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 Tour Diary [Journal de bord de Jared - Tournée 2009-2010]

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4 participants

Féminin Messages : 13136
Date d'inscription : 22/05/2010
Age : 34
Localisation : Allemagne

Tour Diary [Journal de bord de Jared - Tournée 2009-2010] Empty
MessageSujet: Tour Diary [Journal de bord de Jared - Tournée 2009-2010]   Tour Diary [Journal de bord de Jared - Tournée 2009-2010] EmptySam 24 Déc 2011 - 11:41

Le groupe, et surtout Jared, avait lancé le principe d'un journal de bord pour le début de la tournée This is war en 2009, ce qui était plutôt sympa, faut le dire, et que j'aimais beaucoup. happy

[Certaines photos n'apparaissent plus par contre... ]

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Tour Diary: Denver

Mile-high madness. Escaped for a couple hours and wandered into the
mountains. Shan and co went to the hot springs. Good to find some time
to do things like that. Keeps you at least half sane. Being back in
America is incredible. I think because we have been gone for so long
it's like seeing the oldest of friends.

The show was great and
the crowd had so much energy. Because of the altitude between songs my
brother and I were sharing an oxygen tank at this show ...funny...maybe
a walker next. ;)

Off to Texas. Was the home of sweet Grama Ruby...


PS. It's 6 days until THIS IS WAR is unleashed....can't wait! :)

Citation :
Posted on 12/04/2009

Tour Diary: Houston

Snow was falling as we said goodbye to Denver and started the push toward Texas. The huck across and down is long but really great to get back into the heartland.

3 shows into our return to touring in the usa and it couldn't be better. So thankful people. are coming out and celebrating it with us.

Thank the gods for Whole Foods, an oasis out here on the road. Houston is a massive network of highways, biways, and buildings. I still haven't cracked it yet but will soon.

Five days until WAR and we can't wait. By the way the FACES OF MARS covers look insane and beautiful!

It's almost xmass....crazy!


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Tour Diary: Dallas

Shared the stage with Cage the Elephant (great energy) our friends The Bravery (nicest guys) and AFI (legends) last night for a radio show in Dallas. Big show, rowdy as holy hell and great to see Vince, Jessie and family.

Starting in Houston we have been selling and signing actual cds after the show with FACES OF MARS covers. They look incredible. Seeing all of the different faces is a blast. So far I've collected a Terry Richardson, a Bam Margera, a few friends and even our manager Irving Azoff!

Here's a pic...

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And another pic from a store in Europe...

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If you're coming to the shows and want to get a cd signed, get them quick as they have sold out every single night... and thanks to all for that.

Hope you guys enjoy it and thanks again to everyone who sent in a photo. You made this what it is.

Off to play West Palm!


PS. This is War comes out in THREE DAYS!!!!!

Posted on 12/05/2009

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Tour Diary: West Palm

Well, we barely made the show. Flight was delayed twice, but we finally got off the ground and got to the show with just moments to spare.

Was great to see our old friends in Chevelle, brothers Sam and Pete, and they helped us out with some gear. Very thankful to them. Such good peeps. Nice to be around bands that are cool and kind and have great energy. And if you haven't checked out their cd, you should. Produced by my old friend and co-conspirator Brian Virtue.

In typical Floridian fashion the show was great. 12,000 people filled the amphitheater. We hadn't headlined a show this big in over a year so it was very exciting to say the least. Best moment was when everyone came down from the lawn to the seats for This Is War. Unforgettable.

Thanks John O'Connell, The Buzz and everyone who came out to West Palm!!!

So crazy our cd THIS IS WAR comes out on Tuesday!!!!!! Been a long time coming. We sold and signed over 1000 cds tonight! Amazing and very grateful to everyone who bought one. So great to meet and see the actual people who will be listening to this new album.

P.S. Here's a pic I took after everyone was case you ever wondered what it looked liked after the show.


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Tour Diary: Tampa

Was like a giant family reunion.

Lots of old friends, new faces...our good friend Shark and co took great care of us and put on one of the best shows in the country, our buddy Matt from Kill Hannah came out, and always good to hang with the Chevelle boys again.

17,000 amazing people gave us an unforgettable evening and the moon was full and shining above the crowd.

Everyone in Tampa made us feel at home, like usual, and seemed to know every single song... even the ones that weren't out yet.

