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 Transmissions Officielles de MARS

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Aria from Mars
miss Hyde
Clo' & Cie
the kill
83 participants
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Féminin Messages : 4304
Date d'inscription : 24/05/2010
Age : 31
Localisation : Bercy
Humeur : \o/

Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 23 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Transmissions Officielles de MARS   Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 23 EmptyJeu 19 Avr 2012 - 0:21

Anyway a écrit:
LNfromMars a écrit:
Y a écrit vyrt toutes les 5 lignes, Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 23 37451 Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 23 613389
Je m'attendais au tatouage VyRt ! Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 23 37451

Ne parle pas d'horreurs Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 23 613389
Revenir en haut Aller en bas

Féminin Messages : 13136
Date d'inscription : 22/05/2010
Age : 34
Localisation : Allemagne

Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 23 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Transmissions Officielles de MARS   Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 23 EmptyJeu 19 Avr 2012 - 7:54

Oh des photos d'archives... ça pue le yearbook ça Oops
Revenir en haut Aller en bas
Modo Reine Du Tuto flapy, boss des liens & du GPS Phoenixien mais Boulet de la corbeille

Féminin Messages : 9687
Date d'inscription : 23/05/2010
Age : 36
Localisation : BZH
Humeur : Je suis un ... cocktaiiiiil !

Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 23 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Transmissions Officielles de MARS   Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 23 EmptyJeu 26 Avr 2012 - 8:07

Transmission: The Official Thirty Seconds to Mars Newsletter

Jared Leto on YouTube

VyRT: A Unique Virtual Social Experience

JUST TWO MORE DAYS UNTIL WE VyRT THE MARS LABORATORY! The event will take place FRIDAY, APRIL 27 at 3PM PST! Check out the teasers as featured on Jared's Official YouTube channel by clicking here.

There's still time to snag some digital tickets before sales close TONIGHT, 11:59 PM PST! Visit for information, or log in to chat at THE LAB and access Exclusive Merchandise by visiting using your unique access code!


This week's MARS Clip features the Band in Sweden performing THE KILL:


Click here to watch the footage and leave your comments.

Get MARS Clip Monday announcements by following the Band on Twitter, @30SECONDSTOMARS. Watch all of the Clips released so far on the Official MARS YouTube Channel using the MARS Clips Playlist!



The latest MARS GetGlue sticker has arrived! Check-in to MARS from to unlock the MARS Laboratory event sticker! This design is exclusive to digital ticket holders only, so don't miss out!


'Like' Thirty Seconds To Mars on Facebook!

Subscribe to JaredShannon, and Tomo

MARS Facebook Timeline Cover

Check out Linda's creative Timeline cover, showcasing VyRT THE MARS LABORATORY! Join the Official Event on Facebook by clicking here.


Have a MARS-inspired Timeline photo? Be sure to share it with the Band by commenting on any post on Facebook, and you may just be featured in the next installment of TRANSMISSION.


Have you collected posters, tickets, marquee shots, and more during the THIS IS WAR Touring Era? We'd like to see your photos! Contribute to the Official MARS Archives by emailing your shots to

The Official MARS Store


VyRT THE MARS LABORATORY EXCLUSIVES: Autographed Poster, KEEP CALM and F-ING VyRT shirts, AND a Bart Cubbins original! Check 'em out by clicking here.



@MayfireONmars' photo showcases several Triad necklaces, as well as a Mithra pick:

@MayfireONmars's TRIAD Alert


Have you spotted a Triad recently, or are sporting your Triad Necklace? Send us your photo via Twitter using the hashtag #TRIADalert.



Crystall Ivy submitted this stunning CLOSER TO THE EDGE-inspired artwork:

We want to see YOUR MARS Art! Submit your original drawings, paintings, graphic design, and more to the Official MARS Art Flickr Pool by clicking here. You could be featured next!


Triad Global Assault

ECHELON of Milan, Italy got together and showed us they're ready to F-ING VyRT with this TRIAD. Nice work!

Want to see your TRIAD Global Assault photo featured in Transmission? Get creative and submit your photos to the Triad Global Assault Page and you could be next!


Avatar Art of the Week


@Laura__Echelon got clever with her Twitter avatar, featuring not only the work of Bart Cubbins, but lyrics from THIS IS WAR too!


