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 20 février 2015 - Jared @Billboard

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5 participants
Chroniqueuse en Chef de l'info Phoenixienne

Féminin Messages : 7322
Date d'inscription : 23/05/2010
Age : 42
Localisation : Là où le vent me porte

20 février 2015 - Jared @Billboard Empty
MessageSujet: 20 février 2015 - Jared @Billboard   20 février 2015 - Jared @Billboard EmptyVen 20 Fév 2015 - 12:57

Le magazine est supposé sortir aujourd'hui mais j'ai vaguement regardé et je sais pas comment on peut ne commander qu'un seul exemplaire. Réflechi
Bref, il y a un article sur Jared par rapport à "Suicide Squad" et son rôle du Joker pour lequel il doit prendre beaucoup de poids. Il dit que du coup, ça l'oblige à manger genre toutes les 2h mais le journaliste se moque gentiment en précisant qu'après avoir demandé l'autorisation, il mangeait juste des tacos vegan et que c'était pas ce qu'il y avait de plus calorique au monde...
Quoi qu'il en soit, il va se remplumer un peu, c'est une bonne chose ^^

Billboard a écrit:

Billboard Cover Sneak Peek: Jared Leto Talks Gaining Weight to Play the Joker in 'Suicide Squad'

20 février 2015 - Jared @Billboard Jared-leto-double-threat-bb6-2015-billboard-650

Playing the Joker onscreen means stepping into some big shoes left by Jack Nicholson and Heath Ledger. So how is Jared Leto preparing for his role as the iconic Batman villain in Suicide Squad? By getting bigger.

"Do you mind if I eat a little?" Jared Leto asks Billboard during an interview for our new cover story, out Friday, Feb. 20. "I'm trying to gain a lot of weight. It means I have to eat every couple of hours -- and I'm terrible at eating a lot." (Case in point: Leto was eating vegan tacos during the interview, which are hardly the fattiest food on the market.)

Last December, Warner Bros. announced Leto would take on the Batman bad guy in a movie starring DC Comics supervillains. And he's not the only A-lister in the film: Will Smith also stars as Deadshot.

The 30 Seconds to Mars frontman, who won an Oscar for his portrayal of the transgender Rayon in Dallas Buyers Club, explains the increasing complexity of graphic novels drew him to this project.

"The opportunity to take on this nearly Shakespearean character -- that's what graphic novels and comic books are becoming, right?" Leto says. "[He's] this beautiful disaster of a character -- what a big challenge."

Read Billboard's full cover story about Jared Leto -- and fellow musician-actors including Jennifer Hudson and Jack Black -- on Friday, Feb. 20.

Crédit Chrys qui a RT Billboard
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Médaille d'Or du Quizz Marsien 2011

Féminin Messages : 4142
Date d'inscription : 24/05/2010
Age : 52
Localisation : Toujours ailleurs

20 février 2015 - Jared @Billboard Empty
MessageSujet: Re: 20 février 2015 - Jared @Billboard   20 février 2015 - Jared @Billboard EmptyVen 20 Fév 2015 - 13:14

J'aime bien la photo.

Qu'il se remplume c'est pas mal, mais il faudrait qu'il arrête de jouer avec son poids à chaque fois.
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Chroniqueuse en Chef de l'info Phoenixienne

Féminin Messages : 7322
Date d'inscription : 23/05/2010
Age : 42
Localisation : Là où le vent me porte

20 février 2015 - Jared @Billboard Empty
MessageSujet: Re: 20 février 2015 - Jared @Billboard   20 février 2015 - Jared @Billboard EmptyVen 20 Fév 2015 - 19:07

Article complet tweeté par JLOnline :

Billboard a écrit:

Billboard Cover: Jared Leto on Packing on the Pounds to Play the Joker, 30 Seconds to Mars' Success and Why He's 'Terminally Dissatisfied'

By Gavin Edwards | February 20, 2015 9:00 AM EST
20 février 2015 - Jared @Billboard Jared-leto-2015-billboard-990

"Do you mind if I eat a little?" Jared Leto asks. "I'm trying to gain a lot of weight. It means I have to eat every couple of hours -- and I'm terrible at eating a lot." Leto, 43, is sitting on a battered circular couch in a cavernous white room on the ground floor of his Hollywood Hills home. A takeout container filled with vegan tacos sits before him. Leto's accessorized with red-and-purple socks, a woolly ski hat and a red fanny pack, for a look that is more Phish parking lot than red carpet. His beard and hair extend to Old Testament length.