Someone brought my old yearbook from junior high. Wow talk about reunion. I was the only kid who was never still and well behaved in any
of the shots. Some things never change.

Met and interviewed Matisyahu for the upcoming film we have been shooting for the past year and a half. What a smart, talented, and interesting guy. Glad to have met him. Very cool.
Well, ended the night with my pet helicopter (Genghis Kahn) which I almost lost to a barbed wire fence. I'm not big on toys but I had fun with that little guy for a couple days. Warning: don't fly your pet helicopter in a bus.

Have a loooong drive to Baton Rouge...back to our birth state of Louisiana.

P.S. THIS IS WAR IS IN OUT NOW!!! What do you all think? What's your favorite song? How do you think this album is different? How did it feel listening to the album for the first time?


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What an insane/amazing/intense/incredible week…

*deep breath*


First: The new cd is out.

THIS IS WAR. Almost hard to believe the day has actually come.

Two years in the making, Flood, Lillywhite, 30mm lawsuits, global crises, a couple birthdays, a dog gone, lots of fun, a moment or two of panic, 10 million vocal takes, a new president, my same old car. There were days we didn't know if it would actually be heard.

I'm on the plane to Chicago having played a frenzy of a show last night in Seattle with Muse, Phoenix, Metric, and Vampire weekend and I'm thinking about how lucky we are to be able to do all of this. Maybe it’s the holiday crush, but this is the gift of a lifetime. The bands were all ridiculously great last night and the crowd the most rowdy and raucous and fun bunch of Pacific No'westerners we ever met. We left the stage sweaty, satisfied and awed by the good peeps of Washington.

By the way, who puts a cd out at xmas along side the heavyweights of the buiz and the holiday cds that crowd the shelves? I guess we do! Very happy it is finally out and there to share with the world and we are very grateful to all of you who were choosing between Susan Boyle, Xmass hits by Zamfir, and the new MARS and in a moment of weakness grabbed that cd with a face of a total random stranger on it instead. BRAVE CHOICE! ;)


P.S. We believe in the record. Maybe more than anything before. And are so thankful for the overwhelmingly enthusiastic response. Its unlike anything we've experienced. If you are reading this and imagining how much you will may not like this album / this band, I have a small request. Take a moment, throw away any preconceived notions, and listen to the music. You never know... you may just like what you hear.

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The adventure continues!

Brussels, Amsterdam, and Lille have been such an incredible part of the journey so far. Today is the PARIS show and after some croissants, a pit stop with friends to a DIOR show (crazy and beautiful), and a lil jog away from the photographers to find a taxi we are headed to the venue now to soundcheck.

Someone said: 'There are crazy people who have been camping out front of Bercy for two days!'. Those aren't crazy people. They are our giant wonderful family the ECHELON.

Don’t forget that INTOTHEWILD begins next month throughout North America. We can’t wait to see you all!

Provehito In Altum

Citation :
30 Seconds to Mars: Paris, Dusseldorf, Hamburg!!!

What a night at Bercy! Good to see our French family, old friends from the states who happened to be in town for fashion week (yeah, you Cobrasnake, Ruby, Matty, Chloe/Sis) and other friends from around the world (Lina O, Kris Van, Heather S).
It was a pivotal show for us. Kind of the middle mark in some way. We all had a burst of energy that lasted the next two shows as well.

Been eating croissants, crepes, and bread bread bread nonfuckingstop. Why do they make such damn good bread in France? AND Belgium AND Germany? I don't even like bread!

Started a birthWEEK for Shannon in place of a normal birthDAY.

A birthday cake from our German promoter

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Been a blast so far. Had a nice din din at EAST in Hamburg and got him the pimp daddy prez suite for the night (massage included) so he could live like a king. God knows he deserves it. He's been killing these shows. As you guys at the shows can attest to, his playing is better than ever.

So blown away that so many people are coming out to see us in Europe. It's beyond surreal and so humbling. Thanks to all who have given us this dream so far. Can't wait for the next one!

Don't forget that INTOTHEWILD begins in exactly ONE MONTH in North America. We can't wait to see you all!

Provehito In Altum

30 Seconds to Mars

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30 Seconds to Mars: Denmark, Sweden, Finland and Russia!

Posted on March 16, 2010

What an epic journey through the snowy north to visit these four beautiful countries. Every show has had its magic. Met so many wonderful Echelon from around the world. The trips been so unbelievable we are all ready to do it again...

