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 Jared Leto's Tour Diary

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24 participants
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Médaille d'Or du Quizz Marsien 2011

Féminin Messages : 4142
Date d'inscription : 24/05/2010
Age : 52
Localisation : Toujours ailleurs

Jared Leto's Tour Diary - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Jared Leto's Tour Diary   Jared Leto's Tour Diary - Page 4 EmptyLun 26 Juil 2010 - 13:49

Sunalibi a écrit:

Edit : OMFC [Team Goonies] Phoenix Rire2

Oh oui je veux Rock
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Féminin Messages : 1375
Date d'inscription : 24/05/2010
Age : 29
Localisation : Dans Breatheland avec la TVBSPMBGRI
Humeur : Blabla

Jared Leto's Tour Diary - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Jared Leto's Tour Diary   Jared Leto's Tour Diary - Page 4 EmptyLun 26 Juil 2010 - 13:53

Oh oui Team Goonies Clapclap Rock
Je kiff ce film pompom
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Féminin Messages : 13510
Date d'inscription : 22/05/2010
Age : 44
Localisation : Dans une piscine et aussi un sac de couchage..

Jared Leto's Tour Diary - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Jared Leto's Tour Diary   Jared Leto's Tour Diary - Page 4 EmptyLun 26 Juil 2010 - 19:46

Non mais les GOONIES quoi!!!!

oui voilà c'est tout! Caché !
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Féminin Messages : 1308
Date d'inscription : 27/05/2010
Age : 34

Jared Leto's Tour Diary - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Jared Leto's Tour Diary   Jared Leto's Tour Diary - Page 4 EmptyLun 26 Juil 2010 - 23:41

soso91 a écrit:

Chouine Nan mais un instant Noway tu m'as fait peur avec Tomo Rire2

J'aurais pas mis un smiley qui rigole autrement happy
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Féminin Messages : 110
Date d'inscription : 09/07/2010
Age : 41

Jared Leto's Tour Diary - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Jared Leto's Tour Diary   Jared Leto's Tour Diary - Page 4 EmptyMar 27 Juil 2010 - 9:29

Jared toujours autant obsédé par le pain!!! Rock
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Modo Reine Du Tuto flapy, boss des liens & du GPS Phoenixien mais Boulet de la corbeille

Féminin Messages : 9687
Date d'inscription : 23/05/2010
Age : 36
Localisation : BZH
Humeur : Je suis un ... cocktaiiiiil !

Jared Leto's Tour Diary - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Jared Leto's Tour Diary   Jared Leto's Tour Diary - Page 4 EmptyMer 4 Aoû 2010 - 7:56

MTV Transmission: 30 STM Exclusive Blog (Week 9)

Transmission: The Official Thirty Seconds to Mars Newsletter

This Week

Just announced! Due to high demand, Thirty Seconds To Mars has added additional dates to their fall run in the United Kingdom! See below for ticket information—applicable presales have already begun.


Thurs, Nov. 25 – Brighton, UK

Brighton Centre

Golden Tickets Pre-Sale Tickets

48 hr. Pre-Sale begins 28/07 at 9:00 AM

General Tickets on sale Fri, Jul 30, 9:00 AM

Fri, Nov. 26 – Cardiff, UK

Cardiff International Arena

Golden Tickets Pre-sale Tickets

48 hr. Pre-Sale begins 28/07 at 9:00 AM

General Tickets on sale Fri, Jul 30, 9:00 AM

Sat, Nov. 27 – Newcastle, UK

Newcastle Metro Radio Arena

Golden Tickets Pre-sale Tickets

48 hr. Pre-Sale begins 28/07 at 9:00 AM

General Tickets on sale Fri, Jul 30, 9:00 AM

Be sure to visit the Official Tour Page for all currently available ticket information regarding recently announced dates, printable promotional flyers, and don't forget to check out the Golden Ticket To Mars Page for information on any available packages.


Weds, Jul 28 – Melbourne, AUS (Festival Hall)

Fri, Jul 30 – Sydney, AUS (Hordern Pavillion

Tues, Aug 3 – Auckland, NZ(Logan Campbell Stadium)

Use Facebook? Remember to "RSVP" for each event you plan on attending on the official Thirty Seconds To Mars Facebook Events Page by clicking here.