@Laura__Echelon's Avatar


Think your MARS Avatar is unique or creative? Tweet to MARS with the hashtag #MARSavatar for a chance to be featured!

Lurrelin's MARS tattoo features the Glyphs as well as lyrics from a MARS classic, YEAR ZERO:

lurrelin's Tattoo

Have a MARS Tattoo? Add your photos to the Official MARS Tattoo Archive and you could be featured!


Hive Missions

Check out the latest features and focuses by visiting The Hive on Tumblr and Twitter, as well as now on Facebook!

Stay updated with the latest news by following the Official Mars Social Media Outlets listed HERE. 



Read of the Week

Devil in the White City - Erik Larson


The Devil in the White City is not, in fact, a highly imaginative novel. Author Erik Larson tells the stories of two men: Daniel H. Burnham, the architect responsible for the fair's construction, and H.H. Holmes, a serial killer masquerading as a charming doctor.

Movie of the Week


A bureaucrat in a retro-future world tries to correct an administrative error and himself becomes an enemy of the state in Brazil.

Album of the Week

She Hangs Brightly - Mazzy Star

She Hangs Brightly is the debut studio album by American dream pop band Mazzy Star, released in 1990. While not a commercial success, the album did establish Mazzy Star as a unique band with a unique sound.

Website of the Week

The Great Discontent

The Great Discontent is a journal focusing on creativity, risk, and what connects us as artists. Designed and published by Ryan & Tina Essmaker of Designing Monsters in the great state of Michigan.

Want to see past Transmissions? A list of all previous Transmissions can be found in the Transmission Archive!



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Féminin Messages : 1822
Date d'inscription : 11/12/2011
Age : 41
Localisation : Issy les Moulineaux
Humeur : Je déteste que l'on essaie de me faire passer pour une conne...J'y arrive très bien toute seule! :)

Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 23 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Transmissions Officielles de MARS   Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 23 EmptyJeu 26 Avr 2012 - 9:06

A part le Mars Art ( Oops ), c'est encore et toujours VyRT qui domine...

Vivement la semaine prochaine qu'on en finisse! happy
Revenir en haut Aller en bas
Envoyée Spéciale sur Phoenix

Féminin Messages : 4073
Date d'inscription : 25/05/2010
Age : 48
Localisation : aux alentours de Mars
Humeur : il faut toujours voir le beau gosse à moitié nu ^^

Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 23 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Transmissions Officielles de MARS   Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 23 EmptyJeu 26 Avr 2012 - 11:34

Juliettaaaaa a écrit:
A part le Mars Art ( Oops ), c'est encore et toujours VyRT qui domine...

Vivement la semaine prochaine qu'on en finisse! happy

Ben pareil tout pareil Rire2
Revenir en haut Aller en bas

Féminin Messages : 13136
Date d'inscription : 22/05/2010
Age : 34
Localisation : Allemagne

Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 23 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Transmissions Officielles de MARS   Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 23 EmptyJeu 26 Avr 2012 - 17:58

Citation :
Have you collected posters, tickets, marquee shots, and more during the THIS IS WAR Touring Era? We'd like to see your photos! Contribute to the Official MARS Archives by emailing your shots to

Faut que je fasse ça HUHU

Faut qu'ils arrêtent de nous lancer des indices comme quoi ça sent le yearbook et jamais prendre la peine de nous le sortir !! boude
Revenir en haut Aller en bas
Modo Reine Du Tuto flapy, boss des liens & du GPS Phoenixien mais Boulet de la corbeille

Féminin Messages : 9687
Date d'inscription : 23/05/2010
Age : 36
Localisation : BZH
Humeur : Je suis un ... cocktaiiiiil !

Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 23 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Transmissions Officielles de MARS   Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 23 EmptyJeu 3 Mai 2012 - 8:10

Transmission: The Official Thirty Seconds to Mars Newsletter

VyRT: A Unique Virtual Social Experience

VyRT: A Unique Virtual Social Experience

THANK YOU to the Believers that tuned in for VyRT: THE MARS LABORATORY on April 27! MARS showcased new songs, a few surprise guests, the Mars Monkey, and more!