Copenhagen... our second smallest show of the tour but it surprised us all. It was Shannon's actual birthday (March 9th) and it was a blast (threw his cake into the crowd... yum).

Stole few moments before the show and walked (and slid) around the cold but beautiful city. The people are so nice there they don't even have to lock their bikes!

Energy was great. Arctic temps outside and boiling in. Had some great late night Swedish food, a quick nap at the airport, and off to Helsinki we went!!!

So many great shows so far, great people, great food, unforgettable times. We love you all for giving us this gift.

I'll tell ya about Finland and Russia soon. Till next time...

Into the wild...

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Impromptu art show at the Costes Hotel in Paris

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First my toothpaste, now poison? No fun flying anymore.

Don't forget that INTOTHEWILD begins in LESS THAN ONE MONTH in North America. We can't wait to see you all!

Provehito In Altum

La suite arrive...

Dernière édition par Pitchouill le Sam 24 Déc 2011 - 12:23, édité 2 fois
Revenir en haut Aller en bas

Féminin Messages : 13136
Date d'inscription : 22/05/2010
Age : 34
Localisation : Allemagne

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MessageSujet: Re: Tour Diary [Journal de bord de Jared - Tournée 2009-2010]   Tour Diary [Journal de bord de Jared - Tournée 2009-2010] EmptySam 24 Déc 2011 - 12:04

Suite ! Tour Diary [Journal de bord de Jared - Tournée 2009-2010] 95419

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30 Seconds to Mars: Helsinki, St Petersburg, and our Old Friend Berlin

Posted on March 19, 2010

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was great to visit again. Beautiful but so cold there that we stayed
hunkered down in the hotel for most of the day off. Ate some good
Finnish food at this place called Juuri and thawed out our toes. Show
was everything we hoped for. Great crowd. Tons o' fun. A quick kip and
off to Ruuuuuuussia.

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Petersburg was one of the biggest shows of the tour at the SKK Arena.
Over 10,000 crazy Russians came to the show and it was huge.

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is so gorgeous it's like looking at a photography book. Incredible. We
ate dinner in a restaurant on a giant ship anchored in the frozen
snow-covered river. Weird and warm. It was completely empty but had a
nice fireplace and great, great food.

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for all the gifts btw. We got Russian naval outfits, an oil painting,
drawings, photo books, sketches, food, food + food. Very kind. We
carefully packed them up to take them home.

Berlin is always a
favorite to go back to and really feels like a home away from home. The
first thing I did was eat at my fav noodle shop in the world Monsieur
Vuong's. They have the best food in all of Berlin. (I actually ate there
3 times in the 2 day trip). I stayed up late one night to speak to my
buddy Stryker about the LA show at the Greek on May 15th (great to have
him back!). Can't wait for the Greek and Santa Barbara Bowl!! Seen so
many great shows at both venues... Radiohead, Tool, Sigur Ros, etc etc.
Fun times comin'!!!

Had a day off finally in Berlin, was able to hang out with some old friends and I even made it out to White Trash for a minute.

Off to Prague now!

Guten Nacht!

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The land of black and white.

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Finland giving us a beautiful 'moi moi' (goodbye).

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Love the train in Europe!

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Pic by Emma.

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Face in a plant!

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Someone tweeted this to me. Hilarious!

forget, this Saturday INTOTHEWILD tickets will be available everywhere,
including Santa Barbara and Los Angeles. We hope to see you all soon!

Provehito In Altum


Citation :
Posted on March 29, 2010

INTO THE WILD BLOG WRAP-UP: Prague, Vienna, Munich, Milan and Zurich


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woke to discover, much to our delight, that right outside the tour bus
was a full fledged carnival and Tomo and I went in hot pursuit of rusty
rides, fried dough, and fun. Several rides had rave music pumping and a
recorded voice calling out 'comon muthaf--ka get on da ride!' So

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Check out the chicks!

Walked the chilly streets a bit more until the first headlining MARS show in the Czech Republic. Well worth the wait!

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What a beautiful city...

to the incredible Belvedere Palace, right in the center of Vienna. Got
to see Gustav Klimt's "The Kiss" (which has always been one of my
favorite paintings), among others.

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amazing to walk the grounds and think about who used to live
there...and to realize how badly I need to get one of these palaces to
live in. Everyone's invited. Sundays will be open house!