Messages From Mars


Although we're all still recovering from some jet-lag the shows have been INSANE. Every single show we are playing here is sold out which we never expected at all. Thanks so much for that welcomed surprise.

Its been four long years since we were here last and its so nice to finally be back. The last time we played the Mtv awards show and even won a couple of awards. Man, its been a hell of a journey. Incredible.

The Melbourne show was tonight and everyone sang Closer to the Edge louder than I've heard. Its our newest single overseas and seems to really be catching fire. Fun.

Off to Sydney tomorrow and then Asia, Europe and then finally back to the good 'ol US of A.

See you soon


This photo doesn't really do what I really see any justice but here is a view over looking part of Sydney, Australia. This tour has be simply amazing! The food, the people and the shows have all been wonderful!

Last night at Festival Hall in Melbourne the people seemed to be all connected...jumping, singing, chanting...well done! Can't wait for Sydney tomorrow night!


Here we are in Australia once again! Four long years and what a feeling to be back. We love this place so much and the people here are so great. The shows so far have been incredible and we couldn't have asked for a better time here, and we couldn't ask for a better crowd! The Aussies warned us all on twitter that they were gonna go absolutely nuts, and I am quite pleased to say that they have kept their end of the bargain! Thanks for an amazing return experience and we can't wait to come back for Soundwave Festival!!!



Cara's MarsHawk

Cara of Pennsylvania sent us this photo of her duo-toned MarsHawk and Mars Tattoo. Do YOU have a MarsHawk? Send your photo, name, and location to for a chance to be featured in the next installment of Transmission!

Triad Global Assault

Echelon of Mexico hit the streets equipped with their giant Triad and Glyphics banners, snapping shots with familiar monuments throughout Monterrey. Great photo!

Echelon Mexico

Hungary's Mars Army of Echelon did promotion toward Sziget Festival, helping spread the word and presence of Mars. Thank you!

Echelon Hungary

Weekly Picks from the Band
Book of the Week

Randy Pausch - The Last Lecture

The Last Lecture fleshes out author Randy Pausch's lecture and discusses everything he wanted his children to know after his pancreatic cancer had taken his life. It includes stories of his childhood, lessons he wants his children to learn, and things he wants his children to know about him. He repeatedly stresses that one should to have fun in everything one does, that one should live life to its fullest because one never knows when it might be taken.

Movie of the Week
A Scanner Darkly
A Scanner Darkly is a 2006 animated film directed by Richard Linklater based on the novel of the same name by Philip K. Dick. The film tells the story of identity and deception in a near-future dystopia constantly under intensive high-technology police surveillance in the midst of a drug addiction epidemic. The movie was filmed digitally and then animated using interpolated rotoscope over the original footage, giving it its distinctive look.
Album of the Week

Michael Jackson - Thriller
Thriller is the sixth studio album by American recording artist Michael Jackson. Released in 1982 as the follow-up to Jackson's critically and commercially successful 1979 album Off the Wall, Thriller explores similar genres to its predecessor, including funk, soul, pop, easy listening, R&B, rock, and post-disco music. Thriller is also listed by the National Association of Recording Merchandisers #3 in its Definitive 200 Albums of All Time.
Restaurant of the Week

Pink Flamingo Pizza

Pink Flamingo Pizza of Paris offers round design delights available for take-out, bicycled home delivery with a t-shirt to go, or even a canal-side picnic. Cozy, convivial, and just the place to split a pizza with your bella fella.

Join Thirty Seconds To Mars Online

Twitter - @30SecondstoMars Facebook MySpace



Want to see past Transmissions?

All previous Transmissions can be found in the Transmission Archive!

