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 Jared Leto exceeds his 30 Seconds of fame

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Féminin Messages : 13136
Date d'inscription : 22/05/2010
Age : 35
Localisation : Allemagne

Jared Leto exceeds his 30 Seconds of fame Empty
MessageSujet: Jared Leto exceeds his 30 Seconds of fame   Jared Leto exceeds his 30 Seconds of fame EmptyLun 28 Fév 2011 - 19:55

Citation :
Rock star Jared Leto has ruled out a return to Hollywood any time soon - he's having too much fun with his band 30 Seconds To Mars.

The American actor-turned-singer starred in films like Fight Club, Requiem For A Dream and American Psycho before music became his priority.

Back for their fourth visit, 30 Seconds To Mars are travelling Australia as part of the Soundwave festival tour alongside heavyweights Iron Maiden, Slash and Queens Of The Stone Age.

And while latest record industry figures indicate a crisis for rock music as tastes shifts towards pop and R&B, Leto believes the scope for pioneering rock music has never been more exciting.

"We've always had one foot in tomorrow rather than the past and I think it's great that there's lots of new ground to break," Leto tells AAP in a Sydney hotel room.

"There's lots of opportunities out there if you're quick on your feet and willing to embrace change."

With the internet, video games and social media all potential platforms for his music, Leto sees a strong future for the band he shares with brother Shannon Leto and friend Tomo Milicevic.

30 Seconds To Mars most emphatically embraced the digital world during the recording of their 2009 album This Is War by asking thousands of fans around the world to lend their voice.

At a series of global "summits", including one in Sydney, volunteers were recorded en masse with their chants later sampled into songs to give fans a unique sense of ownership.

The band will continue to surprise and experiment in an attempt to stay one step ahead as they pioneer new art forms.

"You have all these creative interesting people on the digital front thinking of new ways for all of us to communicate around the world," Leto said.

"We take their hard work and apply it to our hard work to create music and art and it's an exciting thing to be a part of."

His latest project, a 13-minute video to new single Hurricanesdirected under his pseudonym Bartholomew Cubbins, sees the actor, model and musician finally get behind the camera.

The original cut was banned by the BBC and YouTube due to a dream-like sequence depicting several controversial encounters, including sexual bondage and being nailed into a coffin alive.

Leto is unhappy that his art has been blocked from mainstream consumption, but also sees virtue in the ensuing online debate which has surrounded its release.

"It is interesting to me that all of us seem unpettered about allowing kids to sit and watch corporate porn and violence in a continual barrage on the internet and magazines and videos every day.

"There's more death in your average video game by a thousand times than there is in Hurricane so there's some hypocrisy there."

* Hurricanes received its Australian premiere in Sydney on Monday night before 30 Seconds To Mars travel to Melbourne, Adelaide and Perth for the rest of the Soundwave festival tour.

Credit JLonline
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