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My summer house…got a good loan.

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My guest house.


a much-needed day off in Munich. Walked a lot, found some vegan soup,
bought some warm chestnuts and caught up with some old friends.

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Chestnuts roasting on an empty fire.

Show was a hot mess. Packed and sweaty but amazing crowd and great German energy.

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not to love about Italy? Played our biggest show there yet at Palasharp
and after the show a few of us even went out and did the funky chicken
for one of the only times of the tour. We barely made it back in time
for bus call and for the final trip to the last show in...

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Night streets of Milan


last show of the whole tour. The Fox Haus is a beautiful old art deco
building and a great place to say goodbye (fittingly on neutral

We did a big group photo with all our crew, SDC, and
Carpark North. I surprised Carpark North and ran out on stage during
their set and jumped around with them a bit. Great group of guys and
really great band. Said our goodbyes, but I'm sure we will do more shows
in the future.

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Best time ever!

Zurich was a real goodbye show and we celebrated by playing STRANGER and EDGE OF THE EARTH.

What an adventure. It was epic, insane, beautiful, inspiring, and
everything we hoped it would be. I can hardly believe it's over! Thank
you so much to everyone who came to the shows and followed from afar. We
will never forget it. It was simply the best tour we have ever done and
it's all because of you. To the European travelers, the believers, the
Echelon... We love you all and we will see you in Europe for the
festivals in the summer!

Up next we are back on home turf and
ready to rumble... North America is starting April 9th in Vegas!!! If
you would like to come and join the adventure on the North American leg
of the Into the Wild tour come to...

We hope to see you all soon!

Provehito In Altum


Il m'avait tué avec la phrase en gras Tour Diary [Journal de bord de Jared - Tournée 2009-2010] 37451

Citation :

So... After leaving London, we had a few days at home in the city of
angels before the start of the North American tour. We took advantage
and shot a video for "This is War." Our buddy Monsieur Jimmy M wrote
about it here.

Sin City, Laaaaas Vegas! The first stop for the
Into the Wild North American tour and a perfect way to kick it off! Read
on for my complete and detailed play by play breakdown on the
strippers, booze, and gamblin' !!! :p

We flew in the day before
to rehearse for the show. Got a chance to practice one my hobbies:
aerial photography. Here's the Jesus of suburban sprawl of California
and the arid Nevada deserts.

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day of the show was jam packed with press, sound check, meetings,
plotting, planning, and sorting out everything needed for the tour.

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Had a hairstylist named Prima come and experiment...(it's "pomegranate").

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Vegas style, it was a late show (started at 11PM -- way past grampa's
bedtime), but the crowd was amazing, and we had the best first show we
can have ever hoped for.

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I even heard Hugh Hefner stopped by the show. Hey, Hef, was that you in the

pit??? You're a mad man!!! Tour Diary [Journal de bord de Jared - Tournée 2009-2010] Icon_smile Happy b-day, buddy!

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some extra time in Vegas with my buddy Vince relaxing in the Nevada
sunshine. Told him how the day before, at the exact same spot, I looked
up and saw two people doin' the naughty on the balcony in plain sight...
oh Vegas, ya' never change.

Took a trip to my oasis, Whole
Foods, to stock up the bus with healthy treats, including but not
limited to, an avocado, raw cashews, coconut water (with pulp) and a yam
or two. On the way out I saw an 11-year-old kid with a mini Mars hawk.
We shared a head nod of solidarity.

After that I went on a great
walk off the strip and into the industrial neighborhoods that surround. A
million people under the bright lights of the city and a step away,
total solitude. Crazy world.

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Off to Tucson and then onto Tulsa, Milwaukee, Chicago... and the rest!

The shows are selling out quickly (thank you for that!) so get your tickets fast!

Can't wait to see old friends and new faces on this epic adventure across the states.


I never gamble, but I made one big bet and won 157,520 dollars! I gave
it to a homeless guy named Tofu who said he was building a spaceship to
get us all back to the 'motherland'. Seemed a worthwhile mission.

Citation :
30 Seconds To Mars Hits The Midwest

leaving the insanity of Sin City, we went to play KFMA Day in Tucson
with Muse. We went on stage right at Sunset and it was magic. Thanks to
our family in Arizona for such a great show. And to the guys in Muse for
coming to watch our set...

