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 Habitat For Humanity © 30 Seconds To Mars / Juin 2008

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2 participants
Impératrice Vintage Megalow Ech'

Féminin Messages : 20409
Date d'inscription : 21/05/2010
Age : 50
Localisation : TARDIS / CARDIFF

Habitat For Humanity © 30 Seconds To Mars / Juin 2008 Empty
MessageSujet: Habitat For Humanity © 30 Seconds To Mars / Juin 2008   Habitat For Humanity © 30 Seconds To Mars / Juin 2008 EmptyLun 6 Fév 2012 - 12:59

Citation :

Habitat For Humanity © 30 Seconds To Mars / Juin 2008 000010

- LOS ANGELES, CA, June 30, 2008 - Multi-platinum selling recording artists 30 Seconds to Mars joined hands yesterday with Hollywood for Habitat for Humanity for a one-of-a-kind Habitat build day in Carson, CA. In advance of the build, the band organized an auction of "build slots" to give fans the opportunity to volunteer alongside them and their family and friends. In less than a week, six extra workers were enlisted and over $10,000.00 was raised to fund additional Habitat for Humanity projects.

Working on a home being repaired and renovated through the Habitat for Humanity of Greater Los Angeles' "A Brush With Kindness" program, the band, their family and friends, and the auction winners joined Melvin Jones as he performed urgently needed repairs to the home that his mother currently resides in and has owned for over 35 years.

The auction winners/volunteers traveled to the build site from as close by as Los Angeles and as far away as Vienna, Austria. Following a full day of hard work on the build site, Theresa, one of the intercontinental volunteers, said of the experience: "We bid because of the band but the experience was more rewarding than we could have ever imagined. It was great to meet some very nice people, have fun and do good... and it was very impressive to see how the band worked their butts off!"

Originally, the auction was intended to be for two morning slots and two afternoon slots, but after an overwhelming response, two additional volunteers were accommodated. Andi, a fan from Budapest, who bid for and won the morning auction was unable to attend and donated her slots to Kira and Jen, two fellow 30 Seconds to Mars fans that she had met on tour.

Fans quickly got involved around the globe. Even those who couldn't outbid the winners were able to participate and support the band's efforts. The Echelon (30 Seconds to Mars' core fans) created their own initiative within "Hope Builders", a program of Habitat for Humanity in the UK, which raises funds to build homes internationally. Within the same week that the auctions were running prior to the band's build day in Los Angeles, "The House that the Echelon Built" had already raised enough money in the UK to fund the construction of more than two homes and is currently approaching their target for a third.

"We are so proud of our friends and family around the world who have put together their own teams and volunteered," commented Jared Leto of 30 Seconds to Mars. "It's a wonderful and selfless gift and we are so thankful and moved by the generosity shown by all. It was a great day today with our family, friends and fans on the build site with the Jones family in Carson, but it was even more special knowing we were joined around the world in this event. We ended the build covered in dirt, sweat and smiles."

"Seeing the work being done on the Jones home, by two generations of family, for two generations of family, and watching the band members introduce their mother to Melvin's mother was truly inspiring," said Allison Winkler, VP of Music and Talent Partnerships for Hollywood for Habitat for Humanity. "Everyone who volunteered worked tirelessly, and was generous with their spirit, in addition to being generous with their time. We are very grateful to 30 Seconds to Mars, to all involved with this unique A Brush with Kindness build event, and for the outpouring of support globally for Habitat for Humanity from the 30 Seconds to Mars community."

All carbon emissions caused or resulted from travel associated with the 30 Seconds to Mars auction for Hollywood for Habitat for Humanity will be offset with a purchase of green tags.

About Hollywood for Habitat for Humanity
Launched in 2000 with a 20 house "blitz build", Hollywood for Habitat for Humanity (HFHFH) is an entertainment industry partnership with Habitat for Humanity. Actors, screenwriters, musicians, agents, directors, producers, studio executives and label executives are among the thousands of volunteers who have helped build homes for people in need, in the United States and around the world. HFHFH was founded by Screenwriter/Director Randall Wallace (Braveheart, We Were Soldiers) to support Habitat for Humanity's goal of eliminating substandard housing by making decent, affordable housing a matter of conscience and action. Participants support the work through donations, volunteer hours and advocacy. HFHFH works in partnership with Habitat for Humanity of Greater Los Angeles to help HFHFH volunteers connect donors and supporters to Habitat for Humanity's work around the globe.

About A Brush With Kindness
Launched during the Jimmy Carter Work Project Los Angeles (October, 2007), Habitat for Humanity of Greater Los Angeles' A Brush with Kindness (ABWK) program focuses on safety related improvements and exterior home repair services (painting, roof repairs, other minor exterior repairs and cleanup, landscaping, etc). ABWK is a benevolent program serving low-income homeowners impacted by age, disability and family circumstances who struggle to maintain their homes, and homeowners with disabilities and senior citizens are given priority. ABWK repairs help maintain the health and safety of the occupants, preserve the dwelling and enhance neighborhoods and the city at large. By targeting specific communities in need, ABWK makes a noticeable impact, revitalizing the appearance of the homes and strengthening connections in the community. With a moderate investment of funds and the use of volunteer labor, Habitat for Humanity can now help low-income homeowners to continue to live independently and securely in their homes, remove blight, and, most importantly, help preserve the affordable housing stock in a community.

