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 Interview Jared - Man from Mars is all about music

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2 participants
Chroniqueuse en Chef de l'info Phoenixienne

Féminin Messages : 7322
Date d'inscription : 23/05/2010
Age : 42
Localisation : Là où le vent me porte

Interview Jared - Man from Mars is all about music Empty
MessageSujet: Interview Jared - Man from Mars is all about music   Interview Jared - Man from Mars is all about music EmptySam 12 Fév 2011 - 23:14

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Man from Mars is all about music

30 Seconds to Mars frontman Jared Leto - former model, art student and accomplished actor (Fight Club, Alexander, Requiem for a Dream) - tells James Wigney why music was always his first love.

MY BROTHER Shannon and I have always been close. We are two poor kids who climbed our way out of the muddy banks of the Mississippi River from Louisiana with food stamps in one hand and our instruments in the other. Shannon has been playing drums since he was five or six years old and we were finally signed as a band in 1998 ( 30 Seconds to Mars to EMI), so it has been a long haul.

We were raised around a lot of artists in a really communal upbringing. There were a lot of hippies around and music was something that was always happening. There were always instruments lying around and it was just the way that you expressed yourself with art. Creativity and art and music were all the same thing.

Start of sidebar. Skip to end of sidebar.

End of sidebar. Return to start of sidebar.

I always loved bands that had a strong sense of identity. I stayed clear of trying to emulate anything. It's much better for me to focus on becoming more of who I am, rather than thinking about anyone else.

Music, acting, directing, writing it all comes from the same place and spirit. There are different ways to express yourself and you either choose one path or another and enjoy one process or another. You have to follow your gut and your heart and your creative impulses. We are really busy with the music these days and I am quite content and fulfilled creatively by that.

We left EMI and they sued us for $30 million. It was an intense battle.

We battled them for a couple of years while we made our latest record (This is War). We self-financed it and hired a producer and holed up in the basement studio of this place in the Hollywood Hills and tried to make the record of our lives. There was a lot at stake and we are happy now that it's all behind us and we have other battles to fight. It made us better we learned a lot about each other and ourselves. Conflict is an important and necessary part of life and it can be a great teacher.

Kanye West came in and asked me to direct a video for him.

We weren't able to work that out but he heard the song (Hurricane) and liked it and I asked him to sing on it. The sexuality and provocative imagery in the clip ended up being a bit controversial.

It was a bit of a battle, but I think a worthy one. There were several networks around the world who banned it outright and most of those who did play it, banished it to the graveyard shift. It certainly encouraged some discussion and debate and I think that was good.

I'm an artist, so my opinion is always in favour of expression and the right to do that.

There are aspects of the old record label system that are dead and gone, and will never return.

There are still some really great people who work at those companies and who help artists such as myself share their art with the world. You always need people to help you build things you can't do anything alone. But there are new technologies and ways you can connect directly with your fans and we take full advantage of it.

I have always loved Australia. It seemed to be a place that really understood us and encouraged us and believed in us. We had these incredible shows with the most exciting and energetic audiences and we just loved it. We are looking forward to coming back.

30 Seconds to Mars, Soundwave Festival, February 26, RNA Showgrounds, Brisbane,


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Féminin Messages : 13136
Date d'inscription : 22/05/2010
Age : 34
Localisation : Allemagne

Interview Jared - Man from Mars is all about music Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Interview Jared - Man from Mars is all about music   Interview Jared - Man from Mars is all about music EmptyDim 13 Fév 2011 - 10:47

Citation :

We left EMI and they sued us for $30 million. It was an intense battle.

We battled them for a couple of years while we made our latest record (This is War). We self-financed it and hired a producer and holed up in the basement studio of this place in the Hollywood Hills and tried to make the record of our lives. There was a lot at stake and we are happy now that it's all behind us and we have other battles to fight. It made us better we learned a lot about each other and ourselves. Conflict is an important and necessary part of life and it can be a great teacher.

Euh ouai, enfin ils sont toujours chez EMI au final Rire2 quant à l'album de leur vie et bien... visiblement ils visent pas les dictionnaires de musique où ils pourraient éventuellement apparaitre dans 50 ou 60 ans... >.<

Bref, tout ça pour dire que c'est toujours le même blabla à propos de l'amour fraternel depuis toujours entre mini jared et mini shannon se baladant au milieu des hippies et se roulant dans la boue, là où ils ont trouvé l'inspiration de leur vie blablabla.
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Interview Jared - Man from Mars is all about music
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