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Tuscon and took a day off at the Grand Canyon. We picked a random spot
and pulled over to climb around and explore and I quickly realized I had
stopped at the EXACT same spot when I drove across the country to Los
Angeles for the first time well over a decade ago. Of all the gin
joints... serendipitous.

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beautiful day with the gang and then out of nowhere a snowstorm. Weird
but great. Got on the bus, ate a yam and some homemade guacamole, and
off we went...

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arrived in Tulsa for the show at the Brady Theatre grabbed our bikes
and went for a ride, K+Q style... Saw that Arctic Monkeys were playing
across the street at Cain's Ballroom, a cool place we used to play ages

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Cain's Ballroom... Definitely a trip down memory lane.

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Chicago. A big one... Here's the list: Checked into hotel. Perfect day out, sunny and beautiful.
Went to the Sears/Willis tower and recreated the scene in "Ferris Bueller's Day Off."

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went golfing. Tomo and I met up with the handsome Tim Virgin at Q101
and took over his show. (Thanks Tim, you still owe me dinner). Tomo
bailed on us halfway but for a good reason: I set him and Shannon up to
kayak through downtown Chicago at night. Someone's gotta have some fun!

Tim + I met with up with Kill Hannah's own Mat Devine and wandered around the city.

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We even saw Tokio Hotel:

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to Milwaukee for another Eagles Ballroom/ Rave show, which is always a
great venue to play because there is so much history and mystery
surrounding it. It's a haunted hall, dark as hell and creepy and
supposedly built with help from the Nazi party in the late '30s for
weird sacrificial rituals and other bologna. (Note: not sure if this is
total BS or not but it's the rumor du jour). I left my John Hancock in
the pool room and drew a giant mural too.

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BACK to Chi Town for the show and ended up being invited to the Cubs
game to throw the opening pitch. My first time on the dirt (as they
say), and I was just happy the ball landed in his glove as it had only
been about 20 years since I held a baseball. and even then it was to
probably break a window or something.

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hometown of Detroit was next, playing at The Fillmore, or as he knew it
growing up, The State Theatre. It's pretty epic to be able to play at
venues that you visited as a fan of band's playing there when you were a

Now we are in Canada where I'm writing to you from our old
haunt -- Toronto. Very much looking forward to playing our first show in
here in over THREE YEARS!

Can't wait to see you all on the rest of the Into The Wild World Tour. Check out dates in your city at


Citation :

after a brief trip to see our ol' Canadian friends, eat some Fresh For
Life, walk around Queen Street, and enjoy Toronto, we went back
Stateside to our home away from home... N-Y-C.

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Ahh... the Madness of The Modern Man.

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The Mars Bar...

day after NYC we went to our friends farm, the artist LARRY SLEZAK, for
some fresh air, peace and quiet, and homemade scones (courtesy of wife
and daughter). Yum!!!

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was great to see our old friends and amazing to go from the craziness
of the city to the peaceful countryside of Massachusetts.

brother and I had an amazing morning on the farm and then headed to
Boston to play a sold out show that night. It doesn't get much better
than that...


Back to NYC after Boston for a huge
show at Roseland. Thanks to all who came and great to see our NY friend
and family. Epic nights in both Boston and in NY.

PS thanks for ripping the shirt right off my back (literally). You guys are animals. XO

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to my buddy Jimmy and co at the legendary Trash and Vaudeville for the
electric blue jacket. Matches my hawk in a neon kinda way...


was sick as a dog a the NYC show but the Echelon helped me out and I
made it through -- turned out to be one of the best shows of the entire

I woke up the next day to see this @jaredleto on Twitter...

Tour Diary [Journal de bord de Jared - Tournée 2009-2010] Phototwitter
Better than chicken soup!


been working on our documentary "ARTIFACT"... but more on that another
time. Next we hit up one of our old stomping grounds, Washington DC.
When I lived there, Marion Barry ran the town and it was a very
different place... memories flooded...

We went on a bike ride through the streets and visited some old haunts...

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Shan riding through DC... Georgetown.

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The Potomac at sunset.

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*cough cough*

took a turn for the worse and although I got through DC and a sold-out
show in Philadelphia, we regrettably had to reschedule the Charlotte
show to November 7th. I'm sorry I couldn't make it this time, but we'll
be back stronger and better than ever.