Copyright (C) 2010 Virgin Records 150 5th Avenue New York, NY 10011

Credit : JLOnline


Désolée pour la mise en page, je n'ai pas trouvé comment réduire les grands vides! L'article original a une plus fière allure^^.
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Impératrice Vintage Megalow Ech'

Féminin Messages : 20409
Date d'inscription : 21/05/2010
Age : 50
Localisation : TARDIS / CARDIFF

Jared Leto's Tour Diary - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Jared Leto's Tour Diary   Jared Leto's Tour Diary - Page 4 EmptyMer 4 Aoû 2010 - 9:14

et un resto français, UN ! on est toujours dans la transmission Rock
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Féminin Messages : 13510
Date d'inscription : 22/05/2010
Age : 44
Localisation : Dans une piscine et aussi un sac de couchage..

Jared Leto's Tour Diary - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Jared Leto's Tour Diary   Jared Leto's Tour Diary - Page 4 EmptyMer 4 Aoû 2010 - 9:52

en plus le restau de montmartre il vient d'ouvrir!il est tout nouveau et hop déjà dans la transmission!!! Rock
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Jared Leto's Tour Diary - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Jared Leto's Tour Diary   Jared Leto's Tour Diary - Page 4 EmptyMer 4 Aoû 2010 - 12:54

C'est ce que j'allais dire : faut toujours qu'il mette un truc français ! XD

Thriller de MJ Kiffme

Et le film, il a l'air ouf ! Cheuqué
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Féminin Messages : 1308
Date d'inscription : 27/05/2010
Age : 34

Jared Leto's Tour Diary - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Jared Leto's Tour Diary   Jared Leto's Tour Diary - Page 4 EmptyMer 4 Aoû 2010 - 13:01

MaRioNL a écrit:
C'est ce que j'allais dire : faut toujours qu'il mette un truc français ! XD

Thriller de MJ Kiffme

Et le film, il a l'air ouf ! Cheuqué

Idem ! XD
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Modo Reine Du Tuto flapy, boss des liens & du GPS Phoenixien mais Boulet de la corbeille

Féminin Messages : 9687
Date d'inscription : 23/05/2010
Age : 36
Localisation : BZH
Humeur : Je suis un ... cocktaiiiiil !

Jared Leto's Tour Diary - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Jared Leto's Tour Diary   Jared Leto's Tour Diary - Page 4 EmptyMar 10 Aoû 2010 - 13:56

MTV Transmission: 30 Seconds To Mars Exclusive Blog (Week 10)

Music & Entertainment

Posted on August 10th, 2010 at 1:46 pm by MTV Asia

Every week, 30 Seconds To Mars will be blogging their touring adventures for MTV Transmission. Here’s what the boys are up to this week!


This Week

First 2011 Dates Announced! Thirty Seconds To Mars will be returning to Australia in 2011. See these, as well as remaining 2010 dates by visiting the Official Tour Page.


Fri, August 13 – Hungary, Budapest, Obuda Island (Sziget Festival)

Weds, August 18 – Tel-Aviv, Israel (Bitan 1)

Fri, August 20 – Krakow, Poland (Coke Live Festival)

Sat, August 21 – St.Polten, Austria (Frequency Festival)

Sun, August 22 – Biddinghuizen, Holland (Lowlands Festival)

Be sure to visit the Official Tour Page for all currently available ticket information regarding recently announced dates, printable promotional flyers, and don’t forget to check out the Golden Ticket To Mars Page for information on any available packages.

Use Facebook? Remember to “RSVP” for each event you plan on attending on the official Thirty Seconds To Mars Facebook Events Page by clicking here.



Greetings from the beautiful country smaller than manhattan bigger than burbank + without any bubble gum on the sidewalks – Singapore!

About to go on stage and play our first show in Asia since 2007. Where have we been? Prison, yes, but besides that time does fly.


Thanks a mill to everyone in Australia and New Zealand for coming out and making those some of the craziest crowds we’ve ever had. I think I saw chopper in the mosh pit. Careful with those ears kids they’re still a bit sensitive.


The best news this week was waking up to find that we are nominated for FOUR MTV VMA’s!!!

