writer of philosophical articles who throughout the narrative struggles to reunite with his wife, while witnessing the Martians rampaging through the southern English counties.

Movie of the Week

Silence of the Lambs

The Silence of the Lambs is a 1991 American thriller film that blends elements of the crime and horror genres. It was directed by Jonathan Demme and stars Jodie Foster, Anthony Hopkins, Ted Levine and Scott Glenn. It is based on the novel of the same name by Thomas Harris, his second to feature Dr. Hannibal Lecter, a brilliant psychiatrist and cannibalistic serial killer. In the film, Clarice Starling, a young FBI trainee, seeks the advice of the imprisoned Dr. Lecter to help apprehend another serial killer, known only as "Buffalo Bill". The Silence of the Lambs was released on February 14, 1991, and grossed over $272 million. The film won the top five Academy Awards: Best Picture, Best Actress, Best Actor, Best Director and Best Adapted Screenplay.

Album of the Week

Walk Among Us - Misfits

Walk Among Us is the eighth release from the American horror punk band The Misfits. The band's first full-length album to be released (although it was actually the 3rd to be recorded, after Static Age and 12 Hits from Hell), it was originally co-released by Ruby and Slash Records as JRR804 in March 1982. The album is considered a landmark for the horror punk/hardcore punk genre and is constantly featured in greatest punk albums of all time lists.

Website of the Week

Nourishing NYC

Nourishing NYC is a not-for-profit community food program that strives to achieve “nutrition for all” in New York City. Their mission is to alleviate the strong correlation between low-income status and poor dietary health. They provide nutritious meals and nutritional educational without question and without criticism. Anyone is welcome regardless of age, sex, race, financial qualifications, or religious beliefs. Nourishing NYC was opened in 2008 to address poor nutrition and health while addressing the issue of food scarcity and hunger large issues facing the poverty-stricken East Harlem community in New York City.


Purchase This Is War

Want to see past Transmissions? A list of all previous Transmissions can be found in the Transmission Archive!


Join us online!

Twitter - @30SecondstoMars





A Beautiful Lie

30 Seconds to Mars




Riga, Latvia

Riga Arena


Vilnius, Lithuania

Siemens Arena


Minsk, Belarus

Minsk Sports Palace


Paris, France



Nantes, France



Bordeaux, France

La Medoquine


Toulouse, France

Le Phare


Lille, France



Amneville, France

Le Galaxie


Lyon, France



Montpellier, France



Marseille, France

Le Dome


Hohenmes, Austria

Event Centre


Vienna, Austria



Antwerp, Belgium

Lotto Arena


New York, New York

Hammerstein Ballroom


New York, New York

Hammerstein Ballroom

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Impératrice Vintage Megalow Ech'

Féminin Messages : 20409
Date d'inscription : 21/05/2010
Age : 50
Localisation : TARDIS / CARDIFF

Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 14 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Transmissions Officielles de MARS   Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 14 EmptyJeu 27 Oct 2011 - 9:03

Comme d'hab les triades sont ridicules et ne servent à rien! je ne vais pas me répéter mais faire une triade avec 5 pecos dans un endroit isolé je ne vois pas l'intérêt... le but étant de se faire remarquer et de faire de la promotion pour le groupe Rolleyes Rolleyes

J'aime beaucoup le tatoo, il est soft et agréable et bien placé... oui j'aime beaucoup...

et les livres et films comme d'hab sont très bon s Kiffme
Revenir en haut Aller en bas


Messages : 3543
Date d'inscription : 24/05/2010
Age : 34
Localisation : Hobbitbourg avec la fellowship of the Rhum

Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 14 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Transmissions Officielles de MARS   Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 14 EmptyJeu 27 Oct 2011 - 10:24

Maryarmy a écrit:
Comme d'hab les triades sont ridicules et ne servent à rien! je ne vais pas me répéter mais faire une triade avec 5 pecos dans un endroit isolé je ne vois pas l'intérêt... le but étant de se faire remarquer et de faire de la promotion pour le groupe Rolleyes Rolleyes

Je crois plutôt qu'aujourd'hui le but est de paraitre dans la transmission et non pas de faire une VRAIE promotion Unsure
Pour le bouquin ça fait des années que je me dis qu'il faut que je le lise Caché !
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Féminin Messages : 1275
Date d'inscription : 24/08/2011
Age : 38
Localisation : Limoges

Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 14 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Transmissions Officielles de MARS   Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 14 EmptyJeu 27 Oct 2011 - 10:28

Maryarmy a écrit:
Comme d'hab les triades sont ridicules et ne servent à rien! je ne vais pas me répéter mais faire une triade avec 5 pecos dans un endroit isolé je ne vois pas l'intérêt... le but étant de se faire remarquer et de faire de la promotion pour le groupe Rolleyes Rolleyes

J'aime beaucoup le tatoo, il est soft et agréable et bien placé... oui j'aime beaucoup...

et les livres et films comme d'hab sont très bon s Kiffme

+1000 tout pareil!!! Hug
La triade est simplement ridicule!!! Beuhh
Et sinon je dirais pas mieux pour le tatoo, c'est tellement rare que ce soit soft, que ca fait du bien! Et films et livres génials!!!!
Revenir en haut Aller en bas
Impératrice Vintage Megalow Ech'

Féminin Messages : 20409
Date d'inscription : 21/05/2010
Age : 50
Localisation : TARDIS / CARDIFF

Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 14 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Transmissions Officielles de MARS   Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 14 EmptyJeu 27 Oct 2011 - 12:51

30lily a écrit:
Maryarmy a écrit:
Comme d'hab les triades sont ridicules et ne servent à rien! je ne vais pas me répéter mais faire une triade avec 5 pecos dans un endroit isolé je ne vois pas l'intérêt... le but étant de se faire remarquer et de faire de la promotion pour le groupe Rolleyes Rolleyes

Je crois plutôt qu'aujourd'hui le but est de paraitre dans la transmission et non pas de faire une VRAIE promotion Unsure
Pour le bouquin ça fait des années que je me dis qu'il faut que je le lise Caché !

NOUS au moins quand on est dedans on lance une mission mondiale Rire2 Vive nous Vive nous
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Contenu sponsorisé

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MessageSujet: Re: Transmissions Officielles de MARS   Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 14 Empty

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Transmissions Officielles de MARS
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Page 14 sur 32Aller à la page : Précédent  1 ... 8 ... 13, 14, 15 ... 23 ... 32  Suivant
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