HABITAT FOR HUMANITY OF GREATER LOS ANGELES strives to eliminate poverty housing through advocacy, education and partnership with families in need to build simple, decent affordable housing. Since 1990, HFH GLA has built more than 230 homes, transforming the lives of hundreds of individuals. For more information, visit


Au passage si quelqu'un veut bien nous faire une jolie trad' je pourrais éditer le post avec Clin d\'oeil Oops

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Impératrice Vintage Megalow Ech'

Féminin Messages : 20409
Date d'inscription : 21/05/2010
Age : 50
Localisation : TARDIS / CARDIFF

Habitat For Humanity © 30 Seconds To Mars / Juin 2008 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Habitat For Humanity © 30 Seconds To Mars / Juin 2008   Habitat For Humanity © 30 Seconds To Mars / Juin 2008 EmptyLun 6 Fév 2012 - 13:01

Habitat For Humanity © 30 Seconds To Mars / Juin 2008 00222

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Habitat For Humanity © 30 Seconds To Mars / Juin 2008 00815

Habitat For Humanity © 30 Seconds To Mars / Juin 2008 01016
Revenir en haut Aller en bas
Impératrice Vintage Megalow Ech'

Féminin Messages : 20409
Date d'inscription : 21/05/2010
Age : 50
Localisation : TARDIS / CARDIFF

Habitat For Humanity © 30 Seconds To Mars / Juin 2008 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Habitat For Humanity © 30 Seconds To Mars / Juin 2008   Habitat For Humanity © 30 Seconds To Mars / Juin 2008 EmptyLun 6 Fév 2012 - 13:02

Habitat For Humanity © 30 Seconds To Mars / Juin 2008 00616

Habitat For Humanity © 30 Seconds To Mars / Juin 2008 00716

Habitat For Humanity © 30 Seconds To Mars / Juin 2008 00915
Revenir en haut Aller en bas
Impératrice Vintage Megalow Ech'

Féminin Messages : 20409
Date d'inscription : 21/05/2010
Age : 50
Localisation : TARDIS / CARDIFF

Habitat For Humanity © 30 Seconds To Mars / Juin 2008 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Habitat For Humanity © 30 Seconds To Mars / Juin 2008   Habitat For Humanity © 30 Seconds To Mars / Juin 2008 EmptyLun 6 Fév 2012 - 13:04

Habitat For Humanity © 30 Seconds To Mars / Juin 2008 01113

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Habitat For Humanity © 30 Seconds To Mars / Juin 2008 01415

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Habitat For Humanity © 30 Seconds To Mars / Juin 2008 01712

Habitat For Humanity © 30 Seconds To Mars / Juin 2008 01811
Revenir en haut Aller en bas
Impératrice Vintage Megalow Ech'

Féminin Messages : 20409
Date d'inscription : 21/05/2010
Age : 50
Localisation : TARDIS / CARDIFF

Habitat For Humanity © 30 Seconds To Mars / Juin 2008 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Habitat For Humanity © 30 Seconds To Mars / Juin 2008   Habitat For Humanity © 30 Seconds To Mars / Juin 2008 EmptyLun 6 Fév 2012 - 13:06

Désolé pour le tag qui gâche les photos mais c'est le seul moyen pour qu'on ne s'approprie pas promptement nos dossiers... Chouine

Et lorsque nous étions encore sur le FOF nous avions monté une opération financière pour récolter de l'argent au nom de l'Echelon Français, et certaines personnes qui sont sur ce forum comme alcea, gawel et emmgie étaient parti à Liverpool pour participer à une Echelon House Clin d\'oeil
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Stereotype du tourbus

Féminin Messages : 5997
Date d'inscription : 23/05/2010
Age : 39
Localisation : Au delà du mur avec moue boudeuse...
Humeur : Winter is coming !

Habitat For Humanity © 30 Seconds To Mars / Juin 2008 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Habitat For Humanity © 30 Seconds To Mars / Juin 2008   Habitat For Humanity © 30 Seconds To Mars / Juin 2008 EmptyLun 6 Fév 2012 - 13:26

Maryarmy a écrit:

Et lorsque nous étions encore sur le FOF nous avions monté une opération financière pour récolter de l'argent au nom de l'Echelon Français, et certaines personnes qui sont sur ce forum comme alcea, gawel et emmgie étaient parti à Liverpool pour participer à une Echelon House Clin d\'oeil

justement j'étais en train de chercher et je me dis que j'ai trop envie de refaire ça Chouine

mais bon nous on était ACHEMENT moins glamour Rire2 Rire2 Rire2 Caché !


Tout en sachant que EchelonHouse existe toujours et que les dons sont toujours ouvert ^^

les donations ont toujours lieu il y a maintenant 27 maisons !!

Et des choses sont à vendre au profit de Echelon House soit Habitat for Humanity (nous avions d'ailleurs mis des stickers, une carte postal dédicacé par le groupe etc...^^)

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Habitat For Humanity © 30 Seconds To Mars / Juin 2008
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