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 Transmissions Officielles de MARS

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Aria from Mars
miss Hyde
Clo' & Cie
the kill
83 participants
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Féminin Messages : 272
Date d'inscription : 26/01/2012
Age : 34
Localisation : Bordeaux

Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 21 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Transmissions Officielles de MARS   Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 21 EmptyJeu 23 Fév 2012 - 13:51

j'aime beaucoup le petit message de Tomo à propos de Rome ! bcp moins l'état de Jared ce jour là
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Envoyée Spéciale sur Phoenix

Féminin Messages : 4073
Date d'inscription : 25/05/2010
Age : 48
Localisation : aux alentours de Mars
Humeur : il faut toujours voir le beau gosse à moitié nu ^^

Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 21 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Transmissions Officielles de MARS   Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 21 EmptyJeu 23 Fév 2012 - 18:22

Sympa le petit texte de Tomo.... Oops

j'aime bien le tatoo

Mais la "triad " Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 21 988709
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Modo Reine Du Tuto flapy, boss des liens & du GPS Phoenixien mais Boulet de la corbeille

Féminin Messages : 9687
Date d'inscription : 23/05/2010
Age : 36
Localisation : BZH
Humeur : Je suis un ... cocktaiiiiil !

Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 21 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Transmissions Officielles de MARS   Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 21 EmptyJeu 1 Mar 2012 - 8:46

Transmission: The Official Thirty Seconds to Mars Newsletter

MARS Featured Photo - February 26, 2012

This Week - 02/29/2012

Featured Photo

We asked on Twitter what you would caption this week's Featured Photo, as shown above. Here are some of the caption comments left on the Official MARS site:

@JulesEchelon wrote, "the unique moment we remember, that the earth seemed to stand still."

Michelle captioned, "Guitar God on Mars"

Lisa wrote, "There is no light without the darkness."

@AgyonMars captioned, "True passion and darkness collide and make one perfect thing - music."

Read more comments and see a larger version of the photo here. More Featured Photos are on their way—follow the Band on Twitter to receive alerts on when and where to comment!

This week's MARS Clip features the epic opening of ESCAPE. Shannon had this to say about it and Germany:

Germany is always has this epic vibe about it. This evening was a powerful one. I remember walking out on stage and looking at all those people thinking to myself... "it can't get much better than this!!"


Were you there? Be sure to leave your comments and share your memories here, as well as keep up with MARS Clip Mondays announced each week on Twitter.

MARS on Facebook

'Like' Thirty Seconds To Mars on Facebook!

Subscribe to Jared, Shannon, and Tomo

Stephanie's Timeline Cover speaks for itself:

Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 21 Fb229

Have a MARS-inspired Timeline photo? Be sure to share it with the Band by commenting any post on Facebook, and you may just be featured.

Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 21 Econfs

Heba of Saudi Arabia sent us this ECHELON Confession video telling us how she found herself after unfortunate loss, and how the music of MARS brought her to life again. Watch the video by clicking here.

Want to submit your ECHELON Confession? Check out The Hive on Tumblr for more information.

MARS Playlist


The latest MARS sticker has launched on GetGlue! Check-in to MARS on the service via to earn this exclusive MARS MTV Unplugged on VyRT sticker. Once you've earned 20 stickers or more, request to get the stickers printed and mailed to you for free!

Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 21 Echtourevs

Jenn M.'s ECHELON Tour Review

Thank you to all who have submitted reviews from the THIS IS WAR Era! Each week, one of your reviews is featured on the MARS Official site. This week features Jenn M. review of both MARS300 and MARS MTV Unplugged on VyRT. See what she had to say by clicking here, or check out the ECHELON Tour Review Archive.

MARS Tattoo

Daniel's photo submission combines not only the Triad Necklace and MARS tattoo, but a re-creation of one of Jared's photos:

Daniel's Tattoo

Do YOU have a MARS-themed Tattoo? Submit your photo, name, and location to Thirty Seconds To Mars Tattoo Archive for a chance to be featured!

Send us a pic of you sporting the Glyph or Triad Necklace on Twitter with the hashtags #GLYPHnecklace and #TRIADnecklace. Get yours from the Official Mars Store today.

Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 21 Frmmstore

WEB EXCLUSIVE: MARS Coins! (From left to right) Own the ECHELON, Mithra, or Trinity seals in coin-form, available only via the Official MARS Store. Check out all three and more accessories by clicking here.

ECHELON gathered in Paris to create this great Human Triad.