A re-broadcasting of VyRT will take place on FRIDAY, MAY 4, from 9AM PST to 6PM PST. Only people who purchased VyRT: THE MARS LABORATORY will have access to reVyRT. In order to keep things special, we will not be offering additional sales for this event. Existing VyRT customers will be able to access this via using the unique access codes and usernames originally assigned.

For optimal viewing, a Wi-Fi or hardline internet connection is suggested in Chrome, Safari, or Internet Explorer. For mobile/tablet browsers, it is highly suggested you are connected to a Wi-Fi internet connection.

For inquiries regarding the re-VyRT, please email


Missed the VyRT the MARS LABORATORY live-Tweet spree? MARS launched their Official Instagram account during the VyRT event, and you can now follow the Band's photo stream by searching and following user @30SECONDSTOMARS via mobile app Instagram.



Stomp-stomp-clap along with this week's exclusive MARS Clip, featuring VOX POPULI, live from 2010 - Brighton, United Kingdom:


Click here to watch the footage and leave your comments.

Not sure if you've missed an exclusive video? Watch all of the Clips released via the Official MARS YouTube Channel using the MARS Clips Playlist!



'Like' Thirty Seconds To Mars on Facebook!

Subscribe to JaredShannon, and Tomo

MARS Facebook Timeline Cover


Gisela's Timeline cover features a fantastic live shot from the THIS IS WAR Tour Era.


Do you have a MARS-inspired Timeline photo? Be sure to share it with the Band by commenting on any post on Facebook, and you may just be featured in the next installment of TRANSMISSION.


The Official MARS Store


VyRT THE MARS LABORATORY EXCLUSIVES: Autographed Poster, KEEP CALM and F-ING VyRT shirts, AND a Bart Cubbins original! Check 'em out by clicking here.



This week's featured Triad comes all the way from Egypt,

courtesy of @NNegma:

@NNegma's TRIAD Alert


Have you spotted a Triad recently, or are sporting your Triad Necklace? Send us your photo via Twitter using the hashtag #TRIADalert.


This hilarious MARS Fanart surfaced not too long after footage of Jared and his friend The Deer was released:


The Deer and his friend... Jared Leto

ERRATUM: Last week's featured CLOSER TO THE EDGE artwork, shown below, was actually created by Jen S. Take a look at her original artwork on Flickr by clicking here.

We want to see YOUR MARS Art! Submit your original drawings, paintings, graphic design, and more to the Official MARS Art Flickr Pool by clicking here. You could be featured next!


Triad Global Assault

Poland ECHELON synched up and took their assault to an all-new level, forming Human Triads in 13 Polish cities!

Want to see your TRIAD Global Assault photo featured in Transmission? Get creative and submit your photos to the Triad Global Assault Page and you could be next!


Avatar Art of the Week


Adriana shows off her VyRT OR DEATH Avatar, complete with her own Mars Monkey:


@IRA3181's Avatar


Think your MARS Avatar is unique or creative? Tweet to MARS with the hashtag #MARSavatar for a chance to be featured!

Lurrelin's MARS tattoo features the Glyphs as well as lyrics from a MARS classic, YEAR ZERO:

irsjones' Tattoo

Have a MARS Tattoo? Add your photos to the Official MARS Tattoo Archive and you could be featured!


Hive Missions

Check out the latest features and focuses by visiting The Hive on Tumblr and Twitter, as well as now on Facebook!

Stay updated with the latest news by following the Official Mars Social Media Outlets listed HERE. 



Read of the Week

Sex, Drugs, and Cocoa Puffs - Chuck Klosterman


Countless writers and artists have spoken for a generation, but no one has done it quite like Chuck Klosterman. With an exhaustive knowledge of popular culture and an almost effortless ability to spin brilliant prose out of unlikely subject matter, Klosterman attacks the entire spectrum of postmodern America in Sex, Drugs, and Cocoa Puffs: reality TV, Internet porn, Pamela Anderson, literary Jesus freaks, and the real difference between apples and oranges.

Movie of the Week

The Ides of March

In The Ides of March, ambition seduces and power corrupts in a nerve-wracking thriller from Academy Award® nominated director George Clooney. Idealistic campaign worker Stephen Meyers (Ryan Gosling) has sworn to give all for Governor Mike Morris (Clooney), a wild card presidential candidate whose groundbreaking ideas could change the political landscape. However, a brutal Ohio primary threatens to test Morris's integrity. 

