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 30 seconds to mars want to be "kings" for a night - MTV news

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Féminin Messages : 13136
Date d'inscription : 22/05/2010
Age : 34
Localisation : Allemagne

30 seconds to mars want to be "kings" for a night - MTV news Empty
MessageSujet: 30 seconds to mars want to be "kings" for a night - MTV news   30 seconds to mars want to be "kings" for a night - MTV news EmptyVen 10 Sep 2010 - 10:35

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30 Seconds To Mars Want To Be 'Kings' For A Night: Better Know A VMA Category

Posted 2 hrs ago by MTV News in VMAs
30 seconds to mars want to be "kings" for a night - MTV news Kingsbestvid_281 The 2010 MTV Video Music Awardsare fast approaching, which means that soon you'll be treated to anexcellent night of performances and appearances by the likes of Eminem,Linkin Park, Usher, Paramore, Kanye West, Justin Bieber, Drake,Florence and the Machine, B.o.B and Deadmau5 (who will serve as thehouse DJ at the show). While people tend to remember the classicperformances and the unhinged moments, the coveted Moonman is thereason why people show up and tune in. This year, there are 16categories wherein some of the biggest music stars in the universe willcompete for the coolest trophy in awards shows. Today, we take a lookat one of the nominees in the Video of the Year category. Wehave run through 15 other categories, and the only one left is the bigone: Video of the Year. Over the next few days (leading up to theactual VMA show this Sunday), we'll take a look at each one of theVideo of the Year nominees individually. Next up: 30 Seconds to Mars' "Kings and Queens."Shot by Bartholomew Cubbins (also known as 30 Seconds to Mars frontmanJared Leto), "Kings and Queens" is one of the few videos nominated foran award this year that doesn't contain complicated special effects orwacky animation. Rather, "Kings and Queens" features little more than asmall army of people riding around bicycles through abandoned streetsin downtown Los Angeles, which sounds simple but is remarkablyarresting. There's something truly electric about the images that Letocaptures, which is a testament to his abilities as a filmmaker andvideo artist. "Kings and Queens" is all about stunning imagery,and there are a number of shots that really stick: The wildfiresburning in the background, the homage to Banksy and the references to"The Warriors" among them. But will the relatively low-key quality of"Kings and Queens" (especially compared to eye-popping extravaganzaslike "Bad Romance") work against it? Logic would say yes, but considerPanic! at the Disco's win for Video of the Year back in 2006. They cameout of nowhere and toppled titans like Madonna and Britney Spears withthe low-key but still visually arresting "I Write Sins Not Tragedies."Upsets like this have happened before, and they could easily happenagain. The 27th annual MTV Video Music Awards will bebroadcast live from the Nokia Theatre in Los Angeles on September 12 at9 p.m. ET. Fans can go to (or text VMA to 97979 for Verizon subscribers) to vote for the winners from now through September 12.

Source via ontd_30stm @ LJ
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