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 Annonce Forever Night Never Day Tour

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3 participants


Féminin Messages : 4304
Date d'inscription : 24/05/2010
Age : 31
Localisation : Bercy
Humeur : \o/

Annonce Forever Night Never Day Tour  Empty
MessageSujet: Annonce Forever Night Never Day Tour    Annonce Forever Night Never Day Tour  EmptySam 24 Déc 2011 - 18:12

Citation :
30 Seconds to Mars Embark on Their First Ever National Headlining Tour; Dates for the Tour, Christened "Forever Night Never Day" Begin March 4th in Salt Lake City; New Single and Video "The Kill (Bury Me)" Coming Soon
Tuesday January 24, 2:25 pm ET

NEW YORK, NY--(MARKET WIRE)--Jan 24, 2006 -- THIRTY SECONDS TO MARS embark on their very first official headlining tour ever. The tour, christened "FOREVER NIGHT NEVER DAY" will begin March 4th in Salt Lake City with dates running through April 30th in San Francisco.
The anthemic first single from the band's latest release, "A Beautiful Lie," "Attack," quickly became a staple at alternative radio and on FUSE; The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel called it "complex enough to be interesting, but readily accessible for people who just want to rock out." The second single, "The Kill (Bury Me)," will be released to radio in the coming weeks.

In support of, "A BEAUTIFUL LIE," the band toured solidly for 8 months straight in 2005 opening for bands like AUDIOSLAVE, THE USED, and MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE. After a short break over the holidays they are ready to continue what has been an incredible journey so far. Very much a live band, the energetic, chaotic passion of their live shows and commitment to a constant grueling tour schedule has become an important and undeniable part of who and what Thirty Seconds to Mars has become. The critics agree:

"It would be easy to automatically dismiss potential for musical talent knowing that an established actor is the lead singer for a band, given that such previous attempts have resulted mostly in failure; however, watching 30STM live was proof enough that Jared Leto is an obvious exception. Aside from the apparent dedication he has put into his music, his remarkable guitar and vocal abilities makes 30STM worth listening to...Shannon Leto's precision and energy on drums was nothing short of impressive. At the same time, the passion and talent that both bassist Matt Wachter and guitarist Tomo Milicevic contributed helped define why 30STM is gaining immense respect from both fans and critics world-wide," said Zero Magazine.

"His voice, a strident and boyish alto, never wavered despite the histrionics, and his showmanship won over even skeptical post-teens....30 Seconds To Mars is a refreshing exception," proclaimed the Dallas Morning News.

Thirty Seconds to Mars is hitting the road in support of their second album, "A Beautiful Lie," which came out in August 2005 and met with immediate acclaim. Metal Edge magazine ranked it one of the top 10 albums of 2005, while Revolver noted, "The album boasts echoing riffs, moody bass lines, and strong vocal melodies that evoke a radio-friendly mix of Nine Inch Nails, U2, and the Cure." Nylon concurs: "The result, from the moody Cure-laced ballad 'Was It A Dream' to the powerful head-bob inducing 'Attack,' is an album that is digestible without losing the rough-around-the-edges appeal that the band's rapidly expanding fan base crave." Dazed and Confused said, "Leto and his band make the kind of anthemic rock'n'roll you'll want to turn up deafeningly loud on the car stereo while you're driving too fast down country roads. The kind of music you can imagine a million teens swapping spit to -- sensitive without being sappy, with both a backbone and a vulnerability to it."

MTV.Com wrote, "Jared Leto is not the first actor to launch a career in rock and roll, but somehow he's managed to be the only one audiences don't laugh off the stage...only Leto's band, 30 Seconds to Mars, has earned itself some bona fide rock cred over the course of its brief career." The Washington Post agrees, "Hard-driving guitar riffs and powerful vocals carry this head banging outfit all the way to the rock-race finish line."

Thirty Seconds to Mars also features Leto's brother and drummer Shannon, guitarist Tomo Milicevic and bassist Matt Wachter. Opening for Thirty Seconds To Mars will be newcomers -- Victory Records' Aiden and Vagrant Records' Emanuel.

About the tour, singer / guitarist Jared Leto had to say, "It's time. After all these years on the road the fact that we still hadn't done a national headlining tour had become something that we were constantly asked about and encouraged to do. We are ready for that next step and we couldn't be more excited to finally get out there and present THIRTYSECONDSTOMARS in the way that we see it. This is a tour that will offer a true alternative to the typical, mundane experience that seems to be readily available everywhere. We plan on presenting something very unique every single night and to create an experience that will never be forgotten. We want to welcome our family of friends, fans, and anyone and everyone to come and be a part of 'FOREVER NIGHT NEVER DAY.'"


