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 Life on Mars ? Open Music Interview (traduction en anglais)

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Life on Mars ? Open Music Interview (traduction en anglais) Empty
MessageSujet: Life on Mars ? Open Music Interview (traduction en anglais)   Life on Mars ? Open Music Interview (traduction en anglais) EmptyMar 21 Déc 2010 - 14:39

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Life on Mars? Open Music Interview – Translation
Posted by Marina with No Comments

OpenMusic posted an interview they did with 30 Seconds to Mars in Kiev. If you are from the Ukraine you can read the original HERE. Huge thanks to Natasha Caine for translating it into English. Thank you so much!!!

While 30 Seconds to Mars‘ fans hurried to get some trumping places near the stage, band members Jared Leto (vocal, guitar), Shannon Leto (drums) and Tomo Milicevic (guitar) were talking with the journalists in the next hall.

Only three TVchannels, one padiostation and our site were allowed to take an interview. ‘It’s a very difficult artist, with it’s temper, so you have to be careful. Show your respect and don’t make him nervous with stupid questions. And no photos!’ We’ve been warned.

A big sofa was brought into the empty room. Especially for the foreign stars. Interviewer should stand in front of them and ask questions. While one Mass Media was talking with artists, the others were waiting behind the door. All the IEC hall was filled with rows of tables. ‘What was happening in here?’ Jared asked. Organizers explained him that the day before there was the dog show. ‘We don’t need no education’. Tomo hummed Pink Floyd’s lines, associating this tables with school desks.

Shannon was little bit irritated by the treatment. They treated the band like little children. The Band was lead everywhere under guards’, organizers’ and label representatives’ surveillance. ‘What are we? Cows? Oh come on!’ he jokes an escort, smiling.

We were the 5th to take an interview. Me and the photographer came in and stood in front of them. ‘Hi, guys’ Jared greeted us. ‘How are you?’ Shannon added. ‘Fine, thanks, how are you?’ I said. ‘Good’ musician answered in chorus. But that was pretty clear, that they were not good at all. The huge tiredness was seen in their eyes.

I laid my Dictaphone on the floor. ‘Maybe you want the chairs? There are in the corner, take ‘em’ Jared said. We agreed, took the chairs, sat in front of musicians. It’s funny, but they didn’t offer the chairs to all the people, who were taking an interview before us.

We were warned, that Jared didn’t feel good. That was clearly seen. We were talking to Tomo and Shannon mostly. Jared just looked at us, but that was like he looked through us, and he almost didn’t talk.

Nevertheless, for those modest minutes of our talk, we’ve fished out of ‘Mars’ something interesting.

So, you’ve just come here from Moscow. Tell us couple words about this city, yourmain impressions.
Tomo: Show in Moscow was incredible, unforgettable. We liked Russia a lot.
Shannon: Wonderful people.
Tomo: That was amazing to come back to Russia. And now we’re in Ukraine for the first time, and this is amazing too.

Both Saturday and Sunday Ukrainian fans were on the watch for you at the airport and near the hotel. Many of them met Tomo, but nobody seen Jared and Shannon. Guys, where did you find invisibility cloak?
Shannon: No no, we have awesome ‘wheels’, that made us invisible.
Tomo: That’s right. And I just leave my at home. That happens.
Shannon: Well actually, we arrived from Moscow couple hours before the show, literally.
Tomo: And I’ve come yesterday.

Your last album ‘This Is War’ is solid, epic work with it’s own idea and conception. It’s probably very hard to make step up after that fundamental CD, but maybe you are already thinking of new material, of it’s sound?
Shannon: We’re focused on tour now. We have to finished European tour, then we have US tour. So for now we’re completely focused on ‘This Is War’.

It’s not a secret, that 30 Seconds to Mars have the craziest fans in the world. Really few bands can boast such devoted admirers. Which fans’ presents remarkable most of all for you?
Tomo: The best presents are handmade presents. They’re spending their time and strength. It is inspiring.
Shannon: I think, that the fans themselves are the very best present. The fact, that they give ‘em to us and… ammm… Damn, I messed it up, ok, forget it! (in a whisper, through laugh: ‘God, what the hell am I talking about?’)
Tomo: There were too many wonderful presents to mark out one for the example. We love fan artworks, that based on their interpretation of our songs and glyphs. It’s awesome.

You taking ‘em with you in the tour?
Shannon: Yeah, sure.
Tomo: We have special storage for all this things. One day it’ll all become a wonderful collection.

And you could open the museum.
Shannon: We thought of it.

You’ve presented a new video lately. No, not video, the short film called’Hurricane’. What scenes are your favorite?
Shannon: Oh, there are lots of!
Tomo: Yeah, it’s a hard question.

Shannon: But this part, where Jared jumps through the window was just brain blowing!
Tomo: Yeah, I like that one too. And I also like scene with Shannon in the park.
Shannon: I like Tomo’s hair and the subway scene, oh yeah!

Did some funny things happen on the set of the video?
Jared: (*finally joined the talk) Not that they were funny… There were many impressive moments on the set. Unique. Very difficult. That all was difficult… But funny…

Sometimes creates an impression, that you put your fans’ patience to the test. It’s like you trying how far can you get without losing their devotion and support. For example, your spam with lots of same tweets in Twitter, or your provocative music video ‘Hurricane’, in which you play with sexuality and perversions. Or this strange ‘Hurricane’ single cover. Do you realize, that many of your fans blame 30 Seconds to Mars for their schizophrenia?
Tomo: I’m not afraid. I think, it’s not too apt accusation. You can’t blame your own insanity on someone.
Jared: No, I disagree, Tomo… We have to be responsible for everything we do. And for that too.
Shannon: That’s right.

Tell us about your resent musical impressions. What do you listen, whom you’veopened for yourself?
Tomo: I personally don’t listen too much music, if you wanna know the truth.
Jared: The same here. I haven’t been listening to the music for a long time. I don’t even have an iPod. We’re too busy, traveling constantly. But this year I liked Fever Ray’s album very much. And also this guy.. Jonsy, Ionsy…
Jared: Right.
Shannon: I’ve had some discoveries this year. Listened a lot of Fever Ray. And The Big Pink are great too, know this guys, ha?

Of course, I know. Tell us what are you grateful to this day for?
Tomo: I’m grateful for the opportunity to come to Kiev. This was really a model show, because not every artist has chance to visit Ukraine. Thanks to the people, who helped us to make it possible.

And thank you for coming and for the interview. So in the end we usually ask artists to draw their self-portraits. What do you think?
Tomo: I Pass. I draw bad.
Shannon: Jared draws great.
Jared: Yes, and with great pleasure, give me a paper.

Here .
Jared: I feel bad. Stomachache, you know… And this is what I’m gonna draw.

Jared drew long and infatuating (then he snapped the result, with the words ‘I
need to post it to the Twitter’).

‘While Jared is drawing, can we take come photos?’ we asked despite warning. ‘Yeah, sure, no problem’ – ‘Marses’ answered.

Translated by Natasha Caine

Source JLOnline

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