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 Emma Ludbrook [interview] "How to Go From Jared Leto’s Assistant to COO"

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5 participants
Chroniqueuse en Chef de l'info Phoenixienne

Féminin Messages : 7322
Date d'inscription : 23/05/2010
Age : 42
Localisation : Là où le vent me porte

Emma Ludbrook [interview] "How to Go From Jared Leto’s Assistant to COO" Empty
MessageSujet: Emma Ludbrook [interview] "How to Go From Jared Leto’s Assistant to COO"   Emma Ludbrook [interview] "How to Go From Jared Leto’s Assistant to COO" EmptyJeu 6 Aoû 2015 - 21:46

Quelque chose d'un peu plus intéressant pour certains d'entre nous au moins. Ca ne concerne pas le groupe en lui-même puisque c'est une interview d'Emma mais on en sait un peu plus (quoi que) sur où elle en est maintenant.

The LongLyst a écrit:

How to Go From Jared Leto’s Assistant to COO

Ten years ago Aussie-born Emma Ludbrook seized a fortuitous career opportunity and never looked back. We caught up with the workaholic to get her networking tips, hear about her style mantra and what she’s learned from Jared Leto.

Jessica Amento
Emma Ludbrook [interview] "How to Go From Jared Leto’s Assistant to COO" 11

Turning fate into opportunity

I was working at Sony Pictures a decade ago as an assistant to a producer, but I wanted to be doing more than just development. When I left there I wasn’t quite sure what my next move would be—until the film producer Jen Davisson called me to ask if I wanted to interview for a job with Jared Leto. He needed someone to help him prep for a movie for a few weeks, so that’s what I did. Then it ended, we said goodbye and I flew to Hawaii to go meet my parents for vacation. We checked in and got in the elevator to go to our room, and Jared was in the elevator. It just so happened he was staying at the same hotel. Wild, right?…I think he texted me that day, saying that maybe we should work on something else together. So I ended up as his assistant for another movie. From there things evolved over time as Jared took on various projects in film and with his band Thirty Seconds to Mars, as well as digital ventures.

From Assistant to COO

When I started it was just Jared and me. I worked as his assistant for probably two years; there was really no definition as to when that ended, it just changed; we hired more people to work with us and we started taking on more things in-house. Now there’s twenty-five-ish of us at The Sisyphus Corporation, working across a lot of different verticals: band management, social media, digital marketing, our VIP ticketing company, VyRT (the broadcast platform) and film production, which is not just feature films but TV and digital content too.

“I’m definitely a workaholic. It doesn’t have to mean that your life is drowned in work, it just has to mean that you’re so passionate about what you do that you want to be doing it all the time.”
A day in the life

I have meetings with new people about new business every day. A lot of it is managing current projects, managing people and then setting up new projects, or talking about exciting ideas that we could be doing with people. I read a lot, and not just books, articles, or potential film projects, but I research apps, what partnerships other people are doing and what other artists are getting into. These are all things that will hopefully influence our business, help us grow and evolve.

Emma Ludbrook [interview] "How to Go From Jared Leto’s Assistant to COO" 2 Emma Ludbrook [interview] "How to Go From Jared Leto’s Assistant to COO" 21 Emma Ludbrook [interview] "How to Go From Jared Leto’s Assistant to COO" 1 Emma Ludbrook [interview] "How to Go From Jared Leto’s Assistant to COO" 7 Emma Ludbrook [interview] "How to Go From Jared Leto’s Assistant to COO" 9 Emma Ludbrook [interview] "How to Go From Jared Leto’s Assistant to COO" 3 Emma Ludbrook [interview] "How to Go From Jared Leto’s Assistant to COO" 8

Mission statement

I just want to do great things. Whether that be making an amazing film, building a company that supports artists or making a documentary that is really powerful and makes an impact. The most rewarding aspect of the job is when you get feedback from people who have either watched something you’ve made or participated in something you’ve created, and it has brought some kind of positivity to their lives. It makes you feel good. It is so obvious, but that’s what is amazing about social media, that you can get that feedback.

Surrounding yourself with positivity

Jared is a really positive person and has taught me to be positive too. A consequence of that is that I just want to deal with people who I think are awesome; positive go-getters. I’m definitely a workaholic. I think that is a positive, if you take it in the best way possible. It doesn’t have to mean that your life is drowned in work, it just has to mean that you’re so passionate about what you do that you want to be doing it all the time.

“I read a lot, and not just books, articles, or potential film projects, but I research apps, what partnerships other people are doing and what other artists are getting into.”
The networking secret

I used to be much better about doing it— every time I had a meeting I would ask that person at the end who they knew in the business who was really smart, and then I would ask them to introduce me to them. I met so many new people because of that. It’s a good way to get outside of your world a little bit too. And it also puts people in a spot that they really have to think about it.

How to follow in her footsteps

Work really hard. Number one. This may be naïve but I truly do feel that if you work really hard, you will get where you want to go. And be clear on what your ultimate goal is, but also be okay with your goals changing. Sometimes we get locked into thinking “I said that I wanted to do this,” but maybe there is something better for you to do.