(FOUR!!!) INSANE IN DA MEMBRANE. Totally unexpected. My first words were basically. HOLYF***INGS***. F***. F***. F***. Yea so what I got a potty mouth… :)

It sure is an honor to get these noms. I know Bartholomew Cubbins would be real proud. I think he’s in the hospital for a little check up so not sure he’s been made aware yet. But you can send your well wishes + flowers to…”The Emerson Psychiatric Institute – Greenfield, Mass., 70032″

We are so incredibly grateful and humbled to be same company as the legendary Eminem + talented Miss Lady Gaga. Its not often MARS is in such prestigious company.

Yes, it may be a long shot considering we are up against some of the biggest acts EVER IN THE HISTORY OF MUSIC.

BUT… we will have fun with this battle and we will not go down without a fight! I wouldn’t be totally shocked if the ECHELON surprised a few people out there… And I’m not the only one…

And as I’ve said before… who knows – if you’re willing to walk the path of the dreamer, anything is possible.

You can vote for us for Video of the year here:

Vote until your fingers bleed!




Here’s a pic of people waiting to get into our Auckland, New Zealand show. I snuck up to this area and snapped it while no one was looking but then someone spotted me and all hell broke loose, ha! The show was epic, those kiwis know how to have fun!!!




Back in Asia again!  Its been about three years since we have been back here and this is the first time we have been to Singapore.  I took this photo from my balcony and just couldn’t believe how amazing looking this city is.  All I could think of was this old book of drawings and paintings by an artist named “Sid Mead” that my dad had.  This place could have been plucked right out of his books and placed here.

Such amazingly nice people, super clean streets, and damn good food too.  It was great to finally play a show here after talking about it for so long.  I really hope that we will come back here sooner than later and maybe do an entire Asia tour!  Japan, here we come!!!




Russ from Ohio sent in this shot of his ceiling-grazing MarsHawk. Do YOU have a MarsHawk? Send your photo, name, and location to for a chance to be featured in the next installment of Transmission!


Echelon of Spain killed two birds with one stone—forming their own Triad out of flyers prior to passing them out on the street, and posting them around town. Check it out below:


Weekly Picks from the Band

Book of the Week


The Secret is a best-selling 2006 self-help and spirituality book written by Rhonda Byrne and based upon William Walker Atkinson’s prior works and school of thought. The tenet of the book is that an individual’s focused positive thinking can result in life-changing results such as increased wealth, health, happiness and more.

Movie of the Week


The Godfather is a 1972 American gangster-drama film based on the novel of the same name by Mario Puzo and directed by Francis Ford Coppola. It stars Marlon Brando, Al Pacino, James Caan, Richard S. Castellano, Robert Duvall, Sterling Hayden, John Marley, Richard Conte and Diane Keaton. The story spans ten years from 1945 to 1955 and chronicles the fictional Italian American Corleone crime family, continuing into two sequels.

Album of the Week


Purple Rain by Prince was the first album recorded and officially credited with his backing group, The Revolution, also released as the soundtrack to the 1984 film Purple Rain. The record is regularly ranked among the best albums in rock music history, Time magazine ranking it the 15th greatest album of all time in 1993, and placing 18th on VH1’s Greatest Rock and Roll Albums of All Time countdown.

Restaurant of the Week


Cube is a café, cheese bar and marketplace located in Los Angeles, CA. cube strives to bring customers the best artisan crafted food products, many of which they import themselves.

Le Parrain HUHU
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Féminin Messages : 13510
Date d'inscription : 22/05/2010
Age : 44
Localisation : Dans une piscine et aussi un sac de couchage..

Jared Leto's Tour Diary - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Jared Leto's Tour Diary   Jared Leto's Tour Diary - Page 4 EmptyMar 10 Aoû 2010 - 13:58

Rire2 oui pour le parrain...faut qu'on le regarde tu crois?!
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Modo Reine Du Tuto flapy, boss des liens & du GPS Phoenixien mais Boulet de la corbeille

Féminin Messages : 9687
Date d'inscription : 23/05/2010
Age : 36
Localisation : BZH
Humeur : Je suis un ... cocktaiiiiil !