Bravo! Bon travail!

Triad Global Assault

Compose the Human Triad image with friends and fellow Echelon in high-traffic or populated areas. Stand, sit, or build a pyramid in a Triad formation. Get creative and submit your photos to the Triad Global Assault Page!

Avatar Art of the Week

Each week we showcase some of the best, most unique MARS-themed avatars on Twitter, Facebook, and other social networks. Check out @_L490's complimenting avatar:

Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 21 229ava

Design your own avatars featuring anything MARS related. Tweet using the hashtag #MARSavatar and yours could be featured next!

Hive Missions

Help us spread the word about Thirty Seconds To Mars with promotions and projects you can participate online and/or outside! Click Here for MARS Missions!

If you have pictures or video from your own street team missions, please send links to

Stay updated with the latest news by following the Official Mars Social Media Outlets listed HERE.

Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 21 Picksweek

Read of the Week

Tomo's Pick:

Pilot's Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge

Pilot's Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge, created by the Federal Aviation Administration, is the official reference manual for pilots at all levels. An indispensable and invaluable encyclopedia, it deals with all aspects of aeronautical information. Flight manuals and documentation are also covered, as is specialized information on such matters as weight and balance, aircraft performance, weather, navigation, airport operations, aeromedical factors, and decision-making while flying.

Movie of the Week

Some Like It Hot

In "Some Like It Hot", Chicago musicians Joe (Tony Curtis) and Jerry (Jack Lemmon) accidentally witness a gangland shooting and quickly board a southbound train to Florida, disguised as Josephine and Daphne. Their cover is perfect... until a lovelorn singer (Marilyn Monroe) falls for Josephine, an ancient playboy (Joe E. Brown) falls for Daphne, and a mob boss (George Raft) refuses to fall for their hoax.

Album of the Week

The Black Keys - El Camino

Drawing influences from early American music and popular genres from the 1950s–1970s, such as rock and roll, soul, rockabilly, and glam rock, "El Camino" is the seventh studio album by American rock duo The Black Keys. Co-produced by Danger Mouse and the band, the record release itself was preceded by its lead single, "Lonely Boy".

Website of the Week

Tomo's Pick:

Having a bad day? You might want to visit the Wall of Fluff, a site loaded with cute animal videos from top to bottom. Sleepy kitten? Check. Koala bear? Check. Otter and badger? Check and check.


Purchase This Is War

Want to see past Transmissions? A list of all previous Transmissions can be found in the Transmission Archive!

Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 21 Hivead

Join us online!

Twitter - @30SecondstoMars





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A Beautiful Lie

30 Seconds to Mars

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Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 21 Advertise

French Triad U\'refrenchieornot
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Féminin Messages : 13136
Date d'inscription : 22/05/2010
Age : 34
Localisation : Allemagne

Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 21 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Transmissions Officielles de MARS   Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 21 EmptyJeu 1 Mar 2012 - 9:17

Le mot de Shannon : il dit la même chose à tous les coups... genre il se rappelle pas d'où il était la veille donc se rappeler d'un concert en particulier, on y croit Chanon Rire2

Le site de la semaine : on s'en serait pas douté que ça venait de Tomo tiens Rire2 Rire2
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Impératrice Vintage Megalow Ech'

Féminin Messages : 20409
Date d'inscription : 21/05/2010
Age : 50
Localisation : TARDIS / CARDIFF

Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 21 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Transmissions Officielles de MARS   Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 21 EmptyJeu 1 Mar 2012 - 9:39

Je trouve que les transmissions ont de moins en moins d'intérêt Chouine

Par contre bravo pour la triade française Clapclap
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Féminin Messages : 272
Date d'inscription : 26/01/2012
Age : 34
Localisation : Bordeaux

Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 21 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Transmissions Officielles de MARS   Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 21 EmptyJeu 1 Mar 2012 - 12:25

+1 les transmissions sont de plus en plus vides Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 21 988709
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Féminin Messages : 605
Date d'inscription : 26/11/2011
Age : 30

Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 21 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Transmissions Officielles de MARS   Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 21 EmptyJeu 1 Mar 2012 - 13:10

Très original comme Tatoo, comme un air de déjà vu je dirai Rolleyes
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Aria from Mars

Aria from Mars

Féminin Messages : 12
Date d'inscription : 04/02/2012
Age : 32
Localisation : Lyon

Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 21 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Transmissions Officielles de MARS   Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 21 EmptyJeu 1 Mar 2012 - 13:51

A quand les triades très OUF dans la transmission??
+1 pour la french triade
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Modo Reine Du Tuto flapy, boss des liens & du GPS Phoenixien mais Boulet de la corbeille

Féminin Messages : 9687
Date d'inscription : 23/05/2010
Age : 36
Localisation : BZH
Humeur : Je suis un ... cocktaiiiiil !

Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 21 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Transmissions Officielles de MARS   Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 21 EmptyMer 7 Mar 2012 - 20:04

Transmission: The Official Thirty Seconds to Mars Newsletter

Featured Photo

MARS Featured Photo - March 7, 2012

We asked what you would caption this week's Featured Photo, as shown above. Here are some of the caption comments left on the Official MARS site, as well as on Facebook:

Kendell T. wrote, "Being in that crowd, your hearts beating as one, you know you're finally home."

@Adka_ wrote, "One band. One concert. A million of memories."

edii wrote, "Insane. Amazing. Epic. Unforgettable. MARS."

Rachel wrote, "Time to escape..."

Read more comments and see a larger version of the photo here.

This week's MARS Clip features the Band in Prague during a performance of A BEAUTIFUL LIE. Check it out below:


Were you there? Be sure to leave your comments and share your memories here, and keep up with MARS Clip Mondays announced each week on Twitter.

MARS on Facebook

'Like' Thirty Seconds To Mars on Facebook!

Subscribe to Jared, Shannon, and Tomo

Naty's Timeline Cover is a double-alert, featuring both

the GLYPH and TRIAD:

Have a MARS-inspired Timeline photo? Be sure to share it with the Band by commenting any post on Facebook, and you may just be featured.

Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 21 Econfs

Megan of Colorado sent us this ECHELON Confession video sharing her thoughts on MARS and how the music helped her look beyond comfort zone and just dream. Watch the video by clicking here.

Want to submit your ECHELON Confession? Check out The Hive on Tumblr for more information.

MARS Tattoo

Valeria of Chile proudly shows off both versions of the

MARS GLYPHS on her forearms:

Valeria's Tattoo

Do YOU have a MARS-themed Tattoo? Submit your photo, name, and location to Thirty Seconds To Mars Tattoo Archive for a chance to be featured!

Send us a pic of you sporting the Glyph or Triad Necklace on Twitter with the hashtags #GLYPHnecklace and #TRIADnecklace. Get yours from the Official Mars Store today.

Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 21 Frmmstore

The Official MARS Store - EXCLUSIVE!

WEB EXCLUSIVE: A MARS Store Exclusive, the HURRICANE Key is now on sale for $20 for 24 hours! Get it while you can, and see other exclusive accessories by visiting the Official MARS Store.

Thanks to EVERYONE who submitted photos for the first TRIAD PHOTO FLASH! Check out hundreds of photos, now featured on MARS Official:

TRIAD Photo Flash

Stay tuned for more Photo Flash concepts!

Want to see your TRIAD Global Assault photo featured in Transmission? Get creative and submit your photos to the Triad Global Assault Page!

Avatar Art of the Week

Each week we showcase some of the best, most unique MARS-themed avatars on Twitter, Facebook, and other social networks. @marsweirdo's avatar features this simple, but eye-catching paper cut-out of "MARS":

Design your own avatars featuring anything MARS related. Tweet using the hashtag #MARSavatar and yours could be featured next!

Hive Missions

Help us spread the word about Thirty Seconds To Mars with promotions and projects you can participate online and/or outside! Click Here for MARS Missions!

If you have pictures or video from your own street team missions, please send links to

Stay updated with the latest news by following the Official Mars Social Media Outlets listed HERE.

Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 21 Picksweek

Read of the Week

Tomo's Pick:

The God Delusion - Richard Dawkins

In The God Delusion, a preeminent scientist -- and the world's most prominent atheist -- asserts the irrationality of belief in God and the grievous harm religion has inflicted on society, from the Crusades to 9/11.

Movie of the Week

Shannon's Pick:

The Artist

Winner of 5 Academy Awards, The Artist takes place in Hollywood, 1927. As silent movie star George Valentin wonders if the arrival of talking pictures will cause him to fade into oblivion, he sparks with Peppy Miller, a young dancer set for a big break.

Album of the Week

Shannon's Pick:
Born To Die - Lana Del Rey

Born to Die is the second studio album and major label debut by American singer-songwriter Lana Del Rey, featuring debut single "Video Games" and the album's title track, "Born to Die".