Album of the Week

Get Ready - New Order

Get Ready is the seventh studio album by the English rock band New Order. Released in August 2001 by London Records, this was the group's first album in eight years, following 1993's Republic.

Website of the Week

YOUNG-HAE CHANG Heavy Industries Presents..


Want to see past Transmissions? A list of all previous Transmissions can be found in the Transmission Archive!



Revenir en haut Aller en bas
Impératrice Vintage Megalow Ech'

Féminin Messages : 20409
Date d'inscription : 21/05/2010
Age : 50
Localisation : TARDIS / CARDIFF

Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 23 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Transmissions Officielles de MARS   Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 23 EmptyJeu 3 Mai 2012 - 9:07

Je ne ferais aucun commentaire! je ne ferais aucun commentaire ! Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 23 312119
Revenir en haut Aller en bas


Féminin Messages : 453
Date d'inscription : 14/08/2011
Age : 36
Localisation : montpellier
Humeur : studieuse

Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 23 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Transmissions Officielles de MARS   Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 23 EmptyJeu 3 Mai 2012 - 9:46

A quand les tatouages Vyrt or death ? HUHU
Revenir en haut Aller en bas


Féminin Messages : 848
Date d'inscription : 24/11/2011
Age : 36
Localisation : quelque part entre Mars et ici
Humeur : je vais bien, ne t'en fais pas...

Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 23 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Transmissions Officielles de MARS   Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 23 EmptyJeu 3 Mai 2012 - 9:55

Rolleyes - oui c'est tout -
Revenir en haut Aller en bas
Queen of the PQ du Puy du Ouf

Féminin Messages : 5587
Date d'inscription : 27/05/2010
Age : 45
Localisation : wild wild west
Humeur : Make it happen!

Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 23 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Transmissions Officielles de MARS   Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 23 EmptyJeu 3 Mai 2012 - 11:36

Un dessin connu et un PIA classique, jusque là ça va quand même! On s'en sort bien!

rien vu sur le vyrt, non, rien du tout, mes yeux ne fixent plus les lettres, pffffffut, rien vu... Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 23 165465
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Modo Reine Du Tuto flapy, boss des liens & du GPS Phoenixien mais Boulet de la corbeille

Féminin Messages : 9687
Date d'inscription : 23/05/2010
Age : 36
Localisation : BZH
Humeur : Je suis un ... cocktaiiiiil !

Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 23 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Transmissions Officielles de MARS   Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 23 EmptyJeu 10 Mai 2012 - 8:15

Transmission: The Official Thirty Seconds to Mars Newsletter



Jared was last seen hiking in the Hollywood Hills when this video surfaced... If anyone has ANY information or knows of his whereabouts, PLEASE contact MARS immediately! SPREAD THE WORD.


VyRT: A Unique Virtual Social Experience

VyRT: A Unique Virtual Social Experience

Indiana-based blog The Brazil Times recently wrote a piece featuring VyRT Fly-Away winner Dustin (pictured above with winner Alma of Mexico), and his live-event experience. See what Dustin had to share about his day with MARS by clicking here.


Jared on Tudou China

Tudou presents this video of Jared, and he has a message for China. Click here to watch the clip now.


VyRT Chat


Visit VyRT today and chatbring your friends and create your own rooms, right at your fingertips, whenever you want! Jared will be chatting live TOMORROW, May 10, around 10:30 AM PST. Start up by clicking "WATCH" at!


KERRANG! Awards 2012


The Kerrang! awards are here, and the Band scored TWO nominations! Click here to vote MARS "Best International Band", and Jared as "Hero of the Year". See the full nominee list here.



MTV Act's lastest ECHELON-related blog features the unofficial International Conference that took place in Portugal, where ECHELON from various countries gathered. Read more about the event by clicking here.



'Like' Thirty Seconds To Mars on Facebook!

Subscribe to JaredShannon, and Tomo

MARS Facebook Timeline Cover


POLAND! Remember this?

Kasia's Timeline features this 2011 MARS Tour Photo.