20 février 2015 - Jared @Billboard Jared-leto-double-threat-bb6-2015-billboard-650

Leto's packing on the pounds because he has been cast as the Joker in the all-star comic-book supervillain movie Suicide Squad, which starts filming in April for a 2016 release. He gained more than 60 pounds to play Mark David Chapman (assassin of John Lennon) in 2007's Chapter 27 and starved himself to play a junkie in 2000's Requiem for a Dream. "It can be an incredibly rewarding, but also destructive, thing to do," he says of yo-yoing between weight classes for a role. "Your body changes forever." He has had a lot of actors call him for advice on extreme weight regimens, he says, "and I always try to talk people out of it."

Actors and musicians have long coveted each other's careers. But today, when they leverage their brands to break into the other field, these hopeful hyphenates do better than one might assume they have any right to : Jennifer Hudson has an Oscar, Jack Black's Tenacious D won a Grammy, and Carrie Brownstein might be the funniest person in the history of indie rock. Leto, however, is arguably the leading double threat. He won a best supporting actor Oscar in 2014 for portraying the transgender, HIV-positive Rayon in Dallas Buyers Club. As a musician, he has led rock band 30 Seconds to Mars to 2.4 million albums sold in the United States, according to Nielsen Music. (The act, which has yet to re-sign with a label after breaking away from Virgin in 2014, is spending March playing 14 shows in Russia. "We do the same thing in Germany, Italy, France," Leto says. "We play 20 dates in 20 different cities.") He's also a director and a film editor, not to mention a tech entrepreneur who founded the video platform Vyrt and was an early investor in Nest, which Google bought for $3.2 billion in 2014. "Many, many actors have tried to cross over into music-land," says Irving Azoff, Leto's manager and chairman/CEO of Azoff MSG Entertainment. "The reason Jared succeeded was he actually gave up his movie career. He's a rock star moonlighting as an actor. And he's got a work ethic unlike anybody I've ever seen." Says Leto, with a grin: "I'm terminally dissatisfied. That's probably part of being an artist."

20 février 2015 - Jared @Billboard Jared-leto-of-thirty-seconds-to-mars-oct-2014-billboard-510
Leto onstage with 30 Seconds to Mars

Leto was born in Bossier City, La., in 1971. He and his older brother Shannon -- now the drummer for 30 Seconds to Mars -- were raised by their divorced hippie mother, who trotted the family around the globe, including Haiti, where they operated a free medical clinic. After a stint at the School of Visual Arts in New York to study filmmaking, Leto moved to Los Angeles at age 21, and soon won a role on the TV show My So-Called Life as Jordan Catalano, the bad boy beloved by Angela Chase, played by Claire Danes. A few years later, Shannon joined him in Los Angeles. Leto's epiphany: "No one has to give you permission to make music or make art."

Leto believes he has more skill as a musician, just because "I've been onstage more hours than I've been in front of a camera." And music has proved more lucrative than movies. "I've never made money from films," he declares. "It's a challenge to make money from music these days -- that's one of the reasons I've been really entrepreneurial."

20 février 2015 - Jared @Billboard Jared-leto-contact-sheet-2015-billboard-510

He takes pride in 30 Seconds to Mars being self-sufficient, making videos and even issuing tickets with its own team. "All our digital marketing and social media was done in-house before people even knew what those terms were," he says. The band's fan group, which calls itself "The Echelon," holds an annual international convention (Echelon Conference: The Gathering) and has raised funds for disaster relief in Haiti and Japan. (Fans also mobilized in 2014 to vote more than 3 million times in Billboard's "Fan Army Face-Off," in which the band ultimately placed second.)

Leto is guarded about his personal life, and his last long-term relationship, with Cameron Diaz, ended in 2003. In the last few months alone, gossips have linked him with the actress Lupita Nyong'o, Dutch model Dimphy Janse and Miley Cyrus, but he brought his mother as his date to the 2014 Oscars ceremony. He says he has never seen Claire Danes' CIA drama Homeland, but only because he watches almost no TV. Still, he's open to returning to TV as an actor: "I understand now the pleasure in consuming a story that doesn't end after 90 minutes and the ability to work on a character that long." He has, however, consistently declined offers to star in rock biopics and turned down roles in movies that promised to put his music on the soundtrack, because he doesn't want to promote one career on the basis of the other. "When we first signed a record deal in '98, it was like breaking a commandment." he says, explaining that he was wary of how people were judged for trying to cross over. "Now, if you can talk, you put an album out."