Jared Leto's Tour Diary - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Jared Leto's Tour Diary   Jared Leto's Tour Diary - Page 4 EmptyMar 10 Aoû 2010 - 14:04

Ils viennent même espionner le topic du programme TV Rire2

Quand c'était passé, j'avais zappé à un moment et un gars se prenait une balle dans la tête juste à ce moment là, j'ai rezappé^^
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Féminin Messages : 13510
Date d'inscription : 22/05/2010
Age : 44
Localisation : Dans une piscine et aussi un sac de couchage..

Jared Leto's Tour Diary - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Jared Leto's Tour Diary   Jared Leto's Tour Diary - Page 4 EmptyMar 10 Aoû 2010 - 14:08

hier y' avait le 2. Caché ! oups!
on est meme plus tranquille dans notre tit topic! Chouine
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En attente d'une redirection

Féminin Messages : 1868
Date d'inscription : 24/05/2010
Age : 41

Jared Leto's Tour Diary - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Jared Leto's Tour Diary   Jared Leto's Tour Diary - Page 4 EmptyMar 10 Aoû 2010 - 14:14

Kiffme la photo de Shannon au tout début...

Par contre pas de trace de la France cette fois... Jared Leto's Tour Diary - Page 4 431457

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Impératrice Vintage Megalow Ech'

Féminin Messages : 20409
Date d'inscription : 21/05/2010
Age : 50
Localisation : TARDIS / CARDIFF

Jared Leto's Tour Diary - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Jared Leto's Tour Diary   Jared Leto's Tour Diary - Page 4 EmptyMar 10 Aoû 2010 - 14:39

il a fumé quoi le père charette avant de faire sa transmission??? non parce que je veux la même moi Rire2 Rire2 Caché !
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En attente d'une redirection

Féminin Messages : 1868
Date d'inscription : 24/05/2010
Age : 41

Jared Leto's Tour Diary - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Jared Leto's Tour Diary   Jared Leto's Tour Diary - Page 4 EmptyMar 10 Aoû 2010 - 14:45

Citation :
It sure is an honor to get these noms. I know Bartholomew Cubbins would be real proud. I think he’s in the hospital for a little check up so not sure he’s been made aware yet. But you can send your well wishes + flowers to…”The Emerson Psychiatric Institute – Greenfield, Mass., 70032″

Il compte le faire disparaitre aussi lui?
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Féminin Messages : 3003
Date d'inscription : 23/05/2010
Age : 34
Localisation : Beauxbâtons
Humeur : \o/

Jared Leto's Tour Diary - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Jared Leto's Tour Diary   Jared Leto's Tour Diary - Page 4 EmptyMar 10 Aoû 2010 - 14:45

Bart Cubbins en hôpital psychiatrique XD il a craqué! non vraiment faut qu'il continue les transmissions, c'est trop bon x)
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Féminin Messages : 13510
Date d'inscription : 22/05/2010
Age : 44
Localisation : Dans une piscine et aussi un sac de couchage..

Jared Leto's Tour Diary - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Jared Leto's Tour Diary   Jared Leto's Tour Diary - Page 4 EmptyMar 10 Aoû 2010 - 14:48

ouais il prend même des répliques de film!!!
le f*cking f*ck f*ck f*ck.

c'est clair que c'est trop bon ils peuvent pas arrêter!
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Modo Reine Du Tuto flapy, boss des liens & du GPS Phoenixien mais Boulet de la corbeille

Féminin Messages : 9687
Date d'inscription : 23/05/2010
Age : 36
Localisation : BZH
Humeur : Je suis un ... cocktaiiiiil !

Jared Leto's Tour Diary - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Jared Leto's Tour Diary   Jared Leto's Tour Diary - Page 4 EmptyMar 10 Aoû 2010 - 14:51

A la première lecture, j'avais pas fait gaffe à
Citation :
Where have we been? Prison, yes,

Ça + l'HP, il s'est craqué le pauvre^^.
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Modo Reine Du Tuto flapy, boss des liens & du GPS Phoenixien mais Boulet de la corbeille

Féminin Messages : 9687
Date d'inscription : 23/05/2010
Age : 36
Localisation : BZH
Humeur : Je suis un ... cocktaiiiiil !