I took a needed day off,
and after making a pit stop at Duke Univeristy in Durham to research the
effects of macro fission on subatomic particles using a new form of
modular contrast electron microscopy..

Tour Diary [Journal de bord de Jared - Tournée 2009-2010] Img01658-20100425-1903

...We made our way to Miami.

Tour Diary [Journal de bord de Jared - Tournée 2009-2010] Photomass

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here I am at The Fillmore, feeling a bit better, still hacking up a
lung, writing to you, and preparing to play to our Miami, West Palm, and
Fort Lauderdale peeps! Thanks to u all!!!!

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See you on the next stop of Into The Wild...

Citation :
We've been traveling through the wild and
wonderful dirty south for the last week hitting Georgia, Tennessee,
Texas and now Missouri. It's been a journey of dreams, so thank you to
everyone who's been along for the ride.

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Me and my brother, Shannon, overlooking the Mississippi before playing the Beale Street Music Festival in Memphis.

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Sunset on the Delta

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Shannon on the tube...

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B. Cubbins rides again...

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Our family in Orlando

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Mars body paint

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The longest boat in America...

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The best crew in the world!

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Courtney Love's lipstick. Watched Hole play in Dallas. Courtney sounded amazing and beat the s--- out of the crowd. They loved it.

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Deftones in Dallas

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Truck Stop WTF

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St. Louis
look forward to seeing more of you on the West Coast. Some special
announcements will be made shortly so stay tuned

Citation :
Howdy do! Since leaving St. Louis, we've been to Omaha, Nebraska,
Denver, Colorado and Salt Lake City, Utah. We are now in Oregon locked
in the "edit bus" as it's been dubbed because... well... it's full of
editors. Five in fact. We are cutting a live video for a song called
"Closer To The Edge" and simultaneously waiting with baited breath for
the FX to be finished for the video for "This Is War." I saw two teasers
that were sent over from France and they looked incredible. Very
exciting. They should be out in a day or two so keep an eye out!

Headed to Kurt Cobain's old town of Seattle tomorrow for a
show. Hard to go there without thinking of him. It's amazing how
impactful one artist can be. Especially someone that gifted.

Can't believe this tour is already almost
over!!! We only have a week left of the North American Into The Wild
Tour, and we'll soon be heading back to our home city of Los Angeles for
a long awaited and well-deserved break of a whole... one day. Tour Diary [Journal de bord de Jared - Tournée 2009-2010] Icon_smile True, we have about 24 hours in LA,and then
they are shipping us back to the UK to play the Radio1 festival. Hope
to see you all there. Can't wait!

Come join us for the California shows, and
help us celebrate the end of the tour!!!

May 13 – Oakland, CA, Fox Theater
May 14 – Santa Barbara, CA, Santa Barbara Bowl
May 15 - Los Angeles, CA, Greek Theater

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The St Louis Arch bidding us farewell...

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Some new friends we made...

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Twilight in Nebraska

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The line outside the bus for the Denver

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The Casualties of War (stage injuries can
make shopping difficult)

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Truck stop couture

If you haven't joined MARS already, I hope
you can make it out this week. We love all of you.

Citation :
Pacific Northwest

off, thank you all so very very much. What an amazing and epic
adventure this has been. A dozen beautiful sunsets, a few delicate
sunrises, bizzarre happenings, tons of fun, chaos, madness and secrets
we can never spill. It really has been the tour of a lifetime. So many
magical moments and wonderful memories so far. The last leg is Oregon,
Washington state, our home state of California and finishing up in
Phoenix. It's the final stretch of the Into the Wild North America tour
and we have had an experience we will never forget.

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Cool Hotel in Portland ... The Ace

Tour Diary [Journal de bord de Jared - Tournée 2009-2010] Pic2

insatiable Bart Cubbins has been hard at work with the editors. Long
days and nights on the 'Edit Bus' (home to five editors for a month).
Keep ur eyes out for we've got some things coming very ... soon.

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Blue Skies.

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An amazing "day off" in Northern California. It's one of the most beautiful places around. Redwood.

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The path less trod upon.

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The choir from Santa Barbara High School. They joined us on stage for "Kings & Queens" and "Hurricane."

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At The Greek before the show.

so much to everyone who joined us at our home town show at The
beautiful Greek Theatre in Los Angeles. It was a magical night.

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My old friend Danny took this at The Greek. What a night! Thanks to everyone who came.