Do you have a MARS-inspired Timeline photo? Be sure to share it with the Band by commenting on any post on Facebook, and you may just be featured in the next installment of TRANSMISSION.


VyRT, India, a NEW ALBUM, and moreMTV's James Montgomery  tackles the latest MARS topics, including what we can expect from the Band's next album and how the ECHELON will be involved. Read more by clicking here.


The Official MARS Store


Collect and get web-exclusive necklace designs from the one and only MARS Store! Send us photos of you wearing your favorite gear by Tweeting @30SECONDSTOMARS using hashtags #TRIADalert or #GLYPHalert. We may just feature you!



@luvthedew sent us this T-Shirt TRIAD Alert:

@luvthedew's TRIAD Alert


Have you spotted a Triad recently, or are sporting your Triad Necklace? Send us your photo via Twitter using the hashtag #TRIADalert.


Check out natamur's incredible art inspired by THE KILL, which recently celebrated its 6th Anniversary!


THE KILL by natamur


We want to see YOUR MARS Art! Submit your original drawings, paintings, graphic design, and more to the Official MARS Art Flickr Pool by clicking here. You could be featured next!


Triad Global Assault

ECHELON Germany got together earlier this week and put together this great TRIAD Shot:

Want to see your TRIAD Global Assault photo featured in Transmission? Get creative and submit your photos to the Triad Global Assault Page and you could be next!


Avatar Art of the Week


When you think about VyRT: THE MARS LABORATORY, what comes to mind? @Me_Marina's avatar has a few suggestions:


@Me_Marina's Avatar


Think your MARS Avatar is unique or creative? Tweet to MARS with the hashtag #MARSavatar for a chance to be featured!


@VyktoriaNichole doesn't mess around when it comes to her choices in tattoos with one side of her body covered in MARS Glyphs, and the other as featured below:

Have a MARS Tattoo? Add your photos to the Official MARS Tattoo Archive and you could be featured!


Hive Missions

Check out the latest features and focuses by visiting The Hive on Tumblr and Twitter, as well as now on Facebook!

Stay updated with the latest news by following the Official Mars Social Media Outlets listed HERE. 



Read of the Week

The Twits - Roald Dahl


Roald Dahl's tale, "The Twits", Mr. and Mrs. Twit hate everything, including their trained monkeys, the Muggle-Wumps, who now want revenge.

Movie of the Week

The Warriors

A gang called The Warriors are framed for killing a gang leader trying to unite all the gangs in the area. With other gangs gunning for them they must get back to the home turf of Coney Island... Alive. 

Album of the Week

Rocket to Russia - The Ramones

Rocket to Russia is the third studio album by the American punk rock band The Ramones and includes some of the band's best-known songs, including "Sheena Is a Punk Rocker" and "Teenage Lobotomy".

Website of the Week


When In LA... Self-explanatory.

Want to see past Transmissions? A list of all previous Transmissions can be found in the Transmission Archive!



Roald Dahl Court Kiffme
Revenir en haut Aller en bas
Impératrice Vintage Megalow Ech'

Féminin Messages : 20409
Date d'inscription : 21/05/2010
Age : 50
Localisation : TARDIS / CARDIFF

Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 23 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Transmissions Officielles de MARS   Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 23 EmptyJeu 10 Mai 2012 - 9:00

Le dessin est vraiment magnifique! Pour le reste je passe mon tour Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 23 312119
Revenir en haut Aller en bas


Féminin Messages : 605
Date d'inscription : 26/11/2011
Age : 30

Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 23 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Transmissions Officielles de MARS   Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 23 EmptyJeu 10 Mai 2012 - 11:00

+1 pour Roald Dahl ! Ça parle de "Trained monkeys" Shannon doit pas y être étranger Rire2
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Féminin Messages : 272
Date d'inscription : 26/01/2012
Age : 34
Localisation : Bordeaux

Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 23 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Transmissions Officielles de MARS   Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 23 EmptyJeu 10 Mai 2012 - 11:18

le dessin est magnifique! Oops *par contre le tatoo j'aime pas il est bcp trop gros je trouve
Revenir en haut Aller en bas


Féminin Messages : 1337
Date d'inscription : 15/07/2011
Age : 35
Localisation : Dans les nuages

Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 23 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Transmissions Officielles de MARS   Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 23 EmptyJeu 10 Mai 2012 - 14:03

Maryarmy a écrit:
Le dessin est vraiment magnifique! Pour le reste je passe mon tour Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 23 312119
Tout pareil*post inutile bonjour^^*!
Revenir en haut Aller en bas

Féminin Messages : 13136
Date d'inscription : 22/05/2010
Age : 34
Localisation : Allemagne

Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 23 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Transmissions Officielles de MARS   Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 23 EmptyVen 11 Mai 2012 - 18:51

Ils ont recommandé un livre de Roald Dahl Kiffme
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Modo Reine Du Tuto flapy, boss des liens & du GPS Phoenixien mais Boulet de la corbeille

Féminin Messages : 9687
Date d'inscription : 23/05/2010
Age : 36
Localisation : BZH
Humeur : Je suis un ... cocktaiiiiil !

Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 23 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Transmissions Officielles de MARS   Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 23 EmptyMer 16 Mai 2012 - 17:54

Transmission: The Official Thirty Seconds to Mars Newsletter

The Most Creative People in Business 2012: Jared Leto

The 100 Most Creative People in Business: Jared Leto

Fast Company has unveiled their annual celebration of business innovators who dare to think differently, and Jared is listed as one of the 100 Most Creative People in Business! Read more on the June 2012 feature by clicking here.


Featured Videos: THE KILL and ATTACK

Both ATTACK and THE KILL celebrate respective 7th and 6th Anniversaries in the month of May. Visit MARS on YouTube VEVO to re-live the music videos, and subscribe to the channel!



Including tracks from albums featured in TRANSMISSION, MARS PLAYLIST: III is finally here! Missed the first two Playlists? Access them at MP:I and MP:II.


KERRANG! Awards 2012


You can still VOTE MARS for the Kerrang! Awards 2012! Click here to vote MARS "Best International Band" and Jared as "Hero of the Year"! For a full list of this year's nominees, click here.



'Like' Thirty Seconds To Mars on Facebook!

Subscribe to JaredShannon, and Tomo

MARS Facebook Timeline Cover


Rathiya's Timeline cover features this MARS Featured Photo of the Band goofin' around in Abu Dhabi.


Do you have a MARS-inspired Timeline photo? Be sure to share it with the Band by commenting on any post on Facebook, and you may just be featured in the next installment of TRANSMISSION.


The Official MARS Store


LAST CHANCE to pre-order VyRT: THE MARS LAB Official Merchandise! Visit the Official MARS Store today and see the latest arrivals—some items HAVE sold out, so don't miss out! Order NOW and be entered to win signed poster!



@MaryCubz's Triad is a unique one...

Could this be the new MARS Hawk?

@MaryCubz's TRIAD Alert


Spotted a Triad recently? We'd love to feature it in TRANSMISSION! Send us your photos via Twitter using the hashtag #TRIADalert.


Artist A.M. shared this great Triad painting:


A.M.'s Triad Art


We want to see YOUR MARS Art! Submit your original drawings, paintings, graphic design, and more to the Official MARS Art Flickr Pool by clicking here. You could be featured next!


Triad Global Assault

ECHELON of Lithuania sent us this incredible street art:

We want to see your most creative Triad Global Assault photos! Submit your photos to the Triad Global Assault Page and you could be featured next!


Avatar Art of the Week


@_JustSayYes_'s avatar combines a few of VyRT: THE MARS LABORATORY's  most memorable moments in the spirit of the THIS IS WAR face covers:


@_JustSayYes_'s Avatar


Think your MARS Avatar is unique or creative? Tweet to MARS with the hashtag #MARSavatar and show us what you've got!


s'andy's tattoo is simple, but powerful:

Add your photos to the Official MARS Tattoo Archive and you could be featured in the next installment of TRANSMISSION!


Hive Missions

Check out the latest features and focuses by visiting The Hive on Tumblr and Twitter, as well as now on Facebook!

Stay updated with the latest news by following the Official Mars Social Media Outlets listed HERE. 