Date City Venue
---------- -------------- --------------
Sat-Mar-04 Salt Lake City Avalon
Sun-Mar-05 Denver Gothic Theatre
Tue-Mar-07 Tulsa Cains Ballroom
Thu-Mar-09 Dallas Lakewood Theatre
Fri-Mar-10 Houston Engine Room
Sat-Mar-11 San Antonio White Rabbit
Mon-Mar-13 Jacksonville Freebird
Tue-Mar-14 Tampa State Theatre
Thu-Mar-16 Ft. Lauderdale Culture Room
Fri-Mar-17 Orlando House of Blues
Sat-Mar-18 Atlanta Masquerade
Sun-Mar-19 Norfolk Norva
Tue-Mar-21 Philadelphia Theatre of Living Arts
Fri-Mar-24 New York Avalon
Sat-Mar-25 Washington DC American University
Sun-Mar-26 Buffalo Town Hall
Tue-Mar-28 Pittsburgh Mr. Small's
Wed-Mar-29 Cleveland House of Blues
Thu-Mar-30 Toronto Opera House
Fri-Mar-31 Toledo Headliner's
Sat-Apr-01 Chicago Cabaret Metro
Mon-Apr-03 Grand Rapids The Intersection
Tue-Apr-04 Columbus Newport Music Hall
Thu-Apr-06 St. Louis Pageant
Fri-Apr-07 Milwaukee The Rave II
Sat-Apr-08 Minneapolis The Quest
Sun-Apr-09 Winnipeg Pyramid Cabaret
Tue-Apr-11 Edmonton Starlite Room
Wed-Apr-12 Calgary The Warehouse
Fri-Apr-14 Vancouver Commodore
Sat-Apr-15 Seattle Showbox
Sun-Apr-16 Boise The Big Easy
Tue-Apr-18 Reno New Oasis
Wed-Apr-19 Santa Cruz The Catalyst
Thu-Apr-20 Bakersfield Montgomery World Plaza
Fri-Apr-21 Las Vegas House of Blues
Sat-Apr-22 Phoenix The Marquee
Mon-Apr-24 San Diego Soma
Tue-Apr-25 Santa Ana The Galaxy
Wed-Apr-26 Cabazon Key Club @ Morango Casino
Thu-Apr-27 Ventura Ventura Theatre
Sat-Apr-29 Sacramento The Boardwalk
Sun-Apr-30 San Francisco Great America Music Hall

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Impératrice Vintage Megalow Ech'

Féminin Messages : 20409
Date d'inscription : 21/05/2010
Age : 50
Localisation : TARDIS / CARDIFF

Annonce Forever Night Never Day Tour  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Annonce Forever Night Never Day Tour    Annonce Forever Night Never Day Tour  EmptySam 24 Déc 2011 - 18:20

Les affiches allant avec Clin d\'oeil

Annonce Forever Night Never Day Tour  30secs11 Annonce Forever Night Never Day Tour  30seco11
Annonce Forever Night Never Day Tour  30stm_13
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Impératrice Vintage Megalow Ech'

Féminin Messages : 20409
Date d'inscription : 21/05/2010
Age : 50
Localisation : TARDIS / CARDIFF

Annonce Forever Night Never Day Tour  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Annonce Forever Night Never Day Tour    Annonce Forever Night Never Day Tour  EmptySam 24 Déc 2011 - 18:21

Et les flyers stickers Oops

Annonce Forever Night Never Day Tour  E931_110
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Féminin Messages : 605
Date d'inscription : 26/11/2011
Age : 31

Annonce Forever Night Never Day Tour  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Annonce Forever Night Never Day Tour    Annonce Forever Night Never Day Tour  EmptySam 24 Déc 2011 - 18:30

Annonce Forever Night Never Day Tour  988709 Pourquoi vous ressortez tous les trucs nostalgiques ce soir ?

"Forever Night, never Day". J'adore ce nom de tournée Kiffme Kiffme

Puis tous ces flyers et stickers, je rêverai de pouvoir seulement en voir un de mes propres yeux !
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Impératrice Vintage Megalow Ech'

Féminin Messages : 20409
Date d'inscription : 21/05/2010
Age : 50
Localisation : TARDIS / CARDIFF

Annonce Forever Night Never Day Tour  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Annonce Forever Night Never Day Tour    Annonce Forever Night Never Day Tour  EmptySam 24 Déc 2011 - 18:32

Strange_Dream a écrit:

Puis tous ces flyers et stickers, je rêverai de pouvoir seulement en voir un de mes propres yeux !
viens chez moi Rire1 Caché !
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Féminin Messages : 605
Date d'inscription : 26/11/2011
Age : 31

Annonce Forever Night Never Day Tour  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Annonce Forever Night Never Day Tour    Annonce Forever Night Never Day Tour  EmptySam 24 Déc 2011 - 18:41

Maryarmy a écrit:
Strange_Dream a écrit:

Puis tous ces flyers et stickers, je rêverai de pouvoir seulement en voir un de mes propres yeux !
viens chez moi Rire1 Caché !

Mais arrêteuuuuh, c'est Noël, me laisse pas me lamenter sur pareille chose Annonce Forever Night Never Day Tour  988709 Caché ! Rire2
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MessageSujet: Re: Annonce Forever Night Never Day Tour    Annonce Forever Night Never Day Tour  Empty

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Annonce Forever Night Never Day Tour
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