20 février 2015 - Jared @Billboard Jared-leto-mathew-mcconaughey-dallas-buyers-club-2013-billboard-510
Leto as Rayon in Dallas Buyers Club, with Matthew McConaughey (right) as Ron Woodroof

What drew him to the Joker for just his second film role in seven years? "The opportunity to take on this nearly Shakespearean character -- that's what graphic novels and comic books are becoming, right?" Leto never actually says the words "the Joker" out loud, as if the very name might summon the ghosts of Heath Ledger and Cesar Romero. "This beautiful disaster of a character -- what a big challenge," he muses.

Leto is known for seeking out dark material and immersing himself in his roles. Dallas Buyers Club director Jean-Marc Vallee says, "At the beginning, I was scared of him and Matthew [McConaughey, Leto's co-star]. I'm from the less-is-more school, and these guys were doing more-is-more. But I was using their more-is-more takes."

During his conversation with Billboard, Leto quotes everyone from Mahatma Gandhi to Milton Berle. The theme across the quotations: persistence. Ruminating on the skepticism that greeted 30 Seconds to Mars, Leto drops one more: "Oscar Wilde said, 'The greatest revenge is massive success.'" Wilde didn't say that, actually; Frank Sinatra, one of the all-time great double threats, apparently did. But with massive enough success, you can make Oscar Wilde say whatever you like.  
20 février 2015 - Jared @Billboard Jared-leto-double-threat-bb6-2015-billboard-650
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Féminin Messages : 13136
Date d'inscription : 22/05/2010
Age : 35
Localisation : Allemagne

20 février 2015 - Jared @Billboard Empty
MessageSujet: Re: 20 février 2015 - Jared @Billboard   20 février 2015 - Jared @Billboard EmptyVen 20 Fév 2015 - 19:39

billboard a écrit:
Leto moved to Los Angeles at age 21, and soon won a role on the TV show My So-Called Life as Jordan Catalano, the bad boy beloved by Angela Chase, played by Claire Danes. A few years later, Shannon joined him in Los Angeles

Ils ont pas du regarder la série avant d'écrire l'article HUHU Rire2

billboard a écrit:
Ruminating on the skepticism that greeted 30 Seconds to Mars, Leto drops one more: "Oscar Wilde said, 'The greatest revenge is massive success.'" Wilde didn't say that, actually; Frank Sinatra, one of the all-time great double threats, apparently did. But with massive enough success, you can make Oscar Wilde say whatever you like.

Et une citation bidon de plus, une Rire2
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Queen du Gif en folie qui était la

Féminin Messages : 883
Date d'inscription : 07/02/2014
Age : 32
Localisation : Paris qui trouve le nouveau design pourri et qui ne l'assume pas !
Humeur : Ps J'assume toujours mes conneries Mary même la nuit

20 février 2015 - Jared @Billboard Empty
MessageSujet: Re: 20 février 2015 - Jared @Billboard   20 février 2015 - Jared @Billboard EmptySam 21 Fév 2015 - 15:20

Chrys a écrit:
J'aime bien la photo.

Qu'il se remplume c'est pas mal, mais il faudrait qu'il arrête de jouer avec son poids à chaque fois.

Sachant qu'il s'est déjà bien remplumé cet été il va surtout grossir tout court. Un Joker fat, Jo l'angoisse je comprend pas le choix du réalisateur là
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Féminin Messages : 5614
Date d'inscription : 04/03/2013
Age : 48
Localisation : Chuis la Nymphe invisible du Phoenix! Chuis là mais on ne me voit pas! Mouhaha
Humeur : Toujours un flingue à la main... Beware of what you're doing!

20 février 2015 - Jared @Billboard Empty
MessageSujet: Re: 20 février 2015 - Jared @Billboard   20 février 2015 - Jared @Billboard EmptyLun 23 Fév 2015 - 16:22

Merci Audrey Fleurs

Chrys a écrit:
J'aime bien la photo.

Qu'il se remplume c'est pas mal, mais il faudrait qu'il arrête de jouer avec son poids à chaque fois.

+ une ^^

Gaby a écrit:
Un Joker fat, Jo l'angoisse je comprend pas le choix du réalisateur là

J'avoue que je ne comprends pas non plus Gne2 le seul perso ayant un peu d'embonpoint dans l'univers de Batman c'est le Pingouin Gne

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20 février 2015 - Jared @Billboard Empty
MessageSujet: Re: 20 février 2015 - Jared @Billboard   20 février 2015 - Jared @Billboard Empty

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20 février 2015 - Jared @Billboard
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