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Blast from the past! My friend and director Andrew Niccol sent this pic to me from 2004. I was writing for "A Beautiful Life."

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those that have joined us for the Into the Wild Tour, thank you from
the bottom of our hearts. This has been the journey of a lifetime and
thank you all for that. For those that didn't make it this time ...
we'll see you on the next one!

"I was writing for "A beautiful life" " ouiiiip bien sur ! Tour Diary [Journal de bord de Jared - Tournée 2009-2010] 95419

La tournée américaine du moment c'est terminé là, et le tour diary avec...
Dommage... ça devait lui (ou à son équipe...) prendre trop de temps ! en tous cas ça avait plus d'âme que les transmissions et tout le tralala, et j'aimais bien ses petites touches d'humour glissées par ci par là. ^^

Tour Diary [Journal de bord de Jared - Tournée 2009-2010] 736858
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Degaine la trad' plus vite que son ombre

Féminin Messages : 2573
Date d'inscription : 23/05/2010
Age : 43
Localisation : Feet on Earth, Head on Mars
Humeur : Veux se barrer à Westeros pour vivre à Winterfell !

Tour Diary [Journal de bord de Jared - Tournée 2009-2010] Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Tour Diary [Journal de bord de Jared - Tournée 2009-2010]   Tour Diary [Journal de bord de Jared - Tournée 2009-2010] EmptySam 24 Déc 2011 - 12:16

Qu'est-ce j'aimais leur Tour Diary alors ! Y avait vraiment plus d'âme et de personnalité. Kiffme
Ça me manque ces petits billets.... Chouine
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Modo Reine Du Tuto flapy, boss des liens & du GPS Phoenixien mais Boulet de la corbeille

Féminin Messages : 9687
Date d'inscription : 23/05/2010
Age : 36
Localisation : BZH
Humeur : Je suis un ... cocktaiiiiil !

Tour Diary [Journal de bord de Jared - Tournée 2009-2010] Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Tour Diary [Journal de bord de Jared - Tournée 2009-2010]   Tour Diary [Journal de bord de Jared - Tournée 2009-2010] EmptySam 24 Déc 2011 - 12:41

On a déjà un topic ici Clin d\'oeil
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Impératrice Vintage Megalow Ech'

Féminin Messages : 20409
Date d'inscription : 21/05/2010
Age : 50
Localisation : TARDIS / CARDIFF

Tour Diary [Journal de bord de Jared - Tournée 2009-2010] Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Tour Diary [Journal de bord de Jared - Tournée 2009-2010]   Tour Diary [Journal de bord de Jared - Tournée 2009-2010] EmptySam 24 Déc 2011 - 12:45

Tif a écrit:
On a déjà un topic ici Clin d\'oeil

Ce que j'aime chez tif c'est qu'elle connait plus la maison que nous Rire2 Rire2 Caché !
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Modo Reine Du Tuto flapy, boss des liens & du GPS Phoenixien mais Boulet de la corbeille

Féminin Messages : 9687
Date d'inscription : 23/05/2010
Age : 36
Localisation : BZH
Humeur : Je suis un ... cocktaiiiiil !

Tour Diary [Journal de bord de Jared - Tournée 2009-2010] Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Tour Diary [Journal de bord de Jared - Tournée 2009-2010]   Tour Diary [Journal de bord de Jared - Tournée 2009-2010] EmptySam 24 Déc 2011 - 13:00

Maryarmy a écrit:
Tif a écrit:
On a déjà un topic ici Clin d\'oeil

Ce que j'aime chez tif c'est qu'elle connait plus la maison que nous Rire2 Rire2 Caché !

j'ai une mémoire visuelle Rire1
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Féminin Messages : 13136
Date d'inscription : 22/05/2010
Age : 34
Localisation : Allemagne

Tour Diary [Journal de bord de Jared - Tournée 2009-2010] Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Tour Diary [Journal de bord de Jared - Tournée 2009-2010]   Tour Diary [Journal de bord de Jared - Tournée 2009-2010] EmptySam 24 Déc 2011 - 13:46

C'est pas la même chose Nananer L'autre topic devrait être rebatisées "messages from mars" ou un truc dans le genre parce que c'était ce qu'on a eu après le tour diary justement... c'était l'époque où on recevait des petits mots de tous les trois toutes les semaines Clin d\'oeil
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