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 MTV: Thirty Seconds To Mars Get Conflicted In ‘This Is War’ Video

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5 participants

Féminin Messages : 13136
Date d'inscription : 22/05/2010
Age : 35
Localisation : Allemagne

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MessageSujet: MTV: Thirty Seconds To Mars Get Conflicted In ‘This Is War’ Video   MTV: Thirty Seconds To Mars Get Conflicted In ‘This Is War’ Video EmptyJeu 7 Avr 2011 - 2:33

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MTV: Thirty Seconds To Mars Get Conflicted In ‘This Is War’ Video

More than a year after they shot it — and nearly nine months since we asked “Whatever Happened to It?” — 30 Seconds to Mars premiered their “This Is War” video on Wednesday (April 6), a clip that’s nearly as heavy on special effects as it is on message.

Opening with a quote from H.G. Wells (“If we don’t end war, war will end us”) and concluding with the computer-generated destruction of tanks, jets and all manner of implements of destruction — or, more specifically, their assemblage into something more, which may or may not be the group’s Triad symbol — “War” is actually all about peace, a concept that doesn’t seem to gibe with the fact that 30STM are dressed as U.S. soldiers, patrolling the desert in an armored Humvee.

Then again, with its quick-cut montages of various deities and despots, perhaps the video is less about the physical act of war as it is the men who wage it — or, alternately, rail against it. As Jared Leto told MTV News last year, the clip and the song are about “the inevitability of conflict, the blessing of conflict and what we can all learn from it.” It seems that, no matter how inhumane the outcome, humankind is practically predestined for war — a fact that roughly 2,000 years of our existence has sadly proven time and time again.

So rather than just come right out and say that war is bad — since, you know, duh — 30 Seconds to Mars try their very best to explore the various facets of the concept: the men and women who lead us to conflict and those who attempt to halt that march. It’s a tact they applied to the notion of sex in their “Hurricane” video, only here, they’re much subtler (as subtle as a war video with flying tanks can be, of course). But since a complete investigation of humanity’s foibles would take a lot longer to complete than the six minutes 30STM have to work with in “This Is War,” they basically leave their findings up to the viewer.

When the pile of tanks and battleships at clip’s end transforms into a massive pyramid, the meaning isn’t readily apparent: There seems to be some sort of extraterrestrial force at play here, or perhaps it’s just the overwhelming good nature of humankind willing the event to happen. The image is clearly meant to provoke, but does it also provoke thought? Ultimately, that’s up to you. Though, it bears mention that much like conflict itself, thought is a decidedly human condition. And it’s also more powerful than any bomb could ever be.

Credit twitter du groupe
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Féminin Messages : 13136
Date d'inscription : 22/05/2010
Age : 35
Localisation : Allemagne

MTV: Thirty Seconds To Mars Get Conflicted In ‘This Is War’ Video Empty
MessageSujet: Re: MTV: Thirty Seconds To Mars Get Conflicted In ‘This Is War’ Video   MTV: Thirty Seconds To Mars Get Conflicted In ‘This Is War’ Video EmptyJeu 7 Avr 2011 - 2:35

Un des commentaires laissé sur l'article est le suivant :
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honestly MTV is "hipocrita" by they know and more than all the latinamerica population than they are being irracional and stupid. It's an act of cynical and try to moralized the situation of the US.
Clearly, the message of "This is WAR" is interpreted by many as "internal war" but the video reflects politics, religious and some other kind of messages that can be offensive, not only for the part as you take for what represents you, just because the concept of the video finaly is revealed like WAR taken literaly. And I think for other part, that a 99% of the people who watch the video doesn't match of the thought of the ECHELON and what triangle represents. That's all

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Degaine la trad' plus vite que son ombre

Féminin Messages : 2573
Date d'inscription : 23/05/2010
Age : 44
Localisation : Feet on Earth, Head on Mars
Humeur : Veux se barrer à Westeros pour vivre à Winterfell !

MTV: Thirty Seconds To Mars Get Conflicted In ‘This Is War’ Video Empty
MessageSujet: Re: MTV: Thirty Seconds To Mars Get Conflicted In ‘This Is War’ Video   MTV: Thirty Seconds To Mars Get Conflicted In ‘This Is War’ Video EmptyJeu 7 Avr 2011 - 8:20

Aller, je me remets à mon activité phoenixienne ! Je vous fais la traduction ce soir les amis ! Sourire
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Féminin Messages : 13510
Date d'inscription : 22/05/2010
Age : 45
Localisation : Dans une piscine et aussi un sac de couchage..