Style mantra

I definitely don’t have a personal dress code, but I love clothes. I really like to have fun with clothes and I always dress based on what I’m doing that day. Maybe that is practical, but it’s also about how I want to present myself to people. For example, yesterday I was visiting this campsite for our 30 Seconds To Mars camp, so I wore my Missoni Converse, and then today I’m going to meet with a client, so I’m wearing heels and a skinny Kenzo jacket. I view clothes as a costume. They make me feel more comfortable in certain situations, and if I feel like I’m not dressed the way I want to be it can make me uncomfortable in the same way. It is the most creative way I express myself, truthfully, because I work much more on the business side of things, and clothes are a way of showing my creativity and showing people who I am.

As told to Jessica Amento

Photos: Featured, The Sharp Knife, all others @theblondetheory Instagram

About Jessica Amento
Jessica Amento is a freelance journalist and screenwriter living in Los Angeles.

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Dame du Lac et accessoirement Uppity Modo

Féminin Messages : 11153
Date d'inscription : 21/05/2010
Age : 37
Localisation : A la frontière entre la Tomoslavie, Gublerland, Asgard et Pandora, à bord d'une Impala, tractant Slice of Life, en route vers Hogwarts où le Tardis m'attend pour m'amener à Mystic Falls.

Emma Ludbrook [interview] "How to Go From Jared Leto’s Assistant to COO" Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Emma Ludbrook [interview] "How to Go From Jared Leto’s Assistant to COO"   Emma Ludbrook [interview] "How to Go From Jared Leto’s Assistant to COO" EmptyVen 7 Aoû 2015 - 0:44

Merci audrey Clin d\'oeil
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Féminin Messages : 13136
Date d'inscription : 22/05/2010
Age : 34
Localisation : Allemagne

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MessageSujet: Re: Emma Ludbrook [interview] "How to Go From Jared Leto’s Assistant to COO"   Emma Ludbrook [interview] "How to Go From Jared Leto’s Assistant to COO" EmptyVen 7 Aoû 2015 - 10:50

Emma qui donne une itw... de l'eau a vraiment coulé sous les ponts, comme elle le dit elle-même d'ailleurs.
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Féminin Messages : 505
Date d'inscription : 19/11/2014
Age : 67
Localisation : Quelque part dans l'univers
Humeur : Ca dépend du temps.....

Emma Ludbrook [interview] "How to Go From Jared Leto’s Assistant to COO" Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Emma Ludbrook [interview] "How to Go From Jared Leto’s Assistant to COO"   Emma Ludbrook [interview] "How to Go From Jared Leto’s Assistant to COO" EmptyDim 9 Aoû 2015 - 17:32

Sympa Audrey, merci :)

J'aime beaucoup Emma, mais je la trouve toujours trop triste ou nostalgique, je ne sais pas Réflechi
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Dame du Lac et accessoirement Uppity Modo

Féminin Messages : 11153
Date d'inscription : 21/05/2010
Age : 37
Localisation : A la frontière entre la Tomoslavie, Gublerland, Asgard et Pandora, à bord d'une Impala, tractant Slice of Life, en route vers Hogwarts où le Tardis m'attend pour m'amener à Mystic Falls.

Emma Ludbrook [interview] "How to Go From Jared Leto’s Assistant to COO" Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Emma Ludbrook [interview] "How to Go From Jared Leto’s Assistant to COO"   Emma Ludbrook [interview] "How to Go From Jared Leto’s Assistant to COO" EmptyDim 9 Aoû 2015 - 19:27

Non c'est juste qu'elle a arrêté de sourire..
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Chroniqueuse en Chef de l'info Phoenixienne

Féminin Messages : 7322
Date d'inscription : 23/05/2010
Age : 42
Localisation : Là où le vent me porte

Emma Ludbrook [interview] "How to Go From Jared Leto’s Assistant to COO" Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Emma Ludbrook [interview] "How to Go From Jared Leto’s Assistant to COO"   Emma Ludbrook [interview] "How to Go From Jared Leto’s Assistant to COO" EmptyDim 9 Aoû 2015 - 20:31

Ju. a écrit:
Non c'est juste qu'elle a arrêté de sourire..

Oui, elle a lu/entendu que ça donnait des rides... (elle l'avait dit sur twitter ou je sais plus où) Enlèves-toi ça de la tête bichette !
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Féminin Messages : 5614
Date d'inscription : 04/03/2013
Age : 48
Localisation : Chuis la Nymphe invisible du Phoenix! Chuis là mais on ne me voit pas! Mouhaha
Humeur : Toujours un flingue à la main... Beware of what you're doing!

Emma Ludbrook [interview] "How to Go From Jared Leto’s Assistant to COO" Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Emma Ludbrook [interview] "How to Go From Jared Leto’s Assistant to COO"   Emma Ludbrook [interview] "How to Go From Jared Leto’s Assistant to COO" EmptyLun 10 Aoû 2015 - 16:55

J'ai entendu ça aussi pour les rides mais on attrape des rides même si on ne sourit pas Caché !

Merci Audrey happy
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Emma Ludbrook [interview] "How to Go From Jared Leto’s Assistant to COO" Empty
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