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 "Thirty seconds to mars sauve le show" @ The Daily Athenaeum

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Féminin Messages : 13136
Date d'inscription : 22/05/2010
Age : 34
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"Thirty seconds to mars sauve le show" @ The Daily Athenaeum Empty
MessageSujet: "Thirty seconds to mars sauve le show" @ The Daily Athenaeum   "Thirty seconds to mars sauve le show" @ The Daily Athenaeum EmptyMer 27 Avr 2011 - 13:42

Citation :
Thirty Seconds to Mars saves the show
by The Daily Athenaeum

Jared Leto, lead singer of Thirty Seconds to Mars, encourages the crowd to sing along during ‘Search and Destroy.’

Grammy award-winning Cee Lo Green.

Billboard hit makers Thirty Seconds to Mars.

Teaming up for one night to present West Virginia University with the show of their dreams.

Although the soul-pop artist and progressive rock group may never have anticipated meeting, they treated Morgantown to an event for all brands of music lovers Tuesday night at the Coliseum.

Alex Coffman, senior history major, won the WVU Arts and Entertainment free ticket drawing, and brought her friend Kaitlyn McKitrick, junior political science major.

First time Coliseum concertgoers, the two were interested in the range of acts.

"I'm excited to hear Cee Lo Green," Coffman said. "I haven't heard a lot from him, but I'm always in for new experiences."

"I don't know any of their songs," McKitrick said about Thirty Seconds to Mars. "But, it's always good to branch out."

CB7, Shannon Leto's pop-infused side project, opened the night with its single "Pretend for the Weekend."

The up-and-coming group brought enormous energy to the arena, attempting to get the crowd pumped.

But what the group didn't anticipate was a lack of crowd to entertain.

Whether it be a Tuesday showtime, dead week, or students' lack of cash at the end of the semester, the Coliseum looked painfully empty.

Selling around 1,600 tickets, according to a WVU Arts & Entertainment representative, audience members were shocked by how much of a ghost town the arena appeared to be.

"When I think Thirty Seconds to Mars, I think huge crowds," said Evan McCaffrey, junior visual journalism major. "This crowd was pretty disappointing."

However, some were optimistic of the small turnout.

"Music's not about how many people you have, it's about jamming," said Richard Johnson of South Middle School. "People should have fun."

And fun was soon to be had as Cee Lo Green took the stage with his foursome of rockstar vixens.

Opening his act with "Bright Lights, Bigger City," Cee Lo brought the soul and attempted to pump some energy into the ailing crowd.

Soon inviting his old crew Goodie Mob to the stage, he performed classic rap before moving on to a collection of singles he scored as one half of Gnarls Barkley.

With "Crazy," "Run (I'm a Natural Disaster)," "Smiley Faces" and "Gone Daddy Gone," he built to what everyone was waiting for – his hit single "F--- You."

Between the audience's favorite song and sipping tequila from a tea cup, Cee Lo finally won over the audience, only to leave them with the lag before Thirty Seconds to Mars.

"I'm hoping for a mosh pit and a real rock and roll show," Johnson said before Thirty Seconds to Mars.

Johnson was not disappointed, as Thirty Seconds to Mars came out and stole the audience's attention and hearts.

While every act previously had noted the small crowd, Thirty Seconds actually did something about it.

After opening the set with "A Beautiful Lie," the band invited the entire audience onto the floor for one big party.

Patrons streamed out of their seats to get closer to the band and to join the growing crowd around the stage.

By the end of the evening people were taking off their shirts, jumping up and down and all around excited for the show.

White confetti dropped from the ceiling with phrases like "We love you – @ThirtySECONDSTOMARS" and "Help I'm trapped in a fortune cookie factory."

Ending the set with "Closer to the Edge," the crowd was able to coax front man Jared Leto back out for an acoustic encore before he invited everyone in attendance onto the stage, as a mad dash was made to join him.

Against all odds, Thirty Seconds to Mars managed to turn a small-sized unenthusiastic crowd into a raging mob.

For those who didn't make it out, it was a night to remember as the artists proved why we're so in love with them.

They do more than just play, they perform. And in the process, they make us smile.

Here's hoping for a return trip for Thirty Seconds to Mars. This was one evening, a select few in Morgantown will never forget.

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