MTV: Thirty Seconds To Mars Get Conflicted In ‘This Is War’ Video Empty
MessageSujet: Re: MTV: Thirty Seconds To Mars Get Conflicted In ‘This Is War’ Video   MTV: Thirty Seconds To Mars Get Conflicted In ‘This Is War’ Video EmptyJeu 7 Avr 2011 - 8:23

MErci!!! Boogie !
non parce que j'ai lu mais j'arrive pas trop bien à tout comprendre Oops
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Messages : 9
Date d'inscription : 02/04/2011
Age : 34

MTV: Thirty Seconds To Mars Get Conflicted In ‘This Is War’ Video Empty
MessageSujet: Re: MTV: Thirty Seconds To Mars Get Conflicted In ‘This Is War’ Video   MTV: Thirty Seconds To Mars Get Conflicted In ‘This Is War’ Video EmptyJeu 7 Avr 2011 - 16:09

Citation :

As Jared Leto told MTV News last year, the clip and the song are about “the inevitability of conflict, the blessing of conflict and what we can all learn from it.” It seems that, no matter how inhumane the outcome, humankind is practically predestined for war — a fact that roughly 2,000 years of our existence has sadly proven time and time again.

Donc le message du clip ce serait ça ? "the inevitability of conflict, the blessing of conflict and what we can all learn from it" ?
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Degaine la trad' plus vite que son ombre

Féminin Messages : 2573
Date d'inscription : 23/05/2010
Age : 44
Localisation : Feet on Earth, Head on Mars
Humeur : Veux se barrer à Westeros pour vivre à Winterfell !

MTV: Thirty Seconds To Mars Get Conflicted In ‘This Is War’ Video Empty
MessageSujet: Re: MTV: Thirty Seconds To Mars Get Conflicted In ‘This Is War’ Video   MTV: Thirty Seconds To Mars Get Conflicted In ‘This Is War’ Video EmptyJeu 7 Avr 2011 - 21:06

Citation :
MTV: Thirty Seconds To Mars Get Conflicted In ‘This Is War’ Video

More than a year after they shot it — and nearly nine months since we asked “Whatever Happened to It?” — 30 Seconds to Mars premiered their “This Is War” video on Wednesday (April 6), a clip that’s nearly as heavy on special effects as it is on message.

Opening with a quote from H.G. Wells (“If we don’t end war, war will end us”) and concluding with the computer-generated destruction of tanks, jets and all manner of implements of destruction — or, more specifically, their assemblage into something more, which may or may not be the group’s Triad symbol — “War” is actually all about peace, a concept that doesn’t seem to gibe with the fact that 30STM are dressed as U.S. soldiers, patrolling the desert in an armored Humvee.

Then again, with its quick-cut montages of various deities and despots, perhaps the video is less about the physical act of war as it is the men who wage it — or, alternately, rail against it. As Jared Leto told MTV News last year, the clip and the song are about “the inevitability of conflict, the blessing of conflict and what we can all learn from it.” It seems that, no matter how inhumane the outcome, humankind is practically predestined for war — a fact that roughly 2,000 years of our existence has sadly proven time and time again.

So rather than just come right out and say that war is bad — since, you know, duh — 30 Seconds to Mars try their very best to explore the various facets of the concept: the men and women who lead us to conflict and those who attempt to halt that march. It’s a tact they applied to the notion of sex in their “Hurricane” video, only here, they’re much subtler (as subtle as a war video with flying tanks can be, of course). But since a complete investigation of humanity’s foibles would take a lot longer to complete than the six minutes 30STM have to work with in “This Is War,” they basically leave their findings up to the viewer.

When the pile of tanks and battleships at clip’s end transforms into a massive pyramid, the meaning isn’t readily apparent: There seems to be some sort of extraterrestrial force at play here, or perhaps it’s just the overwhelming good nature of humankind willing the event to happen. The image is clearly meant to provoke, but does it also provoke thought? Ultimately, that’s up to you. Though, it bears mention that much like conflict itself, thought is a decidedly human condition. And it’s also more powerful than any bomb could ever be.

Plus d'un an après l'avoir lancé - et presque neuf mois après qu'on se soit posé la question "Que lui est-il donc arrivé ?" - 30 Seconds to Mars a diffusé la première de leur clip “This Is War” Mercredi (6 avril), un clip aussi lourd en effets spéciaux qu'en message véhiculé.

Débutant avec une citation de H.G. Wells (“Si nous ne mettons pas fin à la guerre, la guerre mettra fin à l'humanité”) et terminant avec une destruction générée par ordinateur de tanks, d'avions et par tous moyens possibles de mise en oeuvre de la destruction — ou, plus précisément, pour s'assembler en quelque chose de plus, qui pourrait ou non être le symbole du groupe la Triad — “War” est en fait entièrement à propos de la paix, un concept qui ne semble pas souffrir de railleries par le fait que les 30STM sont habillés en soldats U.S. et en train de patrouiller dans le désert dans leur Humvee (Hummer destiné à l'armée) armé.

