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 Jared Leto Reveals His Dream Date For The VMAs - MTV 08/2013

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3 participants
Médaille d'Or du Quizz Marsien 2011

Féminin Messages : 4142
Date d'inscription : 24/05/2010
Age : 52
Localisation : Toujours ailleurs

Jared Leto Reveals His Dream Date For The VMAs - MTV 08/2013 Empty
MessageSujet: Jared Leto Reveals His Dream Date For The VMAs - MTV 08/2013   Jared Leto Reveals His Dream Date For The VMAs - MTV 08/2013 EmptySam 10 Aoû 2013 - 19:50

Citation :
 Jared Leto Reveals His Dream Date For The VMAs
Sounds like Thirty Seconds to Mars might be bringing a zebra to the 2013 VMAs on August 25.

By James Montgomery (@positivnegativ)

Earlier this week, Jared Leto bemoaned his lack of a summer vacation, a fact due in no small part to his job as director on Thirty Seconds to Mars' "Do or Die" music video.

But, as it turns out, he can't put all the blame on that clip. After all, as is often the case with him, Leto was actually pulling double duty during the filming of "Do or Die," shooting a second Mars music video ... this one for the track "City of Angels." And, from the sound of things, this one's gonna be epic.

"I'm making two videos at once. I've been working on 'City of Angels' while I was shooting 'Do Or Die,' " he said. "It's our new single here in the States, it's a very important song, a very personal song.

"It's also a longer song, and while I'm still figuring out what [the video] needs, it will certainly feature a couple of pieces of music, minimum," he continued. "So, yes, it's going to be another Thirty Seconds to Mars short film; it's going to be powerful and emotional and definitely something special."

And for a guy whose past credits include shooting a mini-movie for "From Yesterday" in China, pushing boundaries with the hyper-sexualized "Hurricane" and employing an army of extras and animals for "Up in the Air," that's saying something.

What Leto wouldn't say was just when "City of Angels" would be finished — "sooner rather than later," was about as specific as he'd get — but he did let MTV News in on his band's plans for the 2013 MTV Video Music Awards, where they're up for three Moonmen, including Best Rock Video. And it probably won't surprise you to learn they're going to try and top their arrival at the 2010 show, when they stormed the red carpet with a bevy of bikers.

"Well I would like to maybe replicate the 'Up in the Air' artwork," he laughed. "Wouldn't it be great if we showed up with a zebra? It could be pretty amazing."

A zebra would be pretty amazing indeed. Just don't try to ride it, Jared.

Vote in all general VMA categories — including Best Rock Video — right now at!
Du coup je pense que ce tweet concernait plus le clip de "City of Angels"

Citation :

ECHELON! Available THIS WEEKEND + live in LA? Be part of the next MARS Music Video! Email w/ your PHOTO + NAME!  
Je crains un Kings & Queens 2 maintenant Réflechi
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Messages : 550
Date d'inscription : 21/06/2011
Age : 45
Localisation : sur un palmier

Jared Leto Reveals His Dream Date For The VMAs - MTV 08/2013 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Jared Leto Reveals His Dream Date For The VMAs - MTV 08/2013   Jared Leto Reveals His Dream Date For The VMAs - MTV 08/2013 EmptyDim 18 Aoû 2013 - 13:30

remarque qu'en même temps cela serait compréhensible qu'il demande à des gens vivant à LA de participer au clip "City of Angels", vu qu'il aime faire participer les fans...
ensuite je le crois assez créatif pour faire autre chose que Kings & Queens ^^
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Médaille d'Or du Quizz Marsien 2011

Féminin Messages : 4142
Date d'inscription : 24/05/2010
Age : 52
Localisation : Toujours ailleurs

Jared Leto Reveals His Dream Date For The VMAs - MTV 08/2013 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Jared Leto Reveals His Dream Date For The VMAs - MTV 08/2013   Jared Leto Reveals His Dream Date For The VMAs - MTV 08/2013 EmptyMar 20 Aoû 2013 - 19:10

Jason a écrit:
remarque qu'en même temps cela serait compréhensible qu'il demande à des gens vivant à LA de participer au clip "City of Angels", vu qu'il aime faire participer les fans...
ensuite je le crois assez créatif pour faire autre chose que Kings & Queens ^^
Oui c'est compréhensible, c'est juste qu'au moment du tweet, je pensais que c'était pour Do or Die vu qu'il n'était pas encore sortie.
Remarque ils ont bien fait un Closer to the Edge 2 Rire1
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Messages : 550
Date d'inscription : 21/06/2011
Age : 45
Localisation : sur un palmier

Jared Leto Reveals His Dream Date For The VMAs - MTV 08/2013 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Jared Leto Reveals His Dream Date For The VMAs - MTV 08/2013   Jared Leto Reveals His Dream Date For The VMAs - MTV 08/2013 EmptyMer 21 Aoû 2013 - 0:20

Chrys a écrit:
Remarque ils ont bien fait un Closer to the Edge 2 Rire1
c'est pas faux ! Clapclap 
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Féminin Messages : 5614
Date d'inscription : 04/03/2013
Age : 48
Localisation : Chuis la Nymphe invisible du Phoenix! Chuis là mais on ne me voit pas! Mouhaha
Humeur : Toujours un flingue à la main... Beware of what you're doing!

Jared Leto Reveals His Dream Date For The VMAs - MTV 08/2013 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Jared Leto Reveals His Dream Date For The VMAs - MTV 08/2013   Jared Leto Reveals His Dream Date For The VMAs - MTV 08/2013 EmptyMer 21 Aoû 2013 - 10:19

Sauf que trop de suite, tue les suites Caché ! Rire1
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