Website of the Week

Tomo's Pick:


From featured funny videos to designer collectables, tokyoplastic is a one-stop shop for all things awesome.

Want to see past Transmissions? A list of all previous Transmissions can be found in the Transmission Archive!

Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 21 Hivead

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Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 21 Gtad

Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 21 Advertise

The Artist HUHU

Et Lana del Rey Rire1

Dernière édition par Tif le Mer 7 Mar 2012 - 20:06, édité 1 fois
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Envoyée Spéciale sur Phoenix

Féminin Messages : 4073
Date d'inscription : 25/05/2010
Age : 48
Localisation : aux alentours de Mars
Humeur : il faut toujours voir le beau gosse à moitié nu ^^

Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 21 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Transmissions Officielles de MARS   Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 21 EmptyMer 7 Mar 2012 - 20:05

Quand j'ai vu l'album de Chanon j'ai éclaté de rire Lala Rire2
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Médaille d'Or du Quizz Marsien 2011

Féminin Messages : 4142
Date d'inscription : 24/05/2010
Age : 52
Localisation : Toujours ailleurs

Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 21 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Transmissions Officielles de MARS   Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 21 EmptyMer 7 Mar 2012 - 20:08

Béa a écrit:

Quand j'ai vu l'album de Chanon j'ai éclaté de rire Lala Rire2

pareil Rire2 l'est pas très subtil le garçon
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Stereotype du tourbus

Féminin Messages : 5997
Date d'inscription : 23/05/2010
Age : 39
Localisation : Au delà du mur avec moue boudeuse...
Humeur : Winter is coming !

Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 21 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Transmissions Officielles de MARS   Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 21 EmptyMer 7 Mar 2012 - 20:11

Rire2 Rire2 bah il est polie le garçon c'est tout Rire2 Caché !

et pour The Artist c'est bien mais pas trop compliqué vu l'actualité Rire2 je pense lui tweeter quelques épisodes d'un gars une fille Rire2 Rire2
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Féminin Messages : 1822
Date d'inscription : 11/12/2011
Age : 41
Localisation : Issy les Moulineaux
Humeur : Je déteste que l'on essaie de me faire passer pour une conne...J'y arrive très bien toute seule! :)

Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 21 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Transmissions Officielles de MARS   Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 21 EmptyMer 7 Mar 2012 - 20:12

1ère réaction: ah ben il a bon gout le chanon...The Artist! U\'refrenchieornot

2ème réaction: ah...ou pas en fait! Lana Del Rey... Réflechi En effet, c'est subtil! Rire2
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Féminin Messages : 13136
Date d'inscription : 22/05/2010
Age : 34
Localisation : Allemagne

Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 21 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Transmissions Officielles de MARS   Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 21 EmptyMer 7 Mar 2012 - 20:16

Alcea a écrit:

et pour The Artist c'est bien mais pas trop compliqué vu l'actualité Rire2 je pense lui tweeter quelques épisodes d'un gars une fille Rire2 Rire2

j'aime l'idée Rire2
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Degaine la trad' plus vite que son ombre

Féminin Messages : 2573
Date d'inscription : 23/05/2010
Age : 43
Localisation : Feet on Earth, Head on Mars
Humeur : Veux se barrer à Westeros pour vivre à Winterfell !

Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 21 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Transmissions Officielles de MARS   Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 21 EmptyMer 7 Mar 2012 - 20:33

Alcea a écrit:

et pour The Artist c'est bien mais pas trop compliqué vu l'actualité Rire2 je pense lui tweeter quelques épisodes d'un gars une fille Rire2 Rire2
Vas-y, l'idée est géniale !

Et sinon comme tout le monde, quand j'ai vu l'album, j'ai ri. Moquance
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Féminin Messages : 13136
Date d'inscription : 22/05/2010
Age : 34
Localisation : Allemagne

Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 21 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Transmissions Officielles de MARS   Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 21 EmptyMer 7 Mar 2012 - 21:32

On s'émerveille pas autant quand Jared fait mettre des photos de Richardson dans la transmission... il n'y a peut-être aucune raison d'être subtile là dedans après tout. ^^

Par contre je conseille à tous ceux qui ont une bonne connexion (si c'est pas le cas je crains que ça vous fasse ramer à fond...) d'aller faire un tour sur le site conseillé par Tomo. Je suis hypnotisée depuis tout à l'heure !
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Impératrice Vintage Megalow Ech'

Féminin Messages : 20409
Date d'inscription : 21/05/2010
Age : 50
Localisation : TARDIS / CARDIFF

Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 21 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Transmissions Officielles de MARS   Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 21 EmptyMer 7 Mar 2012 - 23:38

Je vois qu'on a tous eu la même réaction Rire2 Rire2
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Féminin Messages : 13510
Date d'inscription : 22/05/2010
Age : 45
Localisation : Dans une piscine et aussi un sac de couchage..

Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 21 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Transmissions Officielles de MARS   Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 21 EmptyJeu 8 Mar 2012 - 0:05

Rire2 !c'est mignon!! Rire1 !
the artist c'est comme intouchable c'est un truc qu'il faut voir...bah j'ai pas encore vu intouchable alors...
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Féminin Messages : 272
Date d'inscription : 26/01/2012
Age : 34
Localisation : Bordeaux

Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 21 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Transmissions Officielles de MARS   Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 21 EmptyJeu 8 Mar 2012 - 10:21

mouahahah The Artist U\'refrenchieornot ceci dit je n'ai pas encore vu ce film, honte à moi
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Féminin Messages : 249
Date d'inscription : 17/05/2011
Age : 38
Localisation : on Mars with GodCas' ;)
Humeur : bipolarité est mon maître-mot! :D

Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 21 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Transmissions Officielles de MARS   Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 21 EmptyJeu 8 Mar 2012 - 20:14

GirlOfMars a écrit:
Alcea a écrit:

et pour The Artist c'est bien mais pas trop compliqué vu l'actualité Rire2 je pense lui tweeter quelques épisodes d'un gars une fille Rire2 Rire2
Vas-y, l'idée est géniale !

Et sinon comme tout le monde, quand j'ai vu l'album, j'ai ri. Moquance

Moi je dirais même, pourquoi pas Brice de Nice, avec le "casséééééé"... encore plus pervers! HUHU
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Impératrice Vintage Megalow Ech'

Féminin Messages : 20409
Date d'inscription : 21/05/2010
Age : 50
Localisation : TARDIS / CARDIFF

Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 21 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Transmissions Officielles de MARS   Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 21 EmptyJeu 15 Mar 2012 - 8:18

Je laisse tif poster la transmission ... de l'horreur pour ce qui est du tatoo et du necklace... (elle a bien fait de mettre un chapeau de nowel, C'EST une vitrine de nowel Gne2 Rolleyes )
non mais franchement c'est hideux....
Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 21 988709 Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 21 988709

par contre j'aime beaucoup l'avatar Oops
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Féminin Messages : 13510
Date d'inscription : 22/05/2010
Age : 45
Localisation : Dans une piscine et aussi un sac de couchage..

Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 21 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Transmissions Officielles de MARS   Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 21 EmptyJeu 15 Mar 2012 - 8:27

oh mon dieu mais c'est horrible ce tatouage je sais que un tatouage doit être personnel tout ça tout ça mais là pourquoi?! Cheuqué c'est immonde alors si vous mangez ne regardez pas ça!

trop de necklaces tue le necklace non?!

encore une transmission bien utile!

bravo Shannon mais Siddharta a déjà été conseillé il y'a quoi?5 ans.... Rire2 !
cela dit bon livre mais bon quand même...!
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Degaine la trad' plus vite que son ombre

Féminin Messages : 2573
Date d'inscription : 23/05/2010
Age : 43
Localisation : Feet on Earth, Head on Mars
Humeur : Veux se barrer à Westeros pour vivre à Winterfell !

Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 21 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Transmissions Officielles de MARS   Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 21 EmptyJeu 15 Mar 2012 - 9:38

Non mais le tattoo moche et la boutique de necklaces sur pattes, ça suffit hein... Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 21 923517
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Féminin Messages : 453
Date d'inscription : 14/08/2011
Age : 36
Localisation : montpellier
Humeur : studieuse

Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 21 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Transmissions Officielles de MARS   Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 21 EmptyJeu 15 Mar 2012 - 9:44

En fait je suis tellement focus sur la fausse bouche rouge à moitié Duckface que j'en oublie presque la laideur du tatouage !!

Pareil pour les necklace, je vois que les grosses mitaines rouges qui ne lui vont pas du tout Rire2

Enfin bref , le choix est pas folichon quand meme !
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Modo Reine Du Tuto flapy, boss des liens & du GPS Phoenixien mais Boulet de la corbeille

Féminin Messages : 9687
Date d'inscription : 23/05/2010
Age : 36
Localisation : BZH
Humeur : Je suis un ... cocktaiiiiil !

Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 21 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Transmissions Officielles de MARS   Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 21 EmptyJeu 15 Mar 2012 - 10:00

Voilà voilààààà Rire1

Transmission: The Official Thirty Seconds to Mars Newsletter

Featured Photo

MARS Featured Photo - March 7, 2012

We asked what you would caption this week's Featured Photo, as shown above. Here are some of the caption comments left on the Official MARS site, as well as on Facebook:

Echelon _Slayer wrote, "Brothers of harmony"

Sheila P. wrote, "Serenades and Shadows on MARS ;-)"

@nadia_spes wrote, "The moment of unity, the moment of creation."

Read more comments and see a larger version of the photo here.

This week's MARS Clip features Jared sharing some moments he and the Band experienced in Lebanon last summer:


Were you there? Be sure to leave your comments and share your memories here, and keep up with MARS Clip Mondays announced each week on Twitter.

MARS on Facebook

'Like' Thirty Seconds To Mars on Facebook!

Subscribe to Jared, Shannon, and Tomo

Claudia's Timeline Cover features one of the many breathtaking shots of KINGS AND QUEENS:

Have a MARS-inspired Timeline photo? Be sure to share it with the Band by commenting any post on Facebook, and you may just be featured.

Use Google+? Add the Official MARS Profile Page to your Circles today! Click here or access via the shortcut URL

MARS Tattoo

Check out melodyorjusmel's sugar skull tattoo, featuring various Glyphs as well as the Triad:

melodyorjusmel's Tattoo

Do YOU have a MARS-themed Tattoo? Submit your photo, name, and location to Thirty Seconds To Mars Tattoo Archive for a chance to be featured!

MARS on Big FM Germany

Do you remember this moment? Check out this MARS Video Rewind where we revisit the moment the Band visited Germany's Big FM radio in August 2011, and tried Songify for the very first time.

Have a favorite MARS Moment? Send us your favorite video clips on Twitter using the hashtag #MARSflashback!

Candy's sporting not only the Triad and Glyph necklaces, but her MARS Dogtags as well:

Send us a pic of you sporting the Glyph or Triad Necklace on Twitter with the hashtags #GLYPHnecklace and #TRIADnecklace. Get yours from the Official Mars Store today.

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The Official MARS Store - LAST CHANCE!

MARS300: Don't miss your LAST CHANCE to snag Official Merchandise from the record-breaking MARS300 Show! Visit the Official Mars Store for posters, shirt, wristbands, and more before it's too late.

The K+Q Puglia Division of ECHELON got together for this Triad, celebrating Shannon's Birthday!

Want to see your TRIAD Global Assault photo featured in Transmission? Get creative and submit your photos to the Triad Global Assault Page, or look at the first Triad Photo Flash gallery by clicking here.

Avatar Art of the Week

Each week we showcase some of the best, most unique MARS-themed avatars on Twitter, Facebook, and other social networks. This great avatar of hand-art comes from @StAsja87:

Design your own avatars featuring anything MARS related. Tweet using the hashtag #MARSavatar and yours could be featured next!

Hive Missions

Check out the latest features and focuses by visiting The Hive on Tumblr and Twitter, as well as now on Facebook!

Stay updated with the latest news by following the Official Mars Social Media Outlets listed HERE.

Transmissions Officielles de MARS - Page 21 Picksweek

Read of the Week

Shannon's Pick:

Siddhartha - Hermann Hesse

A Mars-favorite and literary classic, Siddhartha is a tale of contemplation, restlessness, despair, and the beginning of life, suffering, rejection, peace, and, finally, wisdom.

Movie of the Week

Tomo's Pick:


Directed by Spencer Susser and starring Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Hesher is about a young boy who's lost his mother, is losing touch with his father as well as the world around him. He then meets Hesher, who manages to make his life even more chaotic.

Album of the Week

Tomo's Pick:
Do You Know - Squarepusher

Do You Know Squarepusher is a 2002 album by Squarepusher, an album was almost entirely digitally produced, with the exception of the last track, a cover of Joy Division's single "Love Will Tear Us Apart".

Website of the Week

Tomo's Pick:

Animals Being Dicks

For people who love silly and animals.

Want to see past Transmissions? A list of all previous Transmissions can be found in the Transmission Archive!

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