Encore une fois, avec leurs montages rapides des divers déités et despotes, peut-être que le clip est moins à propos de l'acte physique de la guerre mais plus à propos des hommes qui la font — ou encore qui la critiquent. Comme Jared Leto l'a dit à MTV News l'année dernière, le clip et la chanson sont à propos de “l'inévitabilité du conflit, le bienfait du conflit et ce que nous pouvons en apprendre.” Il semblerait que, quelque soit l'issue inhumaine, le genre humain est pratiquement prédestiné à la guerre — un fait prouvé depuis 2000 ans plusieurs fois.

Donc, au lieu de juste sortir et dire que la guerre est mauvaise — puisque vous le savez, hein — 30 Seconds to Mars ont fait de leur mieux afin d'explorer les multiples facettes du concept : les hommes et les femmes qui nous mènent au conflit et ceux qui tentent d'empêcher cette marche. C'est avec tact qu'ils parlent de la notion de sexe dans leur clip “Hurricane”, seulement ici, ils sont encore plus subtils (aussi subtils qu'un clip avec des tanks volants peut l'être bien sûr). Mais puisque l'investigation complète des travers de l'humanité prendrait plus des 6 minutes que les 30STM ont fait avec “This Is War,” ils ont en fait laissé au téléspectateur le soin de les trouver.

Quant à la fin la pile de tanks et de navires de guerre se transforme en une pyamide massive, le sens n'est pas si évident : Il semblerait qu'il y ait une force extraterrestre en place, ou peut-être c'est juste l'écrasante bonne nature du genre humain voulant que ça se produise. L'image est clairement faite pour provoquer, mais provoque t-elle la pensée ? En fin de compte, ça dépend de vous. Ceci dit, cela mentionne aussi le fait que, comme le conflit lui-même, la pensée est décidément une condition humaine. Et c'est encore bien plus puissant que n'importe quelle bombe.

Citation :
honestly MTV is "hipocrita" by they know and more than all the latinamerica population than they are being irracional and stupid. It's an act of cynical and try to moralized the situation of the US.
Clearly, the message of "This is WAR" is interpreted by many as "internal war" but the video reflects politics, religious and some other kind of messages that can be offensive, not only for the part as you take for what represents you, just because the concept of the video finaly is revealed like WAR taken literaly. And I think for other part, that a 99% of the people who watch the video doesn't match of the thought of the ECHELON and what triangle represents. That's all
Franchement MTV est hypocrite car ils savent et bien plus que la population latino-américaine qu'ils sont irrationnels et stupides. C'est un acte cynique d'essayer de moraliser la situation aux US. Calirement, le emssage de This is War" est interprété par beaucoup comme une "guerre interne" mais le clip reflète la politique, la religion et d'autres genres de messages qui peuvent être offensants, pas seulement pour la part qui vous représente, juste parce que le concept du clip est finalement révélé comme étant la guerre comprise littéralement.
Et je pense que l'autre part, celle qui représente 99% des gens qui regarde le clip ne correspond pas à la pensée de l'ECHELON et ce que le triangle représente. C'est tout.

Dernière édition par GirlOfMars le Jeu 7 Avr 2011 - 21:25, édité 1 fois
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Impératrice Vintage Megalow Ech'

Féminin Messages : 20409
Date d'inscription : 21/05/2010
Age : 50
Localisation : TARDIS / CARDIFF

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MessageSujet: Re: MTV: Thirty Seconds To Mars Get Conflicted In ‘This Is War’ Video   MTV: Thirty Seconds To Mars Get Conflicted In ‘This Is War’ Video EmptyJeu 7 Avr 2011 - 21:16

merciiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Hug
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Degaine la trad' plus vite que son ombre

Féminin Messages : 2573
Date d'inscription : 23/05/2010
Age : 44
Localisation : Feet on Earth, Head on Mars
Humeur : Veux se barrer à Westeros pour vivre à Winterfell !

MTV: Thirty Seconds To Mars Get Conflicted In ‘This Is War’ Video Empty
MessageSujet: Re: MTV: Thirty Seconds To Mars Get Conflicted In ‘This Is War’ Video   MTV: Thirty Seconds To Mars Get Conflicted In ‘This Is War’ Video EmptyJeu 7 Avr 2011 - 21:25

Mais de rien ! happy
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MessageSujet: Re: MTV: Thirty Seconds To Mars Get Conflicted In ‘This Is War’ Video   MTV: Thirty Seconds To Mars Get Conflicted In ‘This Is War’ Video Empty

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