Jared Leto's Tour Diary - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Jared Leto's Tour Diary   Jared Leto's Tour Diary - Page 4 EmptyMer 18 Aoû 2010 - 7:52

MTV Transmission: 30 Seconds To Mars Exclusive Blog (Week 11)

Music & Entertainment

Posted on August 16th, 2010 at 6:45 pm by MTV Asia

Every week, 30 Seconds To Mars will be blogging their touring adventures for MTV Transmission. Here’s what the boys are up to this week!


This Week


Use Twitter? Be sure to keep updated with the latest ticket releases and relating announcements by following @30SECONDSTOMARS and @MarsGoldenTix.


Newly Added

mtvU’s “Campus Invasion Music Festival” will be taking over campuses with Thirty Seconds to Mars! The invasion starts this fall, hitting the following schools joined by special guests Neon Trees and New Politics :

Sat, September 25 – Utah Valley College, Orem, UT

Thurs, September 30 – Texas A&M (Kingsville Campus), Kingsville, TX

Mon, October 4 – Murray State University, Murray, KY

Weds, October 15 – University of South Florida, Tampa, FL

This Week

Weds, August 18 – Tel-Aviv, Israel (Bitan 1)

Fri, August 20 – Krakow, Poland (Coke Live Festival)

Sat, August 21 – St.Polten, Austria (Frequency Festival)

Sun, August 22 – Biddinghuizen, Holland (Lowlands Festival)

Be sure to visit the Official Tour Page for all currently available ticket information regarding recently announced dates, printable promotional flyers (recently updated for all shows through December!), and don’t forget to check out the Golden Ticket To Mars Page for information on any available packages.

Use Facebook? Remember to “RSVP” for each event you plan on attending on the official Thirty Seconds To Mars Facebook Events Page by clicking here.






I’m writing to you from a long but comfy flight from Tokyo to Budapest.


Japan was incredible as it always is. We had quite an adventure.


We have lots of traveling ahead of us from Budapest to Tel Aviv to Krakow to Vienna to Holland to Mexico City and finally to New York to start our US Tour!

Excited to see everyone in the US and looking forward to the VMAs in our home town of Los Angeles on Sept 12th.


Thank you so much to everyone who is voting relentlessly. Its time to show the world the mighty force of the ECHELON!!! Don’t forget to ice those sore knuckles and strech yer wrists. This is serious buiz!!! :)


The video for our new single, CLOSER TO THE EDGE finally premieres in the USA this week, too!!! Check it out the big fancy US myspace debut on …





These pieces of wood with writing on them in this picture are called Ema. They are wishes, prayers and gratitudes from thousands of people that come to visit at one of the Temples here in Tokyo. It was a very special place. Japan is full of tradition while at the same time pushing the envelope with style and technology.

Love Japan!




We fly a lot. I have noticed that I spend most of my time up in the air staring out of an airplane window looking at clouds and forgetting where I just was, and where I’m headed. I know that it seems like quite a petty thing to complain about seeing as most people would love to be able to travel as much as we do, but I have to say, it can really make your head spin after a while. I suppose the moral of the story is that when I start to feel like bitching about it, I should just remember to be grateful for the opportunity to see the world in the way I get to. Its been a long year and it has been filled with amazing adventures so far and yet it seems as though the best ones are still to come.

4 VMA nominations, I still can’t believe it. An arena tour through the UK and Europe that is all but completely sold out. These are the types of things I should be focusing on, not the fact that I miss being home for more than 5 days in a row. Ah, listen to me bitch. I’m the luckiest person on earth and sometimes I just need to remember that. Thanks for listening. :)





Kaisa of Finland recently sported her incredible and colorful hawk at Provinssirock, later rocking it on stage for Kings and Queens! Do YOU have a MarsHawk? Send your photo, name, and location to for a chance to be featured in the next installment of Transmission!


This week’s Triad Global Assault shot comes courtesy of Echelon Slovakia!


Meanwhile, Echelon Poland hit the streets of Warsaw with their self-made promo materials! If you have pictures or video from your own street team missions, please send links to .