Read of the Week

The Dirt - Motley Crue


The Dirt: Confessions of the World's Most Notorious Rock Band is a collaborative autobiography written by Mötley Crüe, Neil Strauss, and the "Mötley" managers, where they write about the members of Mötley Crüe. First published in 2001, it chronicles the formation of the band, their rise to fame and their decadent lifestyles, as well as the highs and lows of their lives with rare candor.

Movie of the Week

Serving Life

Serving Life documents an extraordinary hospice program where hardened criminals care for dying fellow inmates. Narrated and executive produced by Academy Award®-winner Forest Whitaker, the film takes viewers inside Louisiana's maximum security prison at Angola, where the average sentence is more than 90 years.

Album of the Week

4x4=12 - deadmau5

Grammy-nominated 4x4=12 is the fifth album by Canadian electronic artist deadmau5, featuring singles "Some Chords", "Animal Rights", and "Sofi Needs a Ladder".

Website of the Week


What do you get if you cross random cat videos and songs from YouTube? Procatinator of course.

Want to see past Transmissions? A list of all previous Transmissions can be found in the Transmission Archive!



Dernière édition par Tif le Mer 16 Mai 2012 - 18:21, édité 1 fois
Revenir en haut Aller en bas
Impératrice Vintage Megalow Ech'

Féminin Messages : 20409
Date d'inscription : 21/05/2010
Age : 50
Localisation : TARDIS / CARDIFF

Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 23 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Transmissions Officielles de MARS   Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 23 EmptyMer 16 Mai 2012 - 18:00

Tif a écrit:

Triad Global Assault

ECHELON of Lithuania sent us this incredible street art:


We want to see your most creative Triad Global Assault photos! Submit your photos to the Triad Global Assault Page and you could be featured next!


Alors la je dis BRAVO !!! C'est magnifique Kiffme Kiffme Kiffme
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Féminin Messages : 1822
Date d'inscription : 11/12/2011
Age : 41
Localisation : Issy les Moulineaux
Humeur : Je déteste que l'on essaie de me faire passer pour une conne...J'y arrive très bien toute seule! :)

Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 23 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Transmissions Officielles de MARS   Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 23 EmptyMer 16 Mai 2012 - 19:56

Tout Pareil! Un grand Clapclap pour le Triad Global Assault de cette semaine

C'est beau et ça change!

Sinon, pour le site Web...y aurait pas du Tomo derrière tout ça?! Rire2
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Féminin Messages : 846
Date d'inscription : 26/11/2011
Age : 34

Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 23 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Transmissions Officielles de MARS   Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 23 EmptyMer 16 Mai 2012 - 20:25

Juliettaaaaa a écrit:
Sinon, pour le site Web...y aurait pas du Tomo derrière tout ça?! Rire2
Ça ne peut être que lui Rire2
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Queen of the PQ du Puy du Ouf

Féminin Messages : 5587
Date d'inscription : 27/05/2010
Age : 45
Localisation : wild wild west
Humeur : Make it happen!

Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 23 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Transmissions Officielles de MARS   Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 23 EmptyMer 16 Mai 2012 - 21:05

Je plussoie, j'adore!
Et les clips, et même le avatar art je le trouve drôle avec le chicken masqué! Oops
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Féminin Messages : 13510
Date d'inscription : 22/05/2010
Age : 45
Localisation : Dans une piscine et aussi un sac de couchage..

Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 23 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Transmissions Officielles de MARS   Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 23 EmptyJeu 17 Mai 2012 - 0:23

ne voir personne sur la photo c'est vraiment le pied!au moins le personne ou les personnes qui a/ont fait ça ne l'ont pas fait pour faire voir leur minois. happy !et j'adore.

le tatouage est mignon je trouve.
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Modo Reine Du Tuto flapy, boss des liens & du GPS Phoenixien mais Boulet de la corbeille

Féminin Messages : 9687
Date d'inscription : 23/05/2010
Age : 36
Localisation : BZH
Humeur : Je suis un ... cocktaiiiiil !

Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 23 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Transmissions Officielles de MARS   Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 23 EmptyMer 23 Mai 2012 - 21:01

Transmission: The Official Thirty Seconds to Mars Newsletter

MARS on Instagram

Following MARS on Instagram yet? Get new, never-before-seen photos direct to your phone by following the Band via @30SECONDSTOMARS. Show your love with Likes and be sure to leave your own comments and captions for each photo!


