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 Hurricane Screening - New York City

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Dame du Lac et accessoirement Uppity Modo

Féminin Messages : 11153
Date d'inscription : 21/05/2010
Age : 37
Localisation : A la frontière entre la Tomoslavie, Gublerland, Asgard et Pandora, à bord d'une Impala, tractant Slice of Life, en route vers Hogwarts où le Tardis m'attend pour m'amener à Mystic Falls.

Hurricane Screening - New York City  Empty
MessageSujet: Hurricane Screening - New York City    Hurricane Screening - New York City  EmptyJeu 12 Mai 2011 - 15:35


                                         The Seven - MTV Shows

Source 30 Seconds To Mars

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Dame du Lac et accessoirement Uppity Modo

Féminin Messages : 11153
Date d'inscription : 21/05/2010
Age : 37
Localisation : A la frontière entre la Tomoslavie, Gublerland, Asgard et Pandora, à bord d'une Impala, tractant Slice of Life, en route vers Hogwarts où le Tardis m'attend pour m'amener à Mystic Falls.

Hurricane Screening - New York City  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Hurricane Screening - New York City    Hurricane Screening - New York City  EmptyJeu 12 Mai 2011 - 15:36

30 Seconds To Mars Get Down & Dirty At The Museum Of Sex



The boys from 30 Seconds To Mars with some fetish friends.

(Photo ©2011 by Bryan Reesman.)

A few years ago 30 Seconds To Mars earned the distinct honor of being the first American rock band to shoot a music
video (“From Yesterday”) entirely in China. Now with their latest clip for “Hurricane,” they are pushing boundaries in new ways; sexual ones. This latest three-part, 13-minute short film, which
is like an extended, hallucinatory dream sequence somewhat inspired by Nine Inch Nail’s far darker “Closer” video, has had some censors up in arms over its S&M-oriented content. This was
something the group was clearly aware of when making it, although their singer thought the religious book burning scene would cause more of a ruckus than the sexual images. Regardless, fans have
certainly responded to it; a couple of hundred of them lined up for a free screening of the clip last night. The media has also written plenty about the controversy, even though there is nothing
truly explicit on screen. It’s that old trick of telling young people something is forbidden, which makes it more desirable to them. Mission accomplished. Then again, it is perhaps refreshing to
think that in a world where scantily clad bikini models cavort across Times Square video displays and porn stars have become mainstream icons that the power of erotic suggestion is still deemed
“dangerous” by some.

30 Seconds’ three core members — frontman Jared Leto, guitarist Tomo Miličević and drummer Shannon Leto — came to the Museum Of Sex in NYC to
screen the uncensored version of “Hurricane” and to field racy questions from fans (and hear their kinky testimonials) during a panel conducted by acclaimed author and New York Times
contributor Neil Strauss. Jared certainly knew how to play the audience, teasing them before the screening with some dirty talk — encouraging being
extra friendly with your new neighbors, hinting that clothing would come off, even suggesting the possibility that someone might get pregnant that night (but I don’t think he meant by him) — and
afterward encouraged people to discuss their secret fantasies. Many young women in the audience frankly and eagerly revealed theirs; everything from a threesome to being caned. The crowd reveled
in the hedonistic thoughts. It’s certainly not something you’d see on Fuse or MTV, or any mainstream television network for that matter.


Jared Leto gets ready to address the enthusiastic crowd.

(Photo ©2011 by Bryan Reesman.)

Jared also made sure to point out the members of the New York fetish community — The Baroness, a tall, striking figure named Jeremy (who was also their
casting director) and a few others — who were in the room and to thank them for being a part of the production. “They shared a really personal and deep part of their lives with us,” he declared.
“These aren’t actors on screen. These are people that are sharing something that is very special and very sacred. We are really blessed to have them be a part of the experience.” He added:
“Walking down 42nd Street with Jeremy is one of the experiences of a lifetime. I’ve never seen so many confused men.” (Although he probably did anticipate the hordes of sexy, screaming women that
would show up to the event.)

All in all, it was a pretty entertaining evening, and the venue was perfect. By the way, check out the Museum Of Sex if you get the chance. It’s quite intriguing and eye-opening, but not just for
the dirty reasons you might think.

The censored video clip for “Hurricane” is below. For the uncensored version, click
 (Make sure you’re 18!) A photo gallery follows. 


The line for the event snaked halfway down 27th Street.

(Photo ©2011 by Bryan Reesman.) 


And they were completely stoked.

That sign might as well have applied to Jared.

(Photo ©2011 by Bryan Reesman.)


Jared teasing the excited throng before the screening

of the uncensored cut of the video.

(Photo ©2011 by Bryan Reesman.)


Journalist / author Neil Strauss conducts a lively

and spicy discussion with the trio.

(Photo ©2011 by Bryan Reesman.)


The Leto brothers excitedly listening to fan related fantasies.

(Photo ©2011 by Bryan Reesman.)


Was she serious about that?

(Photo ©2011 by Bryan Reesman.)


Cameras shooting away all night.

How many photo galleries are online now?

(Photo ©2011 by Bryan Reesman.)


One woman found a novel way to get the band's attention.

(Photo ©2011 by Bryan Reesman.)


Jeremy and friends after the screening.

The crowd treated them like rock stars.

(Photo ©2011 by Bryan Reesman.)


Neil Strauss and Shannon Leto chatting it up.

(Photo ©2011 by Bryan Reesman.)


Tomo Miličević and a pink-haired friend engage in a staring contest.

(Photo ©2011 by Bryan Reesman.)


The Baroness and peeps chill in the Museum bar downstairs.

(Photo ©2011 by Bryan Reesman.)


The Museum Of Sex finally got its liquor license.

Hello, OralFix Aphrodisiac Cafe!

(Photo ©2011 by Bryan Reesman.)

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