Weekly Picks from the Band

Book of the Week


Rabbit, Run is a novel by John Updike, and depicts five months in the life of a 26-year-old former high school basketball player named Harry ‘Rabbit’ Angstrom, and his attempts to escape the constraints of his life. It spawned several sequels, including Rabbit Redux, Rabbit Is Rich and Rabbit At Rest, as well as a related 2001 novella, Rabbit Remembered.

Movie of the Week


12 Angry Men is a 1957 American drama film adapted from a teleplay of the same name by Reginald Rose. Directed by Sidney Lumet, the film tells the story of a jury made up of 12 men as they deliberate the guilt or innocence of a defendant on the basis of reasonable doubt. The film is notable for its almost exclusive use of one set: the entire movie takes place in the jury room. The total time spent outside of the jury room is eight minutes, out of the full 96 minutes of the movie.

Album of the Week


OK Computer is the third studio album by English alternative rock band Radiohead. Although most of the music is dominated by guitar, OK Computer’s expansive sound and wide range of influences set it apart from many of the Britpop  and alternative rock bands popular at the time, and it laid the groundwork for Radiohead’s later, more experimental work.

Restaurant of the Week


Not many cafés can claim to be amongst the very best coffee makers in Melbourne, if not Australia but CNF can! Their customers love good food, wine and coffee and CNF delivers all these to strictly maintained high standards.

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Modo Reine Du Tuto flapy, boss des liens & du GPS Phoenixien mais Boulet de la corbeille

Féminin Messages : 9687
Date d'inscription : 23/05/2010
Age : 36
Localisation : BZH
Humeur : Je suis un ... cocktaiiiiil !

Jared Leto's Tour Diary - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Jared Leto's Tour Diary   Jared Leto's Tour Diary - Page 4 EmptyMer 25 Aoû 2010 - 8:05

MTV Transmission: 30 Seconds To Mars Exclusive Blog (Week 12)

Music & Entertainment

Posted on August 25th, 2010 at 12:56 pm by MTV Asia

Every week, 30 Seconds To Mars will be blogging their touring adventures for MTV Transmission. Here’s what the boys are up to this week!


This Week

Use Twitter? Be sure to keep updated with the latest ticket releases and relating announcements by following @30SECONDSTOMARS and @MarsGoldenTix.



Thurs, Aug 26 – Mexico (MTV World Stage)

Mon, Aug 30 – Syracuse, NY (NY State Fair)


Weds, Sept 1  – Baltimore, MD (Sonar)

Be sure to visit the Official Tour Page for all currently available ticket information regarding recently announced dates, printable promotional flyers, and don’t forget to check out the Golden Ticket To Mars Page for information on any available packages.

Use Facebook? Remember to “RSVP” for each event you plan on attending on the official Thirty Seconds To Mars Facebook Events Page by clicking here.




Greetings from Austria!

It’s been a week full of new adventures to new places. Finally saw BUDAPEST. Bridges, peaches, wanderlust, heat, and stealing rides on the city bus.

Next stop – Tel Aviv… Hot, ancient, intense, control, hummus, bread, beaches, blisters, amazing audiences, more bread, more hummus, jerusalem, christians, jews, muslims, palestine, israel.

Took a day trip to Jerusalem and was invited into a kind family’s house to see how they live. Its amazing the amount of conflict in this part of the world but also how much everyone has in common and agrees on as well.

Visited the church where Jesus’ tomb is and went to the Western Wall. The energy in Jerusalem is powerful. The show the next night in Tel Aviv was incredible the Echelon came out in full force and made it unforgettable.


Last night was Krakow, which is one of the most beautiful cities in Europe. I loved wandering the streets and experiencing the Polish culture. Had a great vegan meal at a place called Momo.


For our first time in Poland, we could not believe how loud people sang every word to every song at the show. It was insane. Thanks for that.

We can’t wait to see you all in Warsaw in November!




This took this shot of a priest going up these stairs in at the market place in Jerusalem. Jerusalem is an amazing place. I went to where Jesus is suppose to be buried and visited the wailing wall. We were also invited up to this old mans house, while walking through the tiny alleys of this historical place, where he talked to us about his experience living there.

We have one more festival show in Holland and then on to our American tour!