We've enjoyed seeing your VyRT THE MARS LAB photos and clips, as seen above. If you'd like to share your experience, send an email to, or send a tweet to @VyRTnet!

Jared's Official YouTube Channel

You can now access Jared's Official YouTube channel at its new address,! Subscribe now to receive notifications for exclusive videos/playlists, and don't forget to visit the Official MARS Channel as well as the MARS YouTube VEVO Channel!


KERRANG! Awards 2012


There isn't much time left... Vote MARS "Best International Band" and Jared as "Hero of the Year"! To see this year's nominees, click here, but mark your calendars—Voting ENDS Friday, May 25!



'Like' Thirty Seconds To Mars on Facebook!

Subscribe to JaredShannon, and Tomo

MARS Facebook Timeline Cover


Matilda's Timeline cover features her photo with MARS!


Comment on any post on the Official MARS Facebook Page for a chance to see your MARS-inspired Timeline in TRANSMISSION!



Thank you to all who have submitted photos for the MARS YEARBOOK: VOLUME III! It's not too late to contribute—We're looking for any and all of the following, highest quality possible:


Cool Avatars, Theme Night Pictures, Magazines / Photo Shoots, Press Articles, Ticket Stubs, Venue Marquees, Live Posters, Awards, Tattoos, Live Photos, and the Best Band Photos you have!

Submit all materials via email by clicking here. PLEASE NOTE if you have already emailed us, you don't need to re-send anything!


The Official MARS Store


This Week's Merch Feature: MARS ACCESSORIES! Whether you're into buttons, bags, or MARS collectibles, the Official MARS Store has something for you, perfect for gifting. Take a look!



We received this breathtaking Triad Alert photo from @flavia_seco on Twitter:

@flavia_seco's TRIAD Alert


Spotted or even created a Triad recently and want to see it in TRANSMISSION? Send us your photos via Twitter using the hashtag #TRIADalert for your chance!


Take a look at Atimarap's incredible "KINGS" acrylic painting:


Atimarap's "KINGS"


Submit your original drawings, paintings, graphic design, and more to the Official MARS Art Flickr Pool, and you could be featured!


Triad Global Assault

The Brazil ECHELON sent us this awesome Triad formation:

We want to see your most creative Triad Global Assault photos! Tweet us or submit your photos to the Triad Global Assault Page and you could be featured next.


Avatar Art of the Week


@ChanMow_Killjoy's rendition of Bart Cubbins' infamous artwork:


@ChanMow_Killjoy's Avatar


Think your MARS Avatar is unique or creative? Tweet to MARS with the hashtag #MARSavatar and show us what you've got!


@MonyMOFO sent us this awesome ECHELON group shot:

Add your photos to the Official MARS Tattoo Archive and you could be featured in the next installment of TRANSMISSION!


Hive Missions

Check out the latest features and focuses by visiting The Hive on Tumblr and Twitter, as well as now on Facebook!

Stay updated with the latest news by following the Official Mars Social Media Outlets listed HERE. 



Read of the Week

Koushun Takami - Battle Royale


Battle Royale is a Japanese novel written by Koushun Takami—The story tells of school-children who are forced to fight each other to the death. The novel itself has been translated into nearly 10 languages, and has even been adapted into a Japanese manga (comic book) series.

Movie of the Week


After a vicious attacks leaves him brain-damaged and broke, Mark Hogancamp seeks recovery in "Marwencol", a 1/6th scale World War II-era town he creates in his backyard.

Album of the Week

The Only Place - Best Coast

The Only Place is the second studio album by American indie rock duo Best Coast. A free download of the record's title track can be found on their Official Band Page.

Website of the Week


Scanwiches: Scans of sandwiches for education and delight.

Want to see past Transmissions? A list of all previous Transmissions can be found in the Transmission Archive!



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Féminin Messages : 13136
Date d'inscription : 22/05/2010
Age : 34
Localisation : Allemagne

Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 23 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Transmissions Officielles de MARS   Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 23 EmptyMer 23 Mai 2012 - 21:10

Rire2 @ site internet.... mais qu'est ce que c'est que ce truc ? XD
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Contenu sponsorisé

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