Had another first this week. Got to go to Israel which is a place I have always wanted to visit. What an amazingly beautiful place and what an intense vibe it carries with it. I’m not at all interested in politics so you won’t be hearing anything about what I think should happen or anything about what is happening over there. I want to talk about the amazing feeling we all got walking around the old city in Jerusalem and how absolutely incredible the Israeli music audience is.

We arrived in Tel Aviv and pretty much rested that whole day because of strenuous travel. The next day was the Jerusalem day trip. It was so amazing to walk around on those streets, some of them more than 2,000 years old. There is an undeniable feeling walking around these places, the feeling that even the rocks beneath your feet have so much more wisdom than I could ever hope to have. Seeing people living together that someone as ignorant as I am would have never thought would be possible. I took this photo of a little guy playing around, running around the market alleys and he just looked like he was having the time of his life. I wonder if he even knows how lucky he is to live in a place with so much culture, so much history. I suppose he doesn’t, and I also suppose that this is the very thing that makes us all so similar. We in the band often talk about how, the more we travel, the more we see the similarities between us all, rather than the differences.

This brings me to the show on Wednesday night. We have never been to Israel before, but you wouldn’t know that if you just walked into our show randomly. This crowd had to be one of the loudest singing, most involved audiences we have ever had. All of these people coming together on one side of the globe, to see this band from the other side of the globe, and everyone was having the time of their lives. Just another example of how similar we all are, rather than how different. All I know for sure is that I love my life, and I feel so grateful to be able to do this. I know I have said before, and you can pretty much count on the fact that I’ll be saying it again…




Check out Collin of Canada’s MarsHawk, pictured above. Looks familiar, doesn’t it? Do YOU have a MarsHawk? Send your photo, name, and location to for a chance to be featured in the next installment of Transmission!


Check out what Echelon of Brazil created down at Rio de Janeiro…


Hungarian Echelon recently hit the streets with a variety of self-printed/made promo material promoting Mars, including some pictured above. If you have pictures or video from your own street team missions, please send links to


Weekly Picks from the Band

Book of the Week


Don DeLillio – White Noise

White Noise is the eighth novel by Don DeLillo, and is an example of postmodern literature. Widely considered his “breakout” work, the book is set at a bucolic midwestern college known only as The-College-on-the-Hill, White Noise follows a year in the life of Jack Gladney, a professor who has made his name by pioneering the field of Hitler Studies (though he doesn’t speak German).

Movie of the Week


Welcome to the Dollhouse

Welcome to the Dollhouse is a 1995 American coming of age black comedy about Dawn Wiener—a shy, unattractive, unpopular 7th grader in a middle-class suburban community in New Jersey. who is struggling to cope with un-attentive parents, snobbish classmates, a smart older brother, an attractive younger sister, and her own insecurities.

Album of the Week


R.E.M. – Murmur

Murmur is the debut album by the American alternative rock band R.E.M., released in 1983 on I.R.S. Records. Murmur drew critical acclaim upon its release for its sound, defined by singer Michael Stipe’s cryptic lyrics, guitarist Peter Buck’s jangly guitar style, and bassist’s Mike Mills’ melodic basslines.

Restaurant of the Week



Opened only a couple of years ago, the Brasserie has since been one of the most successful restaurants in Tel Aviv. It has a wide selection of simple French cuisine, everything from breakfasts through pasta, seafood and meat.

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Féminin Messages : 1065
Date d'inscription : 23/05/2010
Age : 38
Localisation : chez michey
Humeur : hmmm...

Jared Leto's Tour Diary - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Jared Leto's Tour Diary   Jared Leto's Tour Diary - Page 4 EmptyMer 25 Aoû 2010 - 11:09

Tomo a récupéré son cerveau Rire1 merci Israel lol et Jared a l'air complètement déphasé Noeils en vrac
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Messages : 1014
Date d'inscription : 22/05/2010
Humeur : gnagna !

Jared Leto's Tour Diary - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Jared Leto's Tour Diary   Jared Leto's Tour Diary - Page 4 EmptyMer 25 Aoû 2010 - 12:50

Tomo c'est le roi des bisounours,même quand il râle il se